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To wish Bruce Forsyth could be humanely dispatched

177 replies

Bearbehind · 12/10/2013 18:37

In fact, not bothered about the humane bit.

He is beyond embarrassing on Strictly with his forced, stilted jokes which aren't even funny.

He is well past his sell by date.

Does anyone actually like him?

Why does he keep getting the gig?

OP posts:
Quietattheback · 12/10/2013 23:04

He's always come across as a nasty, arrogant, sexist git and I hate the way he blames the audience for not getting it when there is one of the tumbleweed moments after some dreadful pun that was badly delivered.

It's like it's unthinkable to him that it could be his fault. And as for pawing poor Tess (who is shit but to be fair, anybody less wooden would have visably cringed by now) - ew, ew and thrice ew. Keep your hands to yourself Grandad.

Please, no more Brucie. Claudia and 'im what always wears the suit and tie... Dubeck I think.

Bearbehind · 12/10/2013 23:12

I'm with you in the Anton as host thing. He's got much more charisma.

OP posts:
nennypops · 12/10/2013 23:14

I think Tess actually has a very difficult job - she's the one who ends up taking the responsibility for the show running to time and covering up for Bruce's fluffs, and all the while she has to pretend to find his "jokes" funny and avoid shuddering when he paws at her. When she's left to get on with it on her own she's really pretty professional and the show runs much more smoothly.

The thing which really irritates me is when there's a standing ovation and Bruce keeps yelping "Look, X! look, X! look at them, look, they're on their feet!" as if such a think has never happened before instead of happening at least four times every damn programme. Mind you, the standing ovations annoy me anyway, they should glue the audience to their seats.

ilovesooty · 12/10/2013 23:17

The day Anton is brought in to host I shall stop watching. I think he's vile.

sausageandorangepickle · 12/10/2013 23:17

I've said for a few years that Anton was waiting to take over from Brucie. He has now done some presenting - Hole in the Wall? and this year is the 'spare' professional dancer as Erin has left and there is an uneven number of couples.
Bruce got the job because of his previous experience of Ballroom, presenting Come Dancing way back when, so it would work if a dancer took over from him.
Anton could do the 'You're my favourite' stuff and poke fun at Craig without being as cringey as Bruce.....

ilovesooty · 12/10/2013 23:19

I would hope after the Laila Rouass incident they wouldn't consider Anton for the job.

Bearbehind · 12/10/2013 23:20

Laila Rouass incident???

OP posts:
ilovesooty · 12/10/2013 23:22

Bearbehind, you don't remember that?

The racist Du Beke is lucky still to be employed at all.

ilovesooty · 12/10/2013 23:24

He told her after her spray tan that she looked like a P*ki. There was a lot of trouble about it. People have been sacked from the BBC for less.

He also said in a newspaper interview that fat people should be shot.

Quietattheback · 12/10/2013 23:24

Oh yes the ovation thing is irritating and tonight he kept wintering on about being on the beat "You have to be on the beat you see. Duh, duh, duh. That's the important thing. On the beat".

Well fucking Thank-you, God of Dance! Who knew you had to be in time with the music? He must have said it to three couples. SHUTUP and get on with the show, you arrogant twat!

He gives me the rage, so he does (does it show?).

Anton and Claudia would be funny but professional, pleeease bbc - put us out of our collective misery.

Quietattheback · 12/10/2013 23:26

Oh well not him then. Claudia and Tess would be fine.

Bearbehind · 12/10/2013 23:28

I don't care who it is as long as its not Bruce, he is beyond excruciatingly painful to watch.

OP posts:
OctopusWrangler · 12/10/2013 23:29

Bruce is the reason we never watch live. Record and fast forward!

ArtexMonkey · 12/10/2013 23:29

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edam · 12/10/2013 23:37

Peppin, love your comment: 'Apparently it's genetic, as my baby cries every time he appears, without fail.' Grin

Can't stand Bruce. He's irritable, messes up his links, messes up his jokes, gets cross with everyone... what is his strange hold on the BBC? Does he know something about every DG they have ever had?

Given the current predicament of every other light entertainment star of the 1970s, I'm surprised Bruce is still encouraged to paw women the way he does Tess Daly.

ladymariner · 12/10/2013 23:40

Graham Norton would be my choice, he's camp and loves sparkles.....perfect!!

ladymariner · 12/10/2013 23:41

And I absolutely loathe Tess Botox Daly, bloody dreadful creature.....grrrrrr

Jux · 12/10/2013 23:48

Loathe Bruce. Aways uave, always will. I don't watch Strictly because I can't bear having him in the house in any way, shape or form, any more.

PresidentServalan · 13/10/2013 00:43

Sadly he was always shit, even in the 70s. Sometimes humour moves on (think Frank Spencer - people may have pissed themselves laughing at the time but we become more sophisticated and humour is subject to fashions like everything else) - his jokes are outdated, he is always pawing Tess, and he is too old to do the job effectively. It's a shame he didn't have the sense to stop while he was winning. I emailed the BBC this week to say how much better the show was without him.

LunaticFringe · 13/10/2013 00:52

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PresidentServalan · 13/10/2013 00:56

Oh, and Anton is an utter fuckwit too - he's tried presenting some shows, wasn't very successful so now he is doomed to stay on SCD until he retires or they sack him.

Its0kToBeMe · 13/10/2013 01:00

Graham Norton would be great, , he's v funny on euro vision. Good suggestion Lady!


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TheSydenhamSet · 13/10/2013 01:04

I think your OP title is unkind. Personally I'm fond of him; he was a part of my childhood (generation game)

PresidentServalan · 13/10/2013 01:06

I was a child in the 70s and still thought the generation game was shite!

AmIthatHot · 13/10/2013 01:27

Don't think its an age split

I hated him on the generation game

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