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Pictures of yourself up around the house - AIBU?

229 replies

CanIOfferYouAPombear · 25/09/2012 18:35

I'm thinking of getting a rather nice picture of me and DP printed on to a canvas or something to put in our front room but I'm a bit stuck as to whether this is bad form or not?
I've been round many houses and always notice when they have big pictures of themselves up. It just seems a bit weird to me.

OP posts:
BeyondTheLimitsOfAcceptability · 25/09/2012 21:31

Seen the friends episode where chandler cant smile for photos? Thats my DH.
So there are no canvas' of us up!

wornoutbutstillwonderful · 25/09/2012 21:33

We are in the middle of collecting lots of different size, shape and style frames to hang on the wall going up the stairs (they are all quite small though) they will be filled with pictures of my children Dh and myself either on holidays or at special occasions or even cute ones from the nearby forest, some are with Grandparents etc. They remind me of a happy day or a lovely moment, not all of them are posed some of them have been quietly taken at a special moment and I want them around me.
Everyone is different, I don't think I would put any up of myself on my own though, but I wouldn't think anything of anybody that did.

Thamesmead · 25/09/2012 21:36

Everyone has pictures of themselves and their family. I think your only real question is about the size, and as everyone else has said it is your house - if you like it that's all that matters.

cheekybarsteward · 25/09/2012 21:39

I have a mirror, I can see what I look like in that.

DoMeDon · 25/09/2012 21:40

I love taking photos then putting them up. Our living room has tonnes of them. I am in at least a quarter of them. I am on a big canvass too. It has never occurred to me that anyone came round and thought anything negative about that........until now. Gotta love MN.

OP - opinions are like arseholes and some more shitty than others. You like, you have, no like, no have. I am struggling to wonder why photos would upset anyone, ever.

NowThenNowThen · 25/09/2012 21:41

I have one or two with me in them. My favorite picture is of me holding ds when he was 3 days old, looking like I have been partying all night with Motley Crue Grin

hippermiddleton · 25/09/2012 21:44

I don't really understand why people get their photographs turned into canvases; they only ever look like photographs on canvas. Why not get a really good print made of it on decent paper, and then have it professionally mounted and framed?

SomeoneThatYouUsedToKnow · 25/09/2012 21:47

I think it's naff and a bit wierd unless it is a really good painting/sketch by a real artist

The blue jeans/white shirt photos are a bit dated now.

However, if you like it then you should have it. It doesnt do anyone any harm and it is not offensive well, I hope it's not offensive

Hullygully · 25/09/2012 21:58

mintyy - I couldn't get the photo on my profile, so I've uploaded and done a link here

IneedAsockamnesty · 25/09/2012 22:06

it very much depends on what type of house you have,if for example you lived in Highclere castle i wouldnt bat an eyelid at mahoosive pictures but imho normal houses look a bit strange if huge pictures take over a room.

madmomma · 25/09/2012 22:15

Fucking hell Hully!!! You ain't shabby girl!! Not surprised you've got that badboy on the wall. I'd staple it to my face!

Hullygully · 25/09/2012 22:16

Well it was a while ago...

ilovemyteddies · 25/09/2012 22:21

Hully you and Mr Hully are very beautiful indeed Smile.

Caerlaverock · 25/09/2012 22:22

Bully, I am amazed he managed to maintain any kind of grip on you in that picture

Hullygully · 25/09/2012 22:22

Oh thank you, that is so sweet!!

You wouldn't find it odd to see it on our living room wall?

VerySouthLondon · 25/09/2012 22:23

Who's the third person Hully??

VerySouthLondon · 25/09/2012 22:24

I would think it a bit odd but I'm a sad, cynical, miserable old cunt who hates all photos on display.

Caerlaverock · 25/09/2012 22:24

Didn't you know hilly has an extra leg coming out her fanjo?

Hullygully · 25/09/2012 22:24

That was Derek, we couldn't hold the pose without him!! He is the photgraphers assistant and muse, well he was, he went to Brazil in the end.

Caerlaverock · 25/09/2012 22:24

Jesus my iPad really doesn't want me to type hully

Hullygully · 25/09/2012 22:25

You're being a bit unkind Caer, it's art. A lot of people relaly appreciate it.

Caerlaverock · 25/09/2012 22:26

Sorry hully, I suggest you invite Derek over, get oiled up again might relieve the boredom


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Caerlaverock · 25/09/2012 22:27

Does Derek like a carvery?

Tigerbomb · 25/09/2012 22:27

I've just looked round my house and realised that there is not a single photograph of our weding, children etc anywhere on show so that must mean I don't agree with it. Smile All our photo's are in albums or on a hard disc.

Hully's picture is ace and if I looked like that it would be projected onto the outside walls

Hullygully · 25/09/2012 22:31

You seem a bit obsessed with Derek Confused

Did you know him?

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