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To ask what the hell is up with people judging children's names?!

326 replies

WonderingWillow · 17/01/2015 18:15

Just that, really. When my DS was born, we gave him a classic first name and a middle name we really loved but was a little more unusual.

My parents came to meet DS, and when they asked his name, my mum sniggered and barely covered her laugh, and said "well, we like the FIRST name, but NOT the middle name!!" And my dad just sat there sneering.
When we saw them just before Christmas, my mum said over a cup of tea "so is his middle name still X? God, did you actually put it on the birth certificate?!" He is 4 now!

Also, I've a friend whose second daughter has a really lovely, but unusual name. It sounds gorgeous, but she had family actually say to her "please don't call your DD that name" when she was PREGNANT.

Angry what the hell? I would never have the bare faced cheek to say that to anyone, and would expect to be given a damn good ignoring for a while!

What gives people the right? Why are people so rude? AIBU to think that if you don't like a baby's name when the parent tells you, you nod and smile and compliment the new parent on their choice anyway and then keep your opinions to yourself?

OP posts:
Jessicahyde85 · 19/01/2015 21:04

My oldest ds is called Alexander, an ex friend of mine told me she would never choose a name like that as she likes classic names?!! Seriously, what a dick head, what sort of name is more "classic" than one of the oldest names in the bloody world?!!! FFS

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