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To wish Bruce Forsyth could be humanely dispatched

177 replies

Bearbehind · 12/10/2013 18:37

In fact, not bothered about the humane bit.

He is beyond embarrassing on Strictly with his forced, stilted jokes which aren't even funny.

He is well past his sell by date.

Does anyone actually like him?

Why does he keep getting the gig?

OP posts:
Bearbehind · 12/10/2013 22:25

Get a grip, vivacia, I have repeatedly said I don't actually wish him dead, just put out to pasture.

If you've read far enough to reach the santicimony bit, surely you've got that?

There is most definitely a link between people who take things as literally as they are written and people who think Brucie's shit jokes are remotely funny.

OP posts:
Serendipity30 · 12/10/2013 22:27

Bearbehind but thats not how i see him, or older people generally. I actually find his jokes funny somtimes. I dont think he is any worse than any one else. If you were saying that you dont like him as a presenter then fair enough. But you are specifically talking about his age and mental state which is disrespectful

yonisareforever · 12/10/2013 22:28

I prefer him to her - I cannot understand why souless and cold Tess is on TV at all.

Bearbehind · 12/10/2013 22:28

Not sure who you are calling a bitch strawberry, if it's me then fair enough.

If its Darcy, I think she has earnt her place and has more talent than Bruce's little finger.

OP posts:
Moln · 12/10/2013 22:31

I'd noticed that link too Bear, you should 've added and explaination in your OP. Mind you the link gives a reason why BF explains his jokes.

He should have been out on his year forty years ago, (when he was 75E. Out to pasture in the Blue Peter garden.

Bearbehind · 12/10/2013 22:33

I'm not specifically talking about his age or mental state.

He is old and I have no idea about his mental state, those aren't factors in my point.

I don't find him remotely amusing, largely because everything he says is so rehearsed. If that is due to his age then so be it.

OP posts:
Vivacia · 12/10/2013 22:33

I think it's ok that people can be tasteless and rude and find it funny to make offensive jokes. However, you should be able to take criticism when somebody disagrees with you.

Vivacia · 12/10/2013 22:35

You've repeatedly referenced his age. "Humanely dispatched" means killing, not retiring.

Vivacia · 12/10/2013 22:36

I don't find him remotely amusing, largely because everything he says is so rehearsed.

I agree. You can make this point withoutwishing him a painful death.

Serendipity30 · 12/10/2013 22:37

What do you mean by doddery old fool? I feel sorry for the older generation sometimes I really do. And for the other poster google his history he does have talent, otherwise he would not have been on tv for 50 years

hotritenow · 12/10/2013 22:37

Can't stand the silly old goat...much better when he's not there...Brucie buffer in my house too......

mignonette · 12/10/2013 22:39

I don't watch Strictly. It is a show for when you are old Wink.

Bearbehind · 12/10/2013 22:39

Really, vivacia if you can't see the fact I didn't mean 'dispatching' him literally then I can't begin to explain.

OP posts:
Moln · 12/10/2013 22:41

it's a mystery to me why he has a 50 year career. He was outdated and annoying by 1980.

Vivacia · 12/10/2013 22:41

I don't suppose either of us cares that much! I hope you enjoyed your evening's viewing despite annoying presenters.

StainlessSteelBegonia · 12/10/2013 22:43

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Bearbehind · 12/10/2013 22:44

Er, I mean 'doddery' as in he can't say his lines without his cue card and even then he generally screws it up.

I mean old as in he's in his mid 80's which is old in anyone's book.

I'm sure the older generation really appreciate you feeling sorry for them hakuna.

Personally I think you should bow out when you are no longer the best person the job, regardless of age.

OP posts:
Moln · 12/10/2013 22:44

don't want to be fussy but surely humanely dispatched, in the literal sense, actually means it's NOT a painful death?

Bearbehind · 12/10/2013 22:46

I agree vivacia, Pascha, Robin, Artem and Ben pretty much make me forget about Bruce anyway- shallow I know Grin

OP posts:
Serendipity30 · 12/10/2013 22:47

Either you dont like him because he is old or because he is a crap presenter, which is it? He is not the only presenter to fluff his lines

Bearbehind · 12/10/2013 22:48

hakuna where have I said I don't like him because he is old?

I don't like him because he is shit- his age is irrelevant.

OP posts:
grovel · 12/10/2013 22:54

He's ghastly. Tess is ghastly.

But I've got a horrible feeling that they add to the overall chemistry.


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Catmint · 12/10/2013 22:59

Yanbu. He is excruciating, and comes across to me as a selfish performer, wanting to make it all about him.

Love the Brucie Buffer, unfortunately we don't have the means to record things, here.

Its0kToBeMe · 12/10/2013 23:00

I live near him and he's a grumpy rude bastard. Nobody even bothers him and he flounces about huffing and sighing.

nennypops · 12/10/2013 23:01

He's always irritated me, and he ruins SCD. I mute the TV when he is speaking, but even so the sight of him annoys me. After the bliss of him being away last week, this week it felt like we were being returned for punishment.

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