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Pictures of yourself up around the house - AIBU?

229 replies

CanIOfferYouAPombear · 25/09/2012 18:35

I'm thinking of getting a rather nice picture of me and DP printed on to a canvas or something to put in our front room but I'm a bit stuck as to whether this is bad form or not?
I've been round many houses and always notice when they have big pictures of themselves up. It just seems a bit weird to me.

OP posts:
ilovemyteddies · 25/09/2012 22:33

I actually like seeing people with different things in their homes, even if I wouldn't do it myself.

I mean if I'm honest if my mister and I did a picture like Hullys it probably would put most people off their dinners, it would be more "elderly, flabby, caught in the act, him looking scared" but I like "variety" in people's home decor, I REALLY hate the thought of people being scared to have X, Y, or Z up for the sake of "taste"?

It's like people's dress sense - I'm a conservative, classic dresser but I fooking LOVE seeing how people get all creative and add a touch of "themselves" to the way they present themselves. Same with interior decor really, go mad people, its all good Grin

Hullygully · 25/09/2012 22:34

Thanks tiger.

When the photographer had a retrospective it was beamed onto the wall of Tate Modern, it was amazing.

Caerlaverock · 25/09/2012 22:34

Well his leg is bringing back some happy memories.< wanders off to find baby oil>

Mintyy · 25/09/2012 22:36

Sorry hully but I'm afraid to me it just looks like you have had a few too many again and MrH is having to fireman's lift you up the stairs to bed.

Something proper tasteful like this would be more the ticket I feel.

Hullygully · 25/09/2012 22:38

yuk! That's tacky porn

Mine is art.

Oh well, off to bed in a huff.

Flatbread · 25/09/2012 22:38

Hully, wow! You look amazing. Not sure I like the pose all that much, but you bring a special abandonment to it. Like a free spirit.

Hullygully · 25/09/2012 22:40
Mintyy · 25/09/2012 22:40

Gwan put up a picture of whatever portrait you and MrH have in the sanctuary of your bedroom. Oh please please do!

Hullygully · 25/09/2012 22:41

We have the people nestling in the swan's wing. I expect you'll sneer at that too.
Rachog · 25/09/2012 22:43

Hilly, are there 3 people in that photo? There are loads of arms.and.legs!

Hullygully · 25/09/2012 22:44

It's Derek, see upthread

Narked · 25/09/2012 22:45

It's a good picture.

From now on I'm going to assume that MrHully spends his time pottering around your house, oiled up, waiting to lift you.

Hullygully · 25/09/2012 22:46

Not since the op, he doesn't.

Rachog · 25/09/2012 22:46

Oh yea cross post there, Damn ironing!

ilovemyteddies · 25/09/2012 22:47

My mum has pictures of her and my dad and her parents with pink hearts surrounding their faces and balloons. Like they've sort of been artificially put in by (bad) Photoshop?

And some wedding ones where the photographer has made it look like they're on a beach even though they're in a fooking registry office?

And baby ones of my siblings and I, in bad gold frames, with tacky writing underneath.


Narked · 25/09/2012 22:49

I'm assuming his back or knee ...

TwelveLeggedWalk · 25/09/2012 22:58

Wow, Hully that pic is amazing! Can you say who the photographer is? (I'm trying to guess!)

I am envisaging you living in a cute country cottage which looks normal like the neighbours' houses from outside, but they have floral prints on their walls and you have nudey threesomes.

I wish my neighbours were more like you!

ilovemyteddies · 25/09/2012 23:23

I think if Hully would like to fit in in the countryside, maybe she should get a few of THESE done GrinGrin

Mintyy · 25/09/2012 23:24


But can I just say I love your name ilovemyteddies.

ilovemyteddies · 25/09/2012 23:26

@ Mintyy


PorkyandBess · 25/09/2012 23:31

I think you should have it done but put it in your bedroom.

Otherwise, people like me will visit and snigger at you.

Narked · 25/09/2012 23:39

I have actually commissioned two portraits. Of dogs Blush.


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Hullygully · 26/09/2012 08:33

I can't say who the photographer was I'm afraid, things went a bit wrong for him after Derek went to Brazil and he has to lie low from Inspector Knacker.
EasilyBored · 26/09/2012 08:50

If I had a body like Hully's, I would have naked photos of me EVERYWHERE.

I think lots of famly snaps up around a house make it feel more lived in and homey. We have one large wedding photo on canvas; it's in the hallway and it's a group shot of everyone at the wedding. There are a couple of photos of just us dotted round the living room, as well as many many pictures of DS, and some of our friends etc. Also have a large-ish piece of art, by a local artist.

If anyone thinks that's tacky or uncool, they can go jump.

But don't get me started on what I think of knick knacks and all those other pieces of tat some people like to put on every surface.

Rowanhart · 26/09/2012 08:50

This has turned into one of the weirdest threads ever....

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