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To wish Bruce Forsyth could be humanely dispatched

177 replies

Bearbehind · 12/10/2013 18:37

In fact, not bothered about the humane bit.

He is beyond embarrassing on Strictly with his forced, stilted jokes which aren't even funny.

He is well past his sell by date.

Does anyone actually like him?

Why does he keep getting the gig?

OP posts:
HesterShaw · 12/10/2013 20:08

Tess not Teas ffs!

candycoatedwaterdrops · 12/10/2013 20:12

I said YABU but I meant YANBU! He's cringetastic!

HokeyCokeyPigInAPokey · 12/10/2013 20:18


I want to watch strictly, I really do but fuck me he makes me cringe so much I have to turn it off.

HesterShaw · 12/10/2013 20:20

And he just said something so horrible to Craig I actually gasped :o

Bearbehind · 12/10/2013 20:23

I love Craig, he tells it like it is, without having to explain himself, unlike Bruce.

OP posts:
cupcake78 · 12/10/2013 20:26

YABU he's an old fashioned gentleman. Tess however can be dispatched! Can't stand the pouting eye lash fluttering woman.

EmeraldJeanie · 12/10/2013 20:29

YABU. Bruce makes the show!

Bearbehind · 12/10/2013 20:30

Really emerald- why?

OP posts:
carlywurly · 12/10/2013 20:33

Yanbu we were saying exactly the same here.

EmeraldJeanie · 12/10/2013 20:33

I cringe sometimes and occasionally spot grumpy rudeness in him.
However, I don't enjoy the show as much when he is not there.
Tess and Claudia bit meh last week.
His resilience is impressive. Go Bruce...

patchworkchick · 12/10/2013 20:35

It's his terrible jokes, retire?

BookFairy · 12/10/2013 20:41

I record and watch 20mins behind so that I can fast forward Bruce as I can't bear him!

Hunfriend · 12/10/2013 20:45

Sorry to say this Tidybut Tess and Brucie are Strictly

Waves Wink

peppinagiro · 12/10/2013 20:48

YANBU. We were just discussing the fact that SCD really needs trained marksmen focused on Bruce. He's fecking awful. He literally makes me want to claw my own eyeballs out with embarrassment just watching him.

Apparently it's genetic, as my baby cries every time he appears, without fail.

confusedwwyd · 12/10/2013 20:48

he is not a gentleman have you seen him pawing at tes? and some of the comments he makes about women on the show are hideous and sexist. vile man.

PresidentServalan · 12/10/2013 20:48

I hate him so YANBU. And the way he mauls Tess - fair play to her that she doesn't visibly shudder. He spoils the entire show, his jokes are shite and sometimes he can barely read the autocue. Time they sacked him. And it's not an age thing - he just isn't any good at presenting the show.

PresidentServalan · 12/10/2013 20:51

peppin Your baby has excellent taste! And so does the rest of your household! Grin

Am a bit Blush that I welled up a bit at Artem and Natalie's dance tonight though. I love that song and the dance was so beautiful!

Greydog · 12/10/2013 20:53

Tess is appalling - and Claudia - yuk. I thought they were meant to have people who advised them how to dress, but Claudia always looks like she's been dressed by a small child in a storm. What a mess!

ajandjjmum · 12/10/2013 20:53

As this thread shows - some love him, some hate him. I'm sure the producers current viewing figures tell them that more love than hate, and the second that changes, he'll be moved on.

I find the girls just as irritating tbh - still love the show though!

Bearbehind · 12/10/2013 21:01

Artem is a jolly good reason to love the show and nearly makes up for Bruce- nearly!

OP posts:
CiderBomb · 12/10/2013 21:05

When I was about four or five my dad used to go to the pub on a Friday and come home late, when he came home I'd always get up and go downstairs and we'd watch Play Your Cards Right that my mum had taped for him earlier in the evening (god knows why he wanted that taped?) together. He'd let me eat crisps and drink pop when I should have been in bed fast asleep.

Because of that I have an enormous affection for Sir Bruce.

RhinestoneCowgirl · 12/10/2013 21:08

We watch with a delay in our house too - we call it the 'Brucie buffer'.


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Bearbehind · 12/10/2013 21:09

I'm loving the idea of a Brucie Buffer. Will try that!

OP posts:
cocoleBOO · 12/10/2013 21:18

I love SCD but I'm not watching atm because of him I need to record it so I can fast forward through him. I hate the way he huffs if nobody laughs at his pathetic jokes.

bochead · 12/10/2013 21:23

I couldn't stand him as a child and still can't decades later. He needs wheeling off to our most distant uninhabited N.Atlantic island possible.

If we could ship Piers Morgan off to the states surely we should be able to get rid of old Brucy?

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