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AIBU Re : Plate returned from friend while on night out!!

214 replies

DurhamDurham · 02/01/2015 18:07

I made a pie for a friend, cheese,potato and onion. She was having a family party and requested I make her a pie. Very happy to oblige.
Pie was eaten and enjoyed by her family, I had a lovely text from friend who said she would give me the plate back soon, no hurry I said, we have plenty.
Skip forward to last night when we were having a girls night out. I met friend and four others in a out in town. The friend had the plate with her. She gave it me so I asked what I was supposed to do with it all night? She said well if it's that much of a problem she would carry it. We went to for a meal and then to another pub, I felt guilty about her carrying it so I suggested we just leave it in the pub. It's only a plate.
She said she would feel too guilty and carried on carrying it around looking all martyred so I took the plate off her and left it in the pub.
She then, after a few more drinks, started crying ......about the plate!!

So was ibu about making a fuss about her bringing the plate on a night out? Was friend bu in bringing the plate and insisting on carrying it around for most of the night, even after I suggested we leave it?

My husband two girls think it's hilarious, oldest daughter is getting ready to go out and came to ask me which plate goes best with her outfit. So at least some good has come out of plate-gate Grin

OP posts:
Mammanat222 · 02/01/2015 18:44

I can kind of to a very small degree understand your friend's thinking. If you are in the same place most of the night then you can just stash it somewhere? And if friend wasn't going to see you for a while to give it back? But it's still odd.... very odd lol

woowoo22 · 02/01/2015 18:44

"Come to think of it I took a frying pan to the pub" - EH??!!!! Why??
Grin Grin Grin

DurhamDurham · 02/01/2015 18:45

I was born in the North East, moved to London at 18. Came back to Durham at 38. In all that time I hadn't realised that there was a North/South divide with regards to the appropriateness of carrying crockery around on a night out. To be fair I have friends at both ends of the country and this is the first time it's ever happened. Maybe I was just lucky while I was down South not to have been handed plates while meeting friends on a night out. I'll ring some of them tonight to be sure I get a balanced view Grin

OP posts:
fuckwitteryskitchenisfucked · 02/01/2015 18:46

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nottheeurowinner · 02/01/2015 18:54

Grin at plate gate, matching plates to outfits, the idea of borrowing the lawnmower and returning it over a coffee at Starbucks, and the whole Northern/Southern plate night out divide!

loving this thread.

If it helps, I'm a Northerner living down South. None of my (southern) friends remember to give me my bloody plates back - even on nights out- so I've resorted to using tin foil trays and cardboard cake boxes now.

Chaseface · 02/01/2015 18:57

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EduCated · 02/01/2015 19:00

Oh god, that is exactly the brain fart kind of thing I would do, being pleased at myself for remembering to give it back and not connecting the dots about having to actually carry it Blush

Crying in Wetherspoons over an abandoned pie plate will always be a special part of your friendship Grin

StackladysMorphicResonator · 02/01/2015 19:03

Maybe I was just lucky while I was down South not to have been handed plates while meeting friends on a night out. I'll ring some of them tonight to be sure I get a balanced view

Crying with laughter here! Thanks Chase, you have genuinely made what was a shit day into a marvellously amusing one!

Chaseface · 02/01/2015 19:05

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SeasonsEatings · 02/01/2015 19:08

I love this tread. What was she thinking! A pub crawl with a plate!! I fret over Birthday cards and make sure they will fit in a hand bag!

woowoo22 · 02/01/2015 19:08

Ah. That's sensible then I suppose. Dammit!

londonrach · 02/01/2015 19:13
Xmas Grin
londonrach · 02/01/2015 19:14

Love fucks idea about turning up with matching plates!!!!!!

YellowTulips · 02/01/2015 19:14

As a northerner I'll have to remember the plate etiquette it seems.

That said I did have to present a suitcase carrying a server in London at dinner to a work colleague so maybe the south is just a bit more "hip" about accessories Wink

newyearsresolutionsnotforme · 02/01/2015 19:17

Lol, crying about plates? I'm guess that a lot of alcohol was had?

DurhamDurham · 02/01/2015 19:19

Quite a lot of Prosecco was consumed before the crying commenced. Wine

OP posts:
carabos · 02/01/2015 19:19

This is heading for classics. Settling down to wait for the late crowd to pile in with stories of random household objects being treated to unexpected Big Nights Out Grin.

EduCated · 02/01/2015 19:20

We did take 6 pints of milk to the cinema once. Had only popped to the shop and got a little sidetracked...

DurhamDurham · 02/01/2015 19:22

So you popped to the corner shop to grab some milk and then just carried on walking until you arrived at the cinema? GrinGrin

OP posts:
davejudgement · 02/01/2015 19:22


I get annoyed at random plates that come with food offerings. Someone bought a cake just before Christmas, I now have plate and it's complicated as it was a friend of a friends plate.

DurhamDurham · 02/01/2015 19:24

Well Dave be sure to take the plate with you on your next night out. Particularly if you are down South as it's almost expected that you arrive with some ting to cart around Grin

OP posts:
GloopyGhoul · 02/01/2015 19:24

Is it size or fanciness which is the more important? If you were heading out to Spoons with a plain plate, would a night at the opera warrant a serving platter, or a wedgewood? Perhaps this is where the divide lies, rather than north/south...


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LapsedTwentysomething · 02/01/2015 19:25

If a good old northern scrap breaks out, at least there's no fear of being bottled. Just break your plate and use the shards as your weapon of choice (in self defence, if course).

EduCated · 02/01/2015 19:26

Um, pretty much Blush Shop and cina were quite close together!

HeraldAngelSinging · 02/01/2015 19:27

I'm on the side of the OP's friend here. I might 'borrow' something but do not want to be labelled as one of those who do not return the property belonging to other people. If the OP does not see the friend very often, the friend did the right thing.

I have a meet up with some friends (5 or 6) about every 2-3 years at my house and we all provide one course. One always provides two divine apple pies and clotted cream. One pie is not finished so stays in my freezer for our own consumption. That means that I have her plate for all that time I know, I could post it. It's always ready for the next time we meet. If we were to meet somewhere else, I would certainly take it with me.

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