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To wish Bruce Forsyth could be humanely dispatched

177 replies

Bearbehind · 12/10/2013 18:37

In fact, not bothered about the humane bit.

He is beyond embarrassing on Strictly with his forced, stilted jokes which aren't even funny.

He is well past his sell by date.

Does anyone actually like him?

Why does he keep getting the gig?

OP posts:
LazyGaga · 12/10/2013 21:27

What horrible thing did he say to Craig? I have a Brucie Buffer too so missed it.

ajandjjmum · 12/10/2013 21:29

I assume it referred to a joke about not being able to tell if Craig was smiling, because of the botox. I thought it was quite funny. It's not as if Craig is some delicate little flower, after all.

AmIthatHot · 12/10/2013 21:33

I have never liked him, ever since he used to push people about on the generation game. I remember getting upset me every time he pulled to pieces something the contestants had made.

He ruins strictly in our house. Last week was fab. Never been that keen on Tess but she came into her own doing the main presenting bit.

We were so disappointed he was back tonight

Conina · 12/10/2013 21:43

I love Bruce. Leave him alone. I think its quite rude to say that anyone should be 'dispatched' humanely or otherwise.

Bruce n Claudia presenting for me!

Aniseeda · 12/10/2013 21:49

"I record and watch 20mins behind so that I can fast forward Bruce as I can't bear him!"

Me too BookFairy

I hate the way he tells the contestants to "Look, LOOK, look at them, they're on their feet, LOOK!!"

I am sure they can see for themselves!

Chewbecca · 12/10/2013 21:51

YANBU, I watch on delay for both a Brucie buffer AND a Tess, erm, trialler.

Love Claudia & enjoy Zoe too

AmIthatHot · 12/10/2013 21:52

Yes. What did he say to Craig. We don't listen to he Forsyth bits. He'd when we want to listen to the judges but we do zone his shite out

SelectAUserName · 12/10/2013 21:53

I was no fan of Tess Daly but I have newfound respect for her professionalism this series. Last week's show was slick and smooth and not "all about her". This week's show only ran to time because Tess speeded up her links to make up for Bruce's doddery witterings and unfunny jokes.

Bruce is the Corporal Jones of Strictly.

dementedma · 12/10/2013 21:58

We record here and fast forward through Bruce. He is truly, embarrassingly awful. I don't know how Tess doesn't cringe with his hands all over her. His so called jokes are dreadful, he fluffs his lines, repeats himself and yes to the "They're on their feet. Look. Look!"
He ruins the show. Get rid of the sad old git.

Boosterseattheballcleaner · 12/10/2013 21:58

Brucie Buffer Grin
That's good.

ArtexMonkey · 12/10/2013 21:59

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Bearbehind · 12/10/2013 21:59

Jeez, do some people have to take things so literally?

Although I have realised that there is a distinct link between the people who don't actually realise i don't want want Bruce killed and those that find him in any way amusing or tolerable.

It must be a sense of humour thing Confused

OP posts:
ArtexMonkey · 12/10/2013 22:00

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thoughtsbecomethings · 12/10/2013 22:00

I preferred strictly last week when he wasn't on it, think he should give it up

ArtexMonkey · 12/10/2013 22:01

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Bearbehind · 12/10/2013 22:04

Thanks artex, love the phrase sanctimommy!

OP posts:
Lunaballoon · 12/10/2013 22:06

I predict this will be his last on Strictly. I just hope presenter-bot Daley will go with him!

Serendipity30 · 12/10/2013 22:06

I actually like him, he has had a long and varied career and he is multi talented, I think this is a nasty post. Have some respect, i'm 25 but still respect the guy. He's there because he earned it.

MissMarplesBloomers · 12/10/2013 22:10

I can't stand Tess normally but when she stands in for Brucie she's tons better, I just wish she'd stop that jigging about from one foot to another .

The show seemed much slicker with out Sir B. He can't remember the contestants names without his prompt cards !!!

ArtexMonkey · 12/10/2013 22:10

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skaen · 12/10/2013 22:11

I loathe him and always have. Brucie barrier here too...

Bearbehind · 12/10/2013 22:13

Wouldn't you rather go out at the top of your game hakuna instead of carrying on to be a doddering old fool who can't actually pull off a joke without explaining it??

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BeaverAbroad · 12/10/2013 22:14

YANBU. If I hear his jokey, unfunny comments anymore, I will kill him.

Vivacia · 12/10/2013 22:19

I don't watch Strictly, I don't particularly like Brucie but wishing a harmless old person dead is tasteless.

Perhaps this opinion does make me sanctimonious.

MissStrawberry · 12/10/2013 22:20

Bruce should stay for as long as he wants. Better to make a few genuine mistakes than to be an outright bitch.

Swap Darcy with Arlene.

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