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To think defending your cat when it's crapping on my lawn is pathetic!!

292 replies

LegoComplex · 27/06/2015 19:35

Not me but DP right now was washing up and saw the same massive fat cat start to take a dump in our front garden, bearing in mind this one cat always leaves massive dog size droppings where the kids play and a constant aroma of the stuff!

So he banged on the window but it didn't move so he opened the window and hissed at it, cue my neighbour comuing up and shouting at him that he threw something at it and she'd throw something back, he said what did i throw? she said she didn't know but kept having a go.

Are we supposed to watch the thing do that on our lawn?! we have our own cat and if i saw it doing that on someones front garden i'd shoo her away myself!

OP posts:
PinkSparklyPussyCat · 29/06/2015 16:44

Unfortunately we have had that - MIL has a cottage in an area very popular with dog walkers and the ignorant dog owners seem to think it's acceptable to let their dogs crap all over the lawn. Obviously the fence isn't a big enough hint that it's someone's garden! At home we also seem to have dog walkers who think that a gate way is a good toilet area for their mutt - unfortunately I've never caught them at it otherwise I'd have something to say.

I do have sympathy for people who have cats shitting in the garden. I'm lucky with my cat as he goes in his own garden so he doesn't upset the neighbours - I think it's because he likes the privacy of the bushes! He also digs as though he's heading for Australia so I know that anything on the lawn is nothing to do with him!

PinkSparklyPussyCat · 29/06/2015 16:46

Oh and when I contacted the council about the dogs I was told there was nothing they can do unless I can follow the owner home so I can pass on their address!

Not minimising the cat shit problem, just pointing out that some dogs are just as bad and there's not always any recourse even though there should be.

SirChenjin · 29/06/2015 16:52

I'm talking about the neighbourhood cats. I know which cat belongs to which house and I can do fuck all about it - even if I filmed it.That's not the case with dogs - owners can, and are, prosecuted.

PinkSparklyPussyCat · 29/06/2015 16:59

I don't doubt it SirChen, just not in my area! Grin

PinkSparklyPussyCat · 29/06/2015 17:00

BTW that wasn't meant to be a grin, I've no idea why I did that when it was supposed to be Sad. Sorry...

vodkanchocolate · 29/06/2015 17:10

Also fed up of bloody cats, next door has 3 and always in They dont tend to come in as much since started letting dogs out in the front garden now but it was horrible, I have to clean my side garden of dog crap but that is my choice to have the dogs. I used to just squirt them lucky neighbours never saw, used to get me mad though because when we first moved in my dogs would get through the hedge and they would kick up a right fuss about one of them cocking his leg up (of course that was gross and would feel the same) I went round with the bleach and checked her lawn incase they had done anything pisses me off they would never do the same with the cats

SirChenjin · 29/06/2015 17:10

That's OK! Grin

Really - if one of your neighbours had dogs who were shitting in your garden, you filmed them and contacted the Council they wouldn't do anything?? Wow, that's awful Sad . Still, at least it gives you an idea of what it's like when cats shit in your garden and there's nothing you can do.

lantien · 29/06/2015 17:44

do all the people who are complaining about cat shit get equally upset about dogs that are allowed to shit everywhere? As I said I'm genuinely interested about this as I'm sick of dog owners not clearing up after their mutts.

Yes - open front garden and dog owners were really bad. I've banged on windows and had arguments with dog owners letting their dogs shit in my front garden.

I also hate dog shit down our drive and the entire route my DC walk to school. I hate it in children play areas of parks too. I also hate those few dog owners who let really big dogs bound up to very small DC who are understandably and get scared and then get arsy with parent and child as their dogs were just being friendly.

Though I actually like dogs and most dog owners are fine.

Dog owners who don't clean up are worse - cat's it much harder to control where they shit. I tend to only really get annoyed with cat owners when like OP they make it clear they don't give a shit or like my neighbours find our inconvenience by their pet amusing.

Pink - neighbour from further down the road got a small group to independently complain - had more effect - signs about fines went up and it got better for a while.

tobysmum77 · 29/06/2015 17:51

Yes can't stand dog shit. The main difference is that they dont have the free run of my garden, however.

familysizepack · 29/06/2015 18:19

We've had incidences round here with owners letting their dogs crap right at the school gate for the kids to walk through. Thanks. Hmm

Yeah all the pet crap everywhere is annoying. :-D

MsInterpreted · 29/06/2015 18:30

Get a couple of terriers Wink We used to get a LOT of cat shit in our garden until we got our two. They are rather vocal about cats on their land and if they are in the garden when a cat wanders in, well, that cat knows about it soon enough. The cats are smart though, they haven't come back. My dogs however are a bit dim and are on constant cat alert at the patio doors, especially as DH makes meow noises to wind them up Hmm

tobysmum77 · 29/06/2015 18:49

Dh is allergic to dogs so getting terriers will never be an option

MsInterpreted · 29/06/2015 18:50

And getting rid of Dh isn't an option then? Wink

tobysmum77 · 29/06/2015 18:52

ok ltb and the cat shit in one go Grin

AmIthatsummery · 29/06/2015 19:21

Pink, I hate dog shit as much, but it's not dogs who are crapping in my front garden.

It's cats.

And I'm sick of it

PosterEh · 29/06/2015 19:50

My next door neighbour has terriers and cats - probably why they shit in spend so much time in our garden.

CrabbyTheCrabster · 30/06/2015 10:23

This cat scarer is on Amazon deals of the day. Mixed reviews but might be worth a try for some of you?

Will be back later to post about holly and chicken wire.

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