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AIBU Re : Plate returned from friend while on night out!!

214 replies

DurhamDurham · 02/01/2015 18:07

I made a pie for a friend, cheese,potato and onion. She was having a family party and requested I make her a pie. Very happy to oblige.
Pie was eaten and enjoyed by her family, I had a lovely text from friend who said she would give me the plate back soon, no hurry I said, we have plenty.
Skip forward to last night when we were having a girls night out. I met friend and four others in a out in town. The friend had the plate with her. She gave it me so I asked what I was supposed to do with it all night? She said well if it's that much of a problem she would carry it. We went to for a meal and then to another pub, I felt guilty about her carrying it so I suggested we just leave it in the pub. It's only a plate.
She said she would feel too guilty and carried on carrying it around looking all martyred so I took the plate off her and left it in the pub.
She then, after a few more drinks, started crying ......about the plate!!

So was ibu about making a fuss about her bringing the plate on a night out? Was friend bu in bringing the plate and insisting on carrying it around for most of the night, even after I suggested we leave it?

My husband two girls think it's hilarious, oldest daughter is getting ready to go out and came to ask me which plate goes best with her outfit. So at least some good has come out of plate-gate Grin

OP posts:
londonrach · 02/01/2015 19:53

Sorry op ive reported this to needs to be in classics....Xmas Grin

beanandspud · 02/01/2015 19:54

The only problem with the till Durham was that when we moved on to somewhere else we rather looked like we'd robbed the place Grin.

ZingTheGreat · 02/01/2015 19:54

geishas are way ahead.
carrying chopsticks in their hair should have been a dead give away that they are hiding a plate inside their clothes - opportunists!Wink

Boomtownsurprise · 02/01/2015 19:55

did she think it was a byo at a greek restaurant?


BitOutOfPractice · 02/01/2015 19:56

LonnyVonnyWilsonFrickett your night out would be a cockney crockery mockery surely!

LoveWillTearUsApart · 02/01/2015 19:57

I thought Eternal Beau was Argos!

MrsDeVere · 02/01/2015 19:57

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Aeroflotgirl · 02/01/2015 19:59

PMSL Xmas Smile very funny. I would have chucked the plate in the bin if it was cheap.

Raahh · 02/01/2015 20:02

Dh has just said that years ago (pre-mobiles and digital pictures) he took a stack of photos to show people on a night out. He also took a stamped addressed envelope so he could post it to his home, in case he a) left them behind or b) couldn't be arsed carrying them.

I'm not sure what to think- smart arseGrin

(and he has never done anything that organised since I've met him!).

DurhamDurham · 02/01/2015 20:02

Oh maybe it was Argos and my mum was just pretending that it was from M&S? Either way, I don't have much of it left now.

OP posts:
LonnyVonnyWilsonFrickett · 02/01/2015 20:11

bitout I'm actually Scottish so surely a mockney cockney crockery mockery?

We Scots never go out without an ashet (serving platter) anyway. It's shit down south Grin

Sister77 · 02/01/2015 20:17

Eternal beau was definitely argus.
Did you have the full range?
Perhaps op, you could go to the same pub and leave a cup, then saucer, then knife etc each week till they have a full place setting!
Loving plategate!

DurhamDurham · 02/01/2015 20:20

So my one and only ahem posh dinner service wasn't so posh after allGrin

OP posts:
EatingMyWords · 02/01/2015 20:24

Not sure about the North South plate on a night out divide.
I'm from the south and live in the NE and wouldn't give a shit about carrying a plate around...OTOH I am too ancient to go to more than one pub in a night and have the fashion sense of an inebriated gnat Confused

springalong · 02/01/2015 20:30

I feel quite sorry for your (thoughtful) friend. She obviously loved your dish and wanted to be a good friend back by washing and returning your plate asap. Perhaps hoping for a second round?

DD comment was hysterical though.

ZingTheGreat · 02/01/2015 20:31

A pie loving girlfriend called Kate
had to return Durham's plate
while out on a piss
then cried over this:
"Poor Plate in a pub - what a fate!"

DurhamDurham · 02/01/2015 20:37

Brilliant Zing!!

I'm making my friend a pie tomorrow and delivering to her house, along with a bottle of Prosecco. We shall then sit and eat the pie and drink the wine together.

Can I just mention this is the same friend who got a taxi into town with me for a night out a few years ago and just as we were paying the taxi driver she decided she had to go back home as she couldn't remember brushing her teeth. We all assured her ( even the lovely taxi driver ) that her teeth looked sparkling clean and she had minty fresh breath. There was no convincing her and off she went home only to return about half an our later flashing a big smile confident that she was indeed minty fresh . I think she is a tad eccentric but that's probably why I love her so much.

OP posts:
ZingTheGreat · 02/01/2015 20:38
Gatheringthoughtstothink · 02/01/2015 20:41

I love your friend, please do let her loan the lawn mover/mower, but not your Ann Summers stash.

Im not sure if mayhem follows me. Or I am the mayhem

I carried a false leg out to meet some mates in townit was a left one, we took it to the chippy then
We made a group decision to rapidly get rid of said body part in order to avoid suspicion and the law. We stuck leg in the earth toes towards the sky on a very well known East Midlands roundabout.

FuckYouChrisAndThatHorse · 02/01/2015 20:44

Plate gate has made me incredibly happy. Your dd is a comedy genius.

I may have to start bringing random crockery for friends to carry on nights out. It all sounds very cutting edge. I'm never cutting edge. I'm jumping on the bandwagon. I shall start small, teacup saucers, and work my way up to enormous platters once I've got the hang of it.

Squeezepast · 02/01/2015 20:57

Argh! This North South 'crockery on a night out' divide has got me worried. I live in the North East where, as Durham says, taking a plate for a night out is considered highly unusual. However in the next few months, I am moving to the South West and really want to fit in and make friends. Is there a southerner who could possibly summarise the crockery etiquette for me? I'm thinking is it saucer for a quiet drink, tea plate for cocktails, dinner plate for staying til last orders and serving dish for dancing on the tables til the club closes? Please help!

DurhamDurham · 02/01/2015 21:01

Well I lived down South for twenty years and thought I knew what there was to know about crockery etiquette on a night out. It appears I was wrong, all my southern friends were probably sniggering away behind my back because yet again I'd arrived on a night out without a cup or plate to call me own.

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whattodoowiththeleftoverturkey · 02/01/2015 21:05

squeeze yes, you need to get up to date with night out/crockery etiquette.
In my younger (single) days I used to go out with an egg cup in anticipation of 'pulling' and being offered breakfast the next morning.

HeraldAngelSinging · 02/01/2015 21:15

My friend's apple pies mentioned upthread used to come on Eternal Beau plates. She got them all back .....

TartinaTiara · 02/01/2015 21:16

In my younger days, I had a mate who carried a kettle to use as a handbag on nights out. Little shiny copper thing she picked up at a second hand shop.

She was as cool as fuck. She'd have well carried off an outfit accessorised with an Eternal Beau place setting.

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