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Pictures of yourself up around the house - AIBU?

229 replies

CanIOfferYouAPombear · 25/09/2012 18:35

I'm thinking of getting a rather nice picture of me and DP printed on to a canvas or something to put in our front room but I'm a bit stuck as to whether this is bad form or not?
I've been round many houses and always notice when they have big pictures of themselves up. It just seems a bit weird to me.

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Annakin31 · 25/09/2012 20:10

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AnOldieButNotSoGoody · 25/09/2012 20:11

I don't like those venture types ( is that what they're called? Doesn't feel right ) but natural ones are nice.

Narked · 25/09/2012 20:12
Hullygully · 25/09/2012 20:13

heh heh

Kendodd · 25/09/2012 20:15

See now I like that sheep. I wouldn't mind his picture on my wall.

aldiwhore · 25/09/2012 20:17

If its art and done by someone awesome, hang it up!! :) (Realise I sound contrary, but I do like a bit of art)

PuffPants · 25/09/2012 20:17

Hully, I was commenting on a response to the OP, not your posts.

I wouldn't know what to say about a life-size nude picture of someone on their sitting room wall, however ARTY it may be.

Is it full frontal or mostly bums?

Narked · 25/09/2012 20:17

We have one of those multi picture frames filled with photos of DH (and sometimes the DC) on Bits of Castles. If it was once a stronghold and now has no roof, DH has been there.

theinets · 25/09/2012 20:18

I think it's tacky to have pictures of yourselves up on canvas in the house, unless you are titled. Seems very nouveau to me. The odd silver framed wedding photo is enough.

Narked · 25/09/2012 20:18

Mostly bums? Confused

discrete · 25/09/2012 20:18

I'm not keen, and do wonder about people who have them.

For me pictures are for reminding us of people who live far away or are dead, so we cannot see them on a regular basis.

However I couldn't care less what others do in their house, and even if I did notice it I wouldn't think anything of it.

NowThenNowThen · 25/09/2012 20:20

A photo in a frame on the mantlepiece. Fine. A blown up canvas taking up half the wall? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Ilovemydogandmydoglovesme · 25/09/2012 20:22

I've just looked round the living room and I'm in four pictures! Is that weird?

Mind you two of them are with my dear departed mummy. The other two are with dh and one is our wedding photo.

LonelyCloud · 25/09/2012 20:22

I would be a bit Hmm Blush if I visited someone's house and they had a nude picture of themselves on display. Even an arty one. But maybe that's just me.

ReindeersGoldenBollocks · 25/09/2012 20:23

DH & I are having this debate at the moment. We have an A3 sized pic of us, taken for ore wedding pictures, in black and white. I want to destroy it, DH wants to get a frame.

We have photos all over the house, but none of us, all of the DC! Maybe I'll hang this pic in the loo to scare people Grin

OrangeandGoldMrsDeVere · 25/09/2012 20:23

I have one small wedding picture.

I have hundreds of family photos all over the house though. Just don't want to look at me. I am the hideously unphotogenic the rest of my family are gorgeous.

BrandyAlexander · 25/09/2012 20:25

I am the odd one out then. I am quite happy to be tacky/ chavvy /whatever! Grin We have framed photos and canvas prints of us/family all over the house. They are fab as they make me smile. We also artwork (oils/watercolours/sketches) all over the house too. They're ace too and also make me smile.

LivingThings · 25/09/2012 20:27

I have lots of family pictures (small ones - mulitframes etc in the stairwell). As part of the wedding package I bought I was sent 2 large (not massive) prints of our wedding day (not my choice but they sent me the DVD I didn't want either) on canvas. They are nice but are still in the box on top of the wardrobe where they will most probably stay.

Concentrateonthegood · 25/09/2012 20:32

My daughter has loads up. They are of her and her partner, the kids, friends (not too many family ones :-(

I find it a bit odd that there are soooo many of them - her living room looks like her facebook page!

What you propose OP sounds very nice!

Rowanhart · 25/09/2012 20:35

Lots of pix in frames of me and DH on our wedding day and special times. Lots if other pix in frames mingled in both photos taken by DH of landscapes, paintings, album covers. All sorts really.

I like pictures up.

But I can't stand canvases of photos especially massive ones of people posing. Think it's personal taste though and font judge people who do.

beanandspud · 25/09/2012 20:52

Lots of pictures around the house, mostly in frames although a couple of canvases of DS in the family room. Mostly they remind me of family/occasions/events - holidays, birthdays, weddings etc.

I love having photos around the place although I'm not sure I'd be comfortable with a large picture of DH and me in the living room.

Pocketsocks · 25/09/2012 21:14

I was just thinking similarly the other day. Pictures of my teenage self seem to be springing up in the house and I did wonder what it seemed like to the outside viewer. However I seem to be ok as they are small, one DP found and loved the lighting on so shoved it in a frame and one is in Ds1's room because he really likes it.
I couldn't live with myself if it were one of those huge venture canvases though. I rarely take a good picture for starters.


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HollaAtMeBaby · 25/09/2012 21:16

I think it's a bit narcissistic to have them in the living room. Stairs or an upstairs room/landing is more appropriate...

KenLeeeeeee · 25/09/2012 21:18

My lounge is covered in family photos. We do a photo collage every year of pics taken of whatever we've been up to, plus we have a pretty wire heart-shaped frame that holds about 20 of our wedding photos and a number of individually framed pics too. I love it and wouldn't have it any other way, but I don't judge people who'd rather keep family pics private. Each to their own and all that!

GoldandOrangeAnnunziata · 25/09/2012 21:24

I think posed ones are tacky but there's nothing wrong with one from your wedding or holiday or something.

I love photos up, I know someone with no family photos in her house at all, it's very unnerving.

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