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To wonder why the fucking world is filled with spiteful rude fucking bitches who are bitchy with every given moment?

262 replies

BITCHdumbBJTCH · 21/01/2013 14:51

My dd was unplanned. She was born a month before our first wedding anniversary. I felt amongst all other emotions really embarrassed I conceived so quickly after marriage. Comments from family members saying things like "oh you couldn't wait could you?!!" And "your little one wanted to come along quickly eh?!!" Didn't help with my embarrassment.

Fast forward 6 years, but dd is 5 now. I just had a phone call from one of my sil's friends, who for some fucking reason has my phone number instead of hers. I haven't seen her or met her for about 10 years. So this is the little gem this woman comes out with whilst laughing uncontrollably :

"I found out you were married and had a baby really quickly. I mean how old is your daughter now?"

Fucking fucking cunt bitch.

All those insecurities I had about having my dd quickly came rushing back. This fucking bitch has 4 sprogs. FOUR. Who the fuck does she think she is? The baby making police? Fucking bitch.

[if I'm being unreasonable just tell me gently, as I have serious pmt right now so might not be viewing things properly]

OP posts:
manormuppet · 21/01/2013 15:04

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YorkshireDeb · 21/01/2013 15:04

If her issue is "tee hee, they're having sex" YANBU. How old is she? 8? Other than that I agree that you need to stop being embarrassed about it in general. Most mummies I know are unmarried. Including me. Think most people who get married first start trying straight after the wedding so unless you find it difficult TC it probably would happen within a few months. It's really not a big deal. X

IslaMann · 21/01/2013 15:04

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PacificDogwood · 21/01/2013 15:04

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ArielThePiraticalMermaid · 21/01/2013 15:05

Perhaps some anger management lessons?

apostropheuse · 21/01/2013 15:05

I think you need to take a chill pill. I really don't see what the problem is here, other than you being rather out of control with your aggressive attitude.

I had my first baby ten months after marriage, which was planned. People joked with us that it didn't take long etc. We were not in the least bit embarrassed or ashamed about that. Why would we be?

Our baby was christened on our first wedding anniversary actually. It was quite nice really.

BITCHdumbBJTCH · 21/01/2013 15:05

Sorry if you knew my normal name I don't normally swear. Apologise for that.

OP posts:
OnTheBottomWithAWomansWeekly · 21/01/2013 15:05

I know someone with 12 (she's 43, we were in school together - I've only got 1 though!!!)

Imagine you are standing next to her when next someone makes a comment, and have a little giggle about how silly they are being (inside your own head if you don't want to get into a row with them).

Or, if there are sniggery comments being made which you know are about you having (gasp) sex , just say "Yes my husband has a humongous willy and I can't stop shagging him"

and please take a photo of their faces doing Shock and post it on your profile for us to look at Grin

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 21/01/2013 15:05

I honestly couldn't be bothered to properly read your thread because I couldn't be bothered to filter out all your swear words.

In fact, I can't be bothered






oldqueencrepey · 21/01/2013 15:05

OP, you sound very angry, quite scary and seriously unreasonable. Do you always react so angrily to perceived slights and nosiness / criticism? You sound really quite paranoid. If this is not a (hard to understand) one off problem I think you need help. It is not usual to react like this (or to rant and rave calling other women cunts and fucking bitches).

threesocksmorgan · 21/01/2013 15:05

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JeeanieYuss · 21/01/2013 15:05

Eh..... Confused

manormuppet · 21/01/2013 15:05

For someone who doesn't swear you seem to be behaving ...erm... a little out of character...

HopAndSkip · 21/01/2013 15:06

Also, isn't one of the main reasons for marriage to have a family in most religions?
I think you're reading a lot bit too much into it really, it sounds like they're just making comments as chit chat - along the lines of "wow so much has changed since I last saw you".

FanFuckingTastic · 21/01/2013 15:07

Oh haha, I really thought you were being ironic. But you aren't are you?

Hypocrite, look it up in the dictionary and probably wash your mouth out with soap afterwards, then plaster over that chip on your shoulder and things she be hunky dory.

MissyMooandherBeaverofSteel · 21/01/2013 15:08

Another thing she has been discussing? Telling someone you know that you are married with a child is normal conversation isn't it? You are majorly over reacting.

MrsCR · 21/01/2013 15:08

Stop seeing your daughter as the result of some shameful behaviour!! You were married ffs! You didn't do anything wrong, and she is a real person to be proud of!

If that's what keeps this sad little minded woman happy let her have her sad little sense of humour.

A beautiful daughter is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about.

By feeling this you are feeding them. Act (even if you don't feel) like you dont give a shit. Because - honestly - you shouldn't. You're a grown woman.

MrsBucketxx · 21/01/2013 15:09

Sounds like a stealth boast to me.

ToomuchWaternotWine · 21/01/2013 15:10

There is absolutely no reason in this culture, at this time, to be embarrassed or ashamed or insecure about having a baby 11 months after marriage. If you do have those feelings, you should look very hard at why? The comments in the first paragraph of your Op sound like perfectly normal, slightly joshing, comments that people make, without being damning or critical at all. Nobody came up and said "2 months of sex with your new husband, you SLUT?" Did they?

So calm down, and don't worry. Btw in your culture, is it normal to wait a long time after marriage before trying for children? Is this the normality you grew up with?

I walked down the aisle quite heavily pregnant and no one was anything but happy for me and DH (and if they said anything different behind my barrel sized back, I couldn't give a rats arse).

Don't give it another thought. It's honestly not worth it!

Titsalinabumsquash · 21/01/2013 15:11

Op would it make you feel better to know my 11 week old son was born a year to the day that I first met my DP and you know what, I don't give a toss what people think or say, my baby is awesome :D

SummerRainIsADistantMemory · 21/01/2013 15:11

Wow. I have three kids and I'm not married yet. God forbid I bump into your ilk!

Theshriekingharpy · 21/01/2013 15:11

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catgirl1976 · 21/01/2013 15:12

I'm confused and a little bit afraid

ProphetOfDoom · 21/01/2013 15:12

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AreYouADurtBirdOrALadyBird · 21/01/2013 15:13

This place just keeps getting stranger.
Are you amused by being able to say bitch,cunt and fuck on the internet? You can also say bum sex.

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