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Pictures of yourself up around the house - AIBU?

229 replies

CanIOfferYouAPombear · 25/09/2012 18:35

I'm thinking of getting a rather nice picture of me and DP printed on to a canvas or something to put in our front room but I'm a bit stuck as to whether this is bad form or not?
I've been round many houses and always notice when they have big pictures of themselves up. It just seems a bit weird to me.

OP posts:
Narked · 29/09/2012 23:53

I want cut outs of Derek's greased up leg. I shall go on a Nationwide tour of galleries, 'improving' the pictures.

BewitchedBotheredandBewildered · 29/09/2012 01:17

Well, she's going into the Thames tomorrow night, so bendy might come in handy.

TwelveLeggedWalk · 28/09/2012 19:46

Truth is relative. Hully's still going into the database as surprisingly bendy.

BewitchedBotheredandBewildered · 28/09/2012 19:17
SoleSource · 28/09/2012 18:51

I have a six foot by six foot photograph on canvas of myself, totally naked. Good burgler deterrent.

Rowanhart · 28/09/2012 18:26

Hully you are making me laugh. I demand you recreate the poster with the real you and two men from the local. Oh go on....

Hullygully · 28/09/2012 18:22

and that was frankly generous

Rowanhart · 28/09/2012 17:58

Pagwatch, I think the quote was "quite cute..." not actually cute...

Hullygully · 28/09/2012 15:19

It's just more jealousy

So ugly

SuePurblybilt · 28/09/2012 13:43

It's not a blardy wind-up OR Trolling, thank you Mardy
Hully's is of pic of Hully in her bendier days. Noody is suggesting it was taken last week.

MerryCosIWonaGold · 28/09/2012 09:32

I was wondering...but you just never know with MN. Thought I'd just restrain from commenting on 'that' picture!!!

Pagwatch · 28/09/2012 09:32

Does that mean my DH isn't actually cute?

THEMardy · 28/09/2012 09:30

Going to be. Nothing to do with BT

THEMardy · 28/09/2012 09:30

Ooh. Ooh. Is Hully goingo BT banned for trolling?

CachuHwch · 28/09/2012 09:02

OMG, thank God that's a windup... I was thinking "do not post do not post do not post"

Hullygully · 28/09/2012 08:46

It is me. Me in my glory.

SuePurblybilt · 28/09/2012 06:58

It's NOT Hully???

Narked · 27/09/2012 23:48

No. It's Hully. And she has pampas grass on the lawn too.

Rowanhart · 27/09/2012 22:43

Oh thank God this has been windup.

I honestly was starting o despair a the sycophantic sucking to someone being v self indulgent. The 'quite cute too' about another posters husband nearly tipped me over the edge.

But now I know it's not really Hully and all a cunning ruse I can say what I really think. Excellent bodies yes. But also reminiscent of a tack 80s Athena poster. And relax...

honeytea · 27/09/2012 19:22

We have a couple of little 5x5 cm photos of me dp and dsis. Ee also have a big photo of us on our bedroom wall, all you can see is our lips leaning in for a little kiss. I'm not a fan of massive pics that just photos of people's faces.

Ironically I worked as a venture photograther for 5 years and I then worked for their sister company in Australia, I was a bloody good venture photographer even if I do say so myself I won awards in tge UK and Australia the problem is that most people want naff photos where they are all looking at tge camera and grinning. I was a regional style director which ment I was responsible for tge studios in my region in terms of creative output. It is really hard to try and assure people have something unique and contemporary when clients are forever saying they want more traditional images. In reality mist people using venture pay 1000 pounds for something that isn't a piece of art work. Some studios do offer amazing photographs but the images you ser on the website are rarely chooses by the clients.

Hullygully · 27/09/2012 18:29


it's the old gree-eye

chibi · 27/09/2012 16:31

there is one pic of me and dh. we won a session at venture at a friend's venture party. it is A4 ish,.the smallest possible size Shock In it we are reverently kissing a 3 month old dd, while she stares myopically into the far distance. It is black and white.

i keep it because it is actually kind of hilarious

a definite NO to any excessively embiggened self pics, what am i a medieval baron?


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SuePurblybilt · 27/09/2012 16:27

Oh, I do like your picture, Hully. Very twirly and bendy.
How rude people can be.

Pagwatch · 27/09/2012 16:17

Yy. The ointment was just the ticket.

Hullygully · 27/09/2012 15:45

aw thanks paggy.

your dh is quite cute too, is he over his little trouble now?

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