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To wonder why the fucking world is filled with spiteful rude fucking bitches who are bitchy with every given moment?

262 replies

BITCHdumbBJTCH · 21/01/2013 14:51

My dd was unplanned. She was born a month before our first wedding anniversary. I felt amongst all other emotions really embarrassed I conceived so quickly after marriage. Comments from family members saying things like "oh you couldn't wait could you?!!" And "your little one wanted to come along quickly eh?!!" Didn't help with my embarrassment.

Fast forward 6 years, but dd is 5 now. I just had a phone call from one of my sil's friends, who for some fucking reason has my phone number instead of hers. I haven't seen her or met her for about 10 years. So this is the little gem this woman comes out with whilst laughing uncontrollably :

"I found out you were married and had a baby really quickly. I mean how old is your daughter now?"

Fucking fucking cunt bitch.

All those insecurities I had about having my dd quickly came rushing back. This fucking bitch has 4 sprogs. FOUR. Who the fuck does she think she is? The baby making police? Fucking bitch.

[if I'm being unreasonable just tell me gently, as I have serious pmt right now so might not be viewing things properly]

OP posts:
FreePeaceSweet · 21/01/2013 15:15

Oh who cares? Really in this day and age? How bizarre. Me and dh got together in the January, we moved in together in the March, I was pregnant by May/June, we married in the next January and I gave birth in the Feb. Now we have 3 kids with birthdays within a 3 week period of each other and get many comments about what we get up to in June. They know what we get up to. Eejits. Shock

Gwlondon · 21/01/2013 15:15

It is a shock to get pregnant quickly. I would just say "I don't want to talk about my sex life or fertility with you thank you". you have to say it to them otherwise they might think you find it funny, rather than something you found hard.

PaellaUmbrella · 21/01/2013 15:15

Exactly one year after I had first met my DH, I was already 2 weeks overdue with DD. She was unplanned but I have never felt embarrassment at it.

I don't think your SIL's friend was being nasty at all. Why would she give a shit when you had your DC? Sounds like she was embarrassed at having phoned you by mistake, and was just trying to make chit-chat.

KatieScarlett2833 · 21/01/2013 15:16

Dd was born 11 months after we got married. One ex colleague was convinced I only got married due to up duffness until I pointedly asked her if she could count past 9.......Wink

Moominsarehippos · 21/01/2013 15:16

I think you need a cuppa and a sit down.

I remember mum telling me how the wife of a colleague when on about how fast she'd had her first baby after they got married (14 months). A my mum sniffly pointed out, this wife had town kids before she got down the aisle (this was in the 1950s rural countryside).

AreYouADurtBirdOrALadyBird · 21/01/2013 15:17

Town kids?

ThingummyBob · 21/01/2013 15:17

Harpey since they didn't know that here on MN we can swear our fucking heads off all day long if we wish because they are usually at schoool

What isn't on though is repeatedly referring to wimmin as bitches and cunts and the like beacause of the existence of a perceived slight thats all in this schoolboys headGrin

AlienReflux · 21/01/2013 15:17

we do have a sweary thread you know, feel free to come over and just list swear words if you want? Hmm

whensteaready · 21/01/2013 15:18

I don't like your language and i dont like your user name.

Mintyy · 21/01/2013 15:18

What a bloody stupid thread this is!

Habble · 21/01/2013 15:23

I'm also from an asian culture (unmarried and upduffed when I'd only been with DP for 6 months at 21 - now that got judgment) and obviously my experience is only my own but most of my relatives expect married couples to have children as soon as they're married. In fact, there's sneering comments and pressure if married couples don't have children straight away.

Don't worry about what anyone says - it's your life and you're only accountable to yourself. Who wants to live by other people's expectations but be miserable because of it?

fuckadoodlepoopoo · 21/01/2013 15:24

Wow. Im amazed at all those who take offense to a few swear words or a user name. How pathetic!

ChickensHaveNoEyebrows · 21/01/2013 15:25


Moominsarehippos · 21/01/2013 15:26

Two kids (not town kids, but that does sound like an interesting euphemism)

Lizzylou · 21/01/2013 15:27

I wonder how many times I can shoehorn the delightful phrase
fucking cunt bitch into conversation?

StuntGirl · 21/01/2013 15:27

I'm amazed at everyone who can't see though the post Hmm

MrsDeVere · 21/01/2013 15:30

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FeckOffCup · 21/01/2013 15:30

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HazleNutt · 21/01/2013 15:35

if anybody comments how quickly you had DD just tell them that yes, you were really lucky that you didn't have any issues conceiving. Easy. Are there really cultures where you are expected not to have sex for a few years after marriage?

Crinkle77 · 21/01/2013 15:36

Why are you so embarrassed about getting pregnant so quickly? I don't really get it. You were in a stable, loving relationship and it's not like she was conceived on a one night stand with a stranger.

FunnysInLaJardin · 21/01/2013 15:37

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BrandyAlexander · 21/01/2013 15:37

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ChickensHaveNoEyebrows · 21/01/2013 15:39

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MrsCampbellBlack · 21/01/2013 15:39

Are you snowed in OP - its getting to us all Wink

2wwmadness · 21/01/2013 15:41

Sometimes reading mumsnet I really wish I had such a simple life where little problems like this were such a big deal. Your lucky OP.
Go and remember that.

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