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To not be surprised that divorce rates are so high when I see how some friends treat their husbands??

162 replies

PisforPeter · 11/07/2014 16:09

Just having huge arguments over petty issues, being anal about the childrens routines, making DH sleep in spare room for duration of oregnancy & first 8 months of baby's life too.
Do folk need to chill out a bit or am I being too harsh??
I just find a team approach works better for me??

OP posts:
AnyFucker · 11/07/2014 18:51

arethereanyleftatall fret not

joy and I do agree sometimes. I don't think we have ever "met in the middle" though Smile

TheRealAmandaClarke · 11/07/2014 18:53

Well quite AF

Ragwort · 11/07/2014 18:56

I do think a lot of couples seem to get married without much thought/preparation - people seem more obsessed about the wedding day rather than discussing dull but practical issues like attitudes to finance/children/housework etc.

(DH and I have always slept separately and recently celebrated our 25th anniversary Grin).

IamSlave · 11/07/2014 18:59

I think there is lots of divorce because people can and also there seems to be little trust these days...

no one on here anyway wants to share their money, so why bother?

PisforPeter · 11/07/2014 19:27

I might work in marriage guidance, I might not, I could be a bin woman or the fricking PM but I do think that some people on here need to lighten up.
I might name change tomorrow but before that I'm going to have a damn good curry & a bottle of red with DH & heaven forbid we may even have sex later.
I suppose I should be ashamed of that & consider myself a Stepford Wife.
Laters Wine

OP posts:
CaptChaos · 11/07/2014 19:31

Have fun name changing.

Glad that you don't work in Marriage Guidance. Someone with your attitudes would be downright dangerous.

missymayhemsmum · 11/07/2014 19:46

We-ell when I divorced my husband in my mid 20s I thought it was because he was an irresponsible piss-artist. Now I can see it was because he was a depressed irresponsible piss artist and I was a screaming control freak-both of use reacting to too little sleep, not enough space and too little money!

MrsRambo · 11/07/2014 19:48

I think the OP is a man. A man called Peter who isn't best pleased with his wife at the moment. It's one of those reverse threadies.

settingsitting · 11/07/2014 20:00

She is a woman on her other thread.

PosingInManilla · 11/07/2014 20:01

Worra knobhead.

ThatBloodyWoman · 11/07/2014 20:09

Crashed and burned, op.

Crashed and burned,

7Days · 11/07/2014 20:09

you think thats why you should be ashamed?

you poor little fool

angryangryyoungwoman · 11/07/2014 20:14

You are being sexist rather than unreasonable. But you know that, right?

TucsonGirl · 11/07/2014 20:16

I know some women who treat their husbands very badly, like children in many ways. Or just see them as a sourcce of money. But I don't think it's that prevalent. I know far more women that just marry idiots and I don't understand for the life of me what they are thinking.

Pumpkinpositive · 11/07/2014 20:26

PisforPeter, you sound like my auntie.

You wouldn't happen to have a psychology degree and live ... elsewhere, would you? Grin

But then, if you are my auntie, you'd be onto husband no 2. Confused

thecakeisalieagain · 11/07/2014 20:41

I must watch out for signs of divorce then. My poor dh has to sleep in the spare room as I favour our 13 week old dc3 for company. We barely any intimacy at the moment. The house is far messier than usual. He has to cook dinner and put our older 2 kids to bed some nights.

I know I'm being so unreasonable letting him get a good nights sleep while I bf and co-sleep with the baby. Also expecting him to be a grown up about the temporary chaos and lack of sex. Not forgetting making him parent his own kids. Bad wife!

I will await the divorce papers and try 'working as a team' next time by giving him bj's on request and subjecting us both to horrendous sleep deprivation so we might share a bed. Thanks so much for your enlightening advice.

KeepOnPloddingOn · 11/07/2014 20:53

What the hell is a 'starter' wedding! ?

TheRealAmandaClarke · 11/07/2014 20:59

Don't you think by 13 weeks you should have got back to normal?
At least you've been warned, you might have time to set things straight -phew!

Congratulations on your baby. Grin scrummy.

TheRealAmandaClarke · 11/07/2014 21:00

Its like an appetiser, to warm you up for the main event.

SaVred · 11/07/2014 21:05

It is not an appetiser. It is a repulser. Makes u realise what is really important. First marriages often attempts to conform , please others , appear happy.

A second marriage has a better chance of being about compatability

LittlePeaPod · 11/07/2014 21:12

There is an actual online dictionary definition for a Starter Wedding

Definition - a first marriage that lasts under five years and produces no children, where divorce is expected to "trade up" to someone better.

Grin ha ha ha ha ha

Ratbagcatbag · 11/07/2014 21:24

Well I'm double evil and dh has only just figured it out.

Dd still doesn't sleep through so we take turns doing get ups (and co sleeping after about 4am). He's only just realised that the rota that I completely frigged in my favour means when it's his get ups, dss is at his mums so I helpfully go get 8 hours uninterrupted bliss sleep, but on my get ups dss is generally here so he ends up being woken and occasionally helps me on my resettles. Shit, ill be getting divorced shortly. Grin


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thecakeisalieagain · 11/07/2014 21:27

Thanks TheRealAmandaClarke she is an absolutely scrummy baby. Although as you say things should be back to normal by now I suspect dd is manipulating me and I'm making a rod for my own back or some such nonsense... Grin

TheRealAmandaClarke · 11/07/2014 21:33


At three months I was still in n mummy fog- baby brain heaven. Yummy yum.

poppytripll · 11/07/2014 21:41

Yabu op. Glad you have a perfect marriage, but I think you sound far too naive smug to provide insight on where the rest of us are going wrong.

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