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to not understand why so many people are 'proud' of babies rolling over, crawling, walking etc?

284 replies

HiggsBoson · 27/01/2013 21:21

Unimportant bollocks I know, but humor me :)

I have a 3yo DD. Lately I'm noticing more and more people on facebook and in general conversation going on about how very proud they are that "DS rolled over" or "DD crawled"

As for toileting Hmm

I've always felt that pride is an ugly thing and hand on heart I have never been proud of DD Crawling, walking or taking a shit. I mean, these are human bodily functions and surely no reflection on your offspring's intelligence or your capability as a parent? So what's to be proud of?

Sure - when DD is a little older and does something for someone else of her own volition as an act of kindness, then yes, I might be proud of that. If she helps people and achieves happiness for herself and others then I might also be proud of her for that. But rolling? Nah.

Am I being a twat?

OP posts:
AllYoursBabooshka · 27/01/2013 22:17

TBH I find the whole competitive apathy thing (is this new?) and dreary as competitive boasting when it comes to other parents.

"Lookit me, aren't I cool? I couldn't give less of a shit and you're all so precious."

Yea, m'kay.

I was very proud of DSs miles stones, I found it wonderful watching him figure out how to do things he couldn't before. Ugly me.

AllYoursBabooshka · 27/01/2013 22:17

As dreary.

MakeHayNotStraw · 27/01/2013 22:18

Totally agree, Babooshka.

usualsuspect · 27/01/2013 22:19

Don't be so bloody miserable.

MrsDeVere · 27/01/2013 22:19

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MrsKeithRichards · 27/01/2013 22:20

You've done some quite impressive backtracking there op.

Based on your first post yabu, and seeing as you asked, yes, a bit of a twat.

But it seems its the constant overshare you despise for which yanbu. You hide or delete those who are boring you and follow the stfu parents page.

lockets · 27/01/2013 22:20

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usualsuspect · 27/01/2013 22:21

Of course watching your child hit milestones is something to be proud of.

HiggsBoson · 27/01/2013 22:22

No backtracking at all - I still maintain things like rolling and crawling are NOT influenced by parental skill or the intelligence of the child, so why the pride?

DD does OTHER things I am proud of, yes.

OP posts:
Cherriesarelovely · 27/01/2013 22:23

I feel proud just looking at DD every single day. I honestly wonder what I did to deserve such a lovely girl. I don't particularly enjoy people sharing every single little thing about their kids on fbook though. Not sure why, it just "grates" as they say in Norfolk.

Shelby2010 · 27/01/2013 22:26

But I don't believe you didn't say to her "Look at you, you're so clever!" when she did first roll over, take her first steps etc & then tell proudly tell her father or grandparents about it.

I agree posting about it on FB is a bit OTT, unless of course you only have actual friends/family reading it who might be interested. But sadly half the people who regularly use FB seem to think that other people care about what they had for tea, or the fact they are having a coffee in Starbucks etc so it's probably par for the course for them.

Softlysoftly · 27/01/2013 22:26

You are swinging wildly between "its Facebook" and "I congratulate her" to "only proud of significant things not rolling"

If I were you I'd conceed defeat, accept yabu and slink away to gaze adoringly at dd then Facebook your mates about her amazing snoring Grin

lockets · 27/01/2013 22:27

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usualsuspect · 27/01/2013 22:27

So don't use FB then,it's not compulsory.people are free to write what the hell they like on their FB.

mymatemax · 27/01/2013 22:28

my ds2 has had to work fcking hard to roll over, to site, to stand, to speak I am amazingly proud of him his disabilities mean everything he does is bloody hard work.
DS1 everything just happened naturally, I was pleased & happy of course, not sure pride is exactly the right word but I am proud of the person he is.

I cant imagine ever not feeling pride in my children for many many reasons

HiggsBoson · 27/01/2013 22:29

Not a SN debate guys Hmm

OP posts:
McNewPants2013 · 27/01/2013 22:29

I am proud of my DC, even more DS who has austism.

when DS make procress is very slow and I want to shout it over the tannoy system.

Yabu, only because these milestone for you are insignificant they are not to many parents.

AllYoursBabooshka · 27/01/2013 22:30

Why the pride? Because watching your child progress and grow is an amazing thing.

Just because they are supposed to do something doesn't make it any less special when they figure out how to do it.

HiggsBoson · 27/01/2013 22:30

Softly my OP makes it very clear that I'm talking about rolling, crawling etc.

OP posts:
Greensleeves · 27/01/2013 22:31

my dh saw your thread title and said "oh, fuck off"

I have nothing to add.

SneakyNuts · 27/01/2013 22:31

YABU. I was actually really proud when DD crawled and took her first steps, seeing as the state of her hips made me think she never would...

Shelby2010 · 27/01/2013 22:31

In that case why is intelligence something to be proud of? It's something you're born with, no effort at all. It comes across that you are more impressed when your DD displays behaviours that you have trained in to her, so you can take credit for it. And that's just being SMUG, which is a much deadlier sin than pride! Grin


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TwoKidsAndCounting · 27/01/2013 22:32

Totes agree with OP, comments like 'I'm so proud of my little man, he's just taken his first steps' and 'my little princess' bla bla bollocks, pass me the sick bucket! Fair enough being happy about these achievements and milestones but proud...? Some people just love the attention!

AllYoursBabooshka · 27/01/2013 22:33

Very good point Shelby.

YorkshireTeaDrinker · 27/01/2013 22:33

I was incredibly excited and proud when my DD rolled over for the first time. Yes I shared on fb (family overseas, they wanted to see). I share lots of pics, short videos via fb. I share them with my friends and family. People who care about me and DD. I am however refraining from potty training updates. But I was very proud when she peed in the potty for the first time. It was a big deal to her and it was a big deal to me.

YABU. And a teeny bit joyless.

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