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Pictures of yourself up around the house - AIBU?

229 replies

CanIOfferYouAPombear · 25/09/2012 18:35

I'm thinking of getting a rather nice picture of me and DP printed on to a canvas or something to put in our front room but I'm a bit stuck as to whether this is bad form or not?
I've been round many houses and always notice when they have big pictures of themselves up. It just seems a bit weird to me.

OP posts:
bulletwithbutterflywings · 25/09/2012 19:35

We've got a huge one of the 3 of us above our bed, it's a bit embarrassing really - that's why it's in our room not the living room!

Hullygully · 25/09/2012 19:36

I think it's different when it's "art" tho, it's not like any old family snap.

Coprolite · 25/09/2012 19:36

I don't like portrait pictures on the walls personally,but I have no opinion on whether it's nice or nasty - it's just not for me.

If you like it,who cares what anyone else thinks.

VerySouthLondon · 25/09/2012 19:39

Oh, God no. One of those studio shot black and white things? Horrid.

A few holiday snaps are perfectly fine but those weird false smile shots are bloody awful.

Idocrazythings · 25/09/2012 19:41

Waitfor- were the photos up after the divorce? That's how I read your post- intrigued to know the answer!

Waitforit · 25/09/2012 19:45

No I went round when they were newly-weds. Not sure what happened after the divorce!

IShallCallYouSquishy · 25/09/2012 19:50

I have 3 6x4 framed photos from our wedding on the cabinet in our lounge and one on my bedside locker. I love to see them everyday and remember our wedding. Thats just me though!

Flatbread · 25/09/2012 19:51

Totally chav, imo. Arty nude photos, on the other hand, are interesting.

Save family photos for elegant silver frames on the mantle or bedside tables.

Can you not find anything you love, outside of yourselves, to hang on your walls?

Caerlaverock · 25/09/2012 19:53

The big canvas ones are hideous, saw one at the weekend but it was above the couples bed and normally folk wouldn't see it. If it was in the living room I snigger

aldiwhore · 25/09/2012 19:56

I think it all depends on how many pictures there are of you. I have wedding ones (2 frames, series of 4 photos in each) but any more seems a bit 'wow aren't I gawjus, well aren't I? AREN'T I????? Comment dammit!"

A friend had millions of pictures of just her, all professional, none of her DH or children... in the lounge, kitchen, up the stairs and in the loo.... it didn't make me appreciated her beauty, it made me pick flaws and think bitchy thoughts.. and mock her. I am evil.

I wouldn't say omit yourself, but I'm all for balance. Saying that, your house your rules hun

SomersetONeil · 25/09/2012 19:57

Your house, your walls and all that.

But if you're questioning it, then surely you recognise the inherent, um, questionability of it.

PuffPants · 25/09/2012 20:00

I think anything up to a 7 x 5 is ok. Beyond that, unless it's your wedding photo (and then only another size up), it looks vain. And I really don't get the posed professional ones - don't you already know what you look like? Confused I like small snaps in frames that remind me of a happy occasion or a moment in time or people no longer with me.

As for canvases...unless they have paint on them, they are ick.

Didn't I read a thread on here once that said it was crass to have photos of people in your walls? That art should go on the wall and people in frames on a sideboard.


Mintyy · 25/09/2012 20:00

Oh please Hully put a picture of your art up, just for a little while.

Kendodd · 25/09/2012 20:01

I think it's tacky. Especially the big soft focus canvas ones. I don't think I could stop myself from sniggering under my breath if I saw one.

I had a friend years ago who moved into a shared house with me and put loads of 'modeling' pictures of himself up all over the house. He had about six on the wall going up the stairs. When people came round he would try to give them a signed picture of himself to take away!

But, it's your house, do what you like and don't care what other people think.

Hullygully · 25/09/2012 20:01


But we're NUDE even if it is art.

PuffPants · 25/09/2012 20:03

"Can you not find anything you love, outside of yourselves, to hang on your walls?"


Hullygully · 25/09/2012 20:05

I think that's a bit rude.

It's not that we love ourselves, it's ART

Mintyy · 25/09/2012 20:06

But I would very much like to see you and your dh NUDE. I would love it. And it would be cultural and I would see some art for once not that I am going to an actual exhibition at Chelsea College Of Art tomorrow which I can do because I live in London oh no

RaisinDEtre · 25/09/2012 20:06

mad SIL (have posted about her before) has got GIANT wedding pics all over their walls, yy to look at meeeeeeeeeeeee vibe; the largest is about 3 foot square


Meglet · 25/09/2012 20:07

Cheesy, posed studio ones are weird IMO. Although I do like the Venture style ones, despite the fact they are stinkingly expensive.

We have a couple of medium size photos of us on days out. One canvas and one framed.

Hullygully · 25/09/2012 20:07

Would you??

I'll ask dh what he thinks, he can be a bit funny about it, he says his legs look odd. (They don't.)

RaisinDEtre · 25/09/2012 20:07

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Mintyy · 25/09/2012 20:08

Oh tell him we're all friends here and we've seen it all before.

FamiliesShareGerms · 25/09/2012 20:08

Personally I'm in the "couple of small pictures of family and wedding day only" camp, but then I don't have an artistic DH to paint my portrait or a famous photographer friend to snap me in the altogether!

Hullygully · 25/09/2012 20:09

He's not really a friend tbh, we used to model and he did it in part payment for something.

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