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To wonder why the fucking world is filled with spiteful rude fucking bitches who are bitchy with every given moment?

262 replies

BITCHdumbBJTCH · 21/01/2013 14:51

My dd was unplanned. She was born a month before our first wedding anniversary. I felt amongst all other emotions really embarrassed I conceived so quickly after marriage. Comments from family members saying things like "oh you couldn't wait could you?!!" And "your little one wanted to come along quickly eh?!!" Didn't help with my embarrassment.

Fast forward 6 years, but dd is 5 now. I just had a phone call from one of my sil's friends, who for some fucking reason has my phone number instead of hers. I haven't seen her or met her for about 10 years. So this is the little gem this woman comes out with whilst laughing uncontrollably :

"I found out you were married and had a baby really quickly. I mean how old is your daughter now?"

Fucking fucking cunt bitch.

All those insecurities I had about having my dd quickly came rushing back. This fucking bitch has 4 sprogs. FOUR. Who the fuck does she think she is? The baby making police? Fucking bitch.

[if I'm being unreasonable just tell me gently, as I have serious pmt right now so might not be viewing things properly]

OP posts:
Pinot · 21/01/2013 16:02

this is cunting bitch bonkers

BITCHdumbBJTCH · 21/01/2013 16:04

Meh. I've calmed down now. Thanks for the love and support. Much appreciated.

OP posts:
Fenton · 21/01/2013 16:05

Shock Grin

PickledInAPearTree · 21/01/2013 16:05

How is she commenting on your fertility issues though, um Bitch? (Can I call you bitch?)

Pobblewhohasnotoes · 21/01/2013 16:05

My baby was born three months before my first wedding anniversary!

Do I care? No.

Am I just very lucky? Yes. End of.

Habble · 21/01/2013 16:06

Don't take it to heart. Detach detach detach and life will be much sweeter for it.

QuickLookBusy · 21/01/2013 16:06

Just don't worry about it. In this day and age who really gives a toss about when a child is born?

If someone is stupid enough to gossip about how quickly you conceived, they obviously have no life. I mean, you obviously have sex after getting married.........which can often lead to pregnancy.

What is the actual problemConfused

perfectstorm · 21/01/2013 16:06

But why allow someone who wants to make you feel crappy to do just that? So she's a mare. So her friends are tragic enough to care what other people do in their marital beds. So what?

You're spending your own emotional energy on her, when you're saying that's what she wants you to do. That's a decision, and it's one you don't need to make. Just don't give her that kind of power over you. She's a sad bitch if this is what gives her entertainment, her friend is as bad. The last time I heard this stuff, the girls in question were 16. Just let it go, and you'll be the winner. Right now you're giving her exactly what she wants in being upset by it, and it's straighforwardly idiotic.

KatyTheCleaningLady · 21/01/2013 16:08

Friend of mine got married. Two weeks after the honeymoon, she im'd me and asked "Hey can I ask you a question?" and I responded "Yes. A very faint line is still a positive result." At the same time, she sent "Have you ever gotten a very faint line on a pregnancy test?"

We laughed. I joked that they hadn't wasted any time.

There was no need for embarrassment. It was a happy time for her.

VisualiseAHorse · 21/01/2013 16:11

I was pregnant within 4 months of getting together with OH. He is still married (but been seperated for 3 years), to another woman!! Gave birth 2 weeks before our first year anniversary as boyfriend and girlfriend.

What on Earth would your friend make of that??

MardyArsedMidlander · 21/01/2013 16:12

My grandmother didn't get pregnant with my mother until 18 MONTHS after she got married. Apparently, several relatives made delightful comments along the line of 'We thought you were never going to have children' and 'It was probably because she went out dancing too much'.

Pinot · 21/01/2013 16:12

lol @ "can i call you bitch?"

OP, she is probably well aware of what buttons to press with you to make you fly off the handle.

By doing so, you are letting her control your reaction.

Just be aware of it, and next time shrug - that takes away her power.

It's really not healthy to get so angry about something so innocuous. Real problems are apt to be the ones that blindside you on some idle Tuesday. Not a SIL with a spiteful streak.

Get some perspective and react more appropriately in future.

Apart from anything else, you wouldn't want your DD to see you reacting to her birth in such an aggressive way, would you?

Narked · 21/01/2013 16:13

Ok. Maybe cut down on the caffeine?

MacaroniAndWalnut · 21/01/2013 16:14

I'm all smug and proud that our DS was conceived on honeymoon. All that shagging in the sun straight after our wedding. What great memories all tied up with our wonderful son

PacificDogwood · 21/01/2013 16:15

So, is your issue with your SiL then, rather than the woman who rang you? That your SiL passed information on about you??

You do understand that people make stupid random remarks sometime, often when they feel wrongfooted and don't really know what to say. She might have been surprised when you answered the phone rather than your SiL?
I had people going on and on about how I 'must be trying for a girl' when I was out and about, proud as punch, with DS3. And then again with DS4.

I suspect there is more to the family dynamics than this thread lets on.

RabidCarrot · 21/01/2013 16:15

OP you need to get over yourself a bit, I think you are projecting your own feelings and blowing everything out of proportion

WorraLiberty · 21/01/2013 16:16

Jeez the things some people work themselves up about.

I would struggle to raise an eyebrow about this, even if I had a bloody crane.

SPsFanjoIsAsComfyAsAOnesie · 21/01/2013 16:17

This another dodgy post?! Snow must be sending people mental. Grin

ChippingInNeedsSleepAndCoffee · 21/01/2013 16:17

OK. I can sort of see why, at the time, you were a bit embarrassed.

Until you got married you were a virgin and being pregnant quickly really confirmed to the world and his dog that you weren't anymore, in a very obvious way and I think for girls/women in some cultures that's even more embarrassing than for those of us who had sex with boyfriends much younger and certainly didn't wait until we were married.

I guess many of us had embarrassing moments around having lost our virginity. In my case it was a (friendly) joke made, at my then boyfriends works Christmas dinner, and I went the colour of a tomato

YouOldSlag · 21/01/2013 16:17

I don't appreciate people laughing at my sex life by making little odd remarks here and there. Its nobody's business. Yet, here, six years later, some stranger is still doing it.

I honestly don't think anyone is laughing at your sex life. That is paranoia! Have you ever heard of a honeymoon baby? It's phrase that's rather sweet and romantic. It does not mean laughing at someone's sex life. You are totally overthinking this!

PickledInAPearTree · 21/01/2013 16:21

Your SIL may well be a BitchdumbBjitch for all we know, and she knows this winds you up. Just say I feel very blessed. Peace Out on her Ass. It will confuse her a lot more than the Cunty Fucky Bitchy ranting.

Unless there is a LOT a LOOOOOT of stuff your not telling us that is. Like a LOT. Like she blew up your house and kicked your puppy.

Or (not being mean here) this could be a bloody awful case of PMT I get mild raginess but nothing like this, your Dr may be able to give you some help as I know other people who have it really bad.

corlan · 21/01/2013 16:22

Who lit the fuse on your tampon?


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twinklestar2 · 21/01/2013 16:23

Wish I'd conceived that quickly!! Been married nearly two years and still trying for number 1. And I'm from an Asian background too. If it helps, at least they think you only had sex once, all my family must know I'm having loads of sex trying to get pregnant AND that it's not working. Now THAT'S embarrassing!

gimmecakeandcandy · 21/01/2013 16:23

I really don't get why you are giving these people the power to upset you? They are obviously immature dumb little fuckers so why be bothered? Why are YOU laughing at THEM and their immature behaviour? And again I echo everyone else who says I don't get why you think this is big news or an issue. By doing so you are sounding quite immature too.

There are far more important things to worry about. Don't let stupid, insignificant people like your sil (who is obviously a right little twat) bother you. Just laugh at them. It will be the best thing you could do, it would bug her more them anything.

simplesusan · 21/01/2013 16:24

This woman sounds silly.
I don't find it at all odd that a couple conceive straight after marrying.
Myself and dh started trying to conceive on our honeymoon.

Some people say stupid things. Ignore, laugh and thank your lucky stars that she is no friend of yours.

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