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To wonder why the fucking world is filled with spiteful rude fucking bitches who are bitchy with every given moment?

262 replies

BITCHdumbBJTCH · 21/01/2013 14:51

My dd was unplanned. She was born a month before our first wedding anniversary. I felt amongst all other emotions really embarrassed I conceived so quickly after marriage. Comments from family members saying things like "oh you couldn't wait could you?!!" And "your little one wanted to come along quickly eh?!!" Didn't help with my embarrassment.

Fast forward 6 years, but dd is 5 now. I just had a phone call from one of my sil's friends, who for some fucking reason has my phone number instead of hers. I haven't seen her or met her for about 10 years. So this is the little gem this woman comes out with whilst laughing uncontrollably :

"I found out you were married and had a baby really quickly. I mean how old is your daughter now?"

Fucking fucking cunt bitch.

All those insecurities I had about having my dd quickly came rushing back. This fucking bitch has 4 sprogs. FOUR. Who the fuck does she think she is? The baby making police? Fucking bitch.

[if I'm being unreasonable just tell me gently, as I have serious pmt right now so might not be viewing things properly]

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Chandon · 21/01/2013 15:44

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headinhands · 21/01/2013 15:45

It could be that sil let slip how irrationally embarrassed you are about conceiving so soon and that sil's friend didn't believe it so she mentioned it to see your reaction.

To be honest I find it hard to understand too but hey ho.

RandallPinkFloyd · 21/01/2013 15:47

Yep, you can swear on here. Dead exciting isn't it.

KateSMumsnet · 21/01/2013 15:47

Hi everyone,

Thanks for all the reports. We can assure anyone who might have been worried that the OP is a regular MN and we have absolutely no concerns about her posting history/intentions. Please stick to the guidelines and cool it with the PAs and trollhunting.

littlehankiehead · 21/01/2013 15:50

The most unreasonable person in this situation is you. The way you talk about other women is disgusting and hate filled and you sound like you have serious anger problems.

PacificDogwood · 21/01/2013 15:50

Thank you, Kate.

Ok then, OP, I think we have established you have a rather large chip on your shoulder. There is help available for that.
I hope your daughter has not picked up on the fact that you are embarrassed about her existance.

sydlexic · 21/01/2013 15:52

which charm school did you go to?

PatriciaHolm · 21/01/2013 15:52

Oh dear.

That means the OP was serious.


BITCHdumbBJTCH · 21/01/2013 15:53

Right. Sorry for the swearing. I'm really really angry though, that a total stranger would make a comment about how quickly my dd was born after marriage SIX years later. Her tone was very bitchy, and the fact she laughed all the way through asking me about dd how he was born so quickly was enough to make me flip. She's my sil's friend. No one else would talk about me to this woman. Sil has done and said some horrible horrible things to me in the past making me feel bad about dh's job, that I'm not rich, that I'm not to talk to certain people because they're richer than me. I have other threads but can't link them right now, I'm on the phone. This is just another thing she is obviously laughing about behind my back. I'm sick of the constant bitchy remarks. I've cut sil out of my life, yet still her shitty comments spew into my life via other routes.

Also, yes it isn't normal to swear and get angry like this. Luckily, this is the Internet and I can have an anonymous rant with swearing Wink. I'd rather I did this here than in RL.

Oh look. People have reported me. Great.

OP posts:
Fenton · 21/01/2013 15:53

For someone who 'doesn't usually swear' that's a fairly colourful flow of obscenities you've got there Grin

MadameCastafiore · 21/01/2013 15:54

I'd be more embarrassed at my language and propensity to seriously overreact if I were you.

sydlexic · 21/01/2013 15:54

That level of reaction really isn't normal.

usualsuspect · 21/01/2013 15:54

It's more scary that this is a regular MNetter TBH.

BITCHdumbBJTCH · 21/01/2013 15:55

Oh and I love my dd. I love her so much. As soon as she was born my insecurities went away, but this woman has just reminded me of those feelings and I hate her for it.

OP posts:
RandallPinkFloyd · 21/01/2013 15:56

Erm, don't really know what to say.

This may be the oddest thread I have ever seen, and there's been some pretty stiff competition over the years.

usualsuspect · 21/01/2013 15:57

And the world isn't full of 'spiteful rude bitches' either.

Your username is horrible as well.

IfNotNowThenWhen · 21/01/2013 15:58

I just got back from the cunting corner motherfucking shop, and the fucking FUCKING bitch in front of me got the last tin of beans.
It's not the first fucking time this bitch has thrwarted me in the tinned goods section.
I know where you live bean grabbing fucking BITCH.

perfectstorm · 21/01/2013 15:58

I'd have loved a baby within the first year of marriage. Absolutely loved one. I'd love more than one, now. I lost a baby to an ectopic last year, and my only child is 5 years old this. A good friend has been married 9 years and is not pregnant despite IVF. There are worse things in life than being teased about your active marital sex life, really.

I appreciate your SIL is a pain, motive means a lot when it comes to comments, and I expect there's a history here I don't understand, but imagine how you'd feel if you'd longed for kids and it never happened? Why be so angry that your fertility is known about and acknowledged?

YouOldSlag · 21/01/2013 15:59

Right. OK.

I don't think telling people you are married and have a daughter is exactly malicious gossip, so your anger at your SIL at giving out this news is unreasonable.

Having a baby within a year of getting married does not carry any stigma whatsoever except in your head.

You obviously have issues with your SIL and her past behaviour, but I don't this particular issue deserves such a fireball of furious anger.

Fenton · 21/01/2013 16:00

At least your child was born in wedlock not like my two poor bastards.

AnneNonimous · 21/01/2013 16:01

My DS is the result of a one night stand. I guess I shouldn't leave my house out of shame.

OP, seriously, calm down.

usualsuspect · 21/01/2013 16:01

I have 3 poor bastards , Fenton.

I couldn't give a flying fuck what anyone thinks. Grin


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perfectstorm · 21/01/2013 16:01

Incidentally, if someone rings to bitch, just say you have to go because someone is at the door, hang up, and then don't pick up that number again. Easily solved.

PickledInAPearTree · 21/01/2013 16:02

I really dont see the big deal in having a baby one month before your wedding anniversary? Why do you feel that way?

Are you sure people are not just joking about?

Anyway you seem very angry about it, I think you need to have a good calm down as your reaction is not proportionate to the perceived insult, which isn't even an insult.

I mean I am not even married and Im about to pop out No2.

BITCHdumbBJTCH · 21/01/2013 16:02

Perfectstorm, I've had fertility issues aswell after dd. I know that pain. I don't appreciate people laughing at my sex life by making little odd remarks here and there. Its nobody's business. Yet, here, six years later, some stranger is still doing it.

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