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Bring your worries over here, the Night Shift are still here to mind them

999 replies

2018SoFarSoGreat · 20/07/2021 16:56

New thread here, since the Last Thread has ever so slowly filled up. Isn't it amazing how little our worries crept up in the night when the world was actually one big worry?

Pandemic or not, this is the place to just park your worries. We don't ask questions, or try to solve your problems. We just hold them, tenderly, carefully, until you are strong enough to take them back. If they choose not to come back, all the better.

Signing in for the Night Shift, V3!

OP posts:
alsonotmyname · 21/07/2021 08:42

Thank you for minding my worries so I could sleep- can I mind anyone's today?

Shangrilalala · 21/07/2021 10:37

A big thank you from me too. So lovely to have an incredibly kind stranger take your nighttime woes and help lift your stress.

I may well be back all too soon but promise now that I will help share the workload, once less anxious times allow.

NothingIsWrong · 21/07/2021 11:06

Thank you for taking my worries. I got about 5 hours in the end which is more than I was expecting

bloodywhitecat · 21/07/2021 11:08

Thank you, you wonderful Worry Watchers. I did manage a couple of stints of two hours before foster baby woke me for feeds.

Becca19962014 · 21/07/2021 11:26

I managed a couple of hours. I went and stood in the garden for an hour at 3am, it's full of takeaway boxes and other rubbish from landlords workers, and then lay on bed to pray, dropped off about 5am. Workers turned up at 8am making a racket, drilling, shouting etc. Am trapped, even if it wasn't too hot again for me to go out, as they're working in the whole corridor making it impossible to get out. Need rest today desperately but can't as so many men around.

I just wanted to say thank you for the thread.

ABitOfAShitShow · 21/07/2021 22:51

Can I please leave mine with someone again? Im not fairing too well tonight. I just wish he’d come back.

ssd · 21/07/2021 22:54

Please can someone mind my worries? I'm exhausted tired and sore. I'd really appreciate it.

Bearsbearsbears40 · 21/07/2021 22:55

Hello happy to look after any worries tonight - ABit do you want to leave that with me while you get some sleep? No need to bother about it all tonight. Things always look better in the morning.

GenuineKlatchianPottery · 21/07/2021 22:56

Hi, @ABitOfAShitShow, I’m sorry you’re struggling.
I’m here tonight so let me take those problems for you while you sleep.

ABitOfAShitShow · 21/07/2021 23:00

@Bearsbearsbears40 and @GenuineKlatchianPottery Thank you both. I’ll leave them with you and crawl into bed early. Your kindness is making me cry even more!

GenuineKlatchianPottery · 21/07/2021 23:02

@ssd I can watch those for you while you sleep.
Me and the cat will guard any problems, just drop them at the end of the bed and you can collect them whenever you feel strong enough.

RicherThanYew · 21/07/2021 23:06

Just the idea of this thread is lovely. You were kind enough to watch my worry for me but now, I don't even remember what it it was, so it obviously worked! I'm armed with a troop of soft toys, I don't leave the house without at least one (panic attacks) so we're ready for duty.

Bring your worries over here, the Night Shift are still here to mind them
AnneLovesGilbert · 21/07/2021 23:09

Thank you for minding mine last night. I’m happy to step in tonight for anyone who’d like to leave their worries with me tonight. Checking in.

OnceUponAMidnightBeery · 21/07/2021 23:13

This is a wonderful thread, thank you all so much. I’m sorry I missed the previous ones, sometimes I’m a great worry minder for others - I give them to my dog and he chews them till they disappear Smile

Right now it’s hot so I can’t sleep, I think I’m perimeno but worried it’s something worse, I’m scared my boss wants to talk to me about something that I’ve (in his opinion) done wrong tomorrow, and I’m angry about the way we employees are treated, but can’t afford to blow up, call him out on it and lose my job.

RicherThanYew · 21/07/2021 23:20

OnceUpon I have years of experience with work/boss related stress and worry. It always seems worse the night before another shit because you expect something awful, but tomorrow is another day. Leave it with me and I'll feed your worry to Lucifer (not Satan himself, just the cat, 2nd from the right Grin )

RicherThanYew · 21/07/2021 23:22

Umm, another shift not shit ofc Blush

prettycatseyes · 21/07/2021 23:23

I'm worried about so many different things, I've split with my boyfriend..would love to leave my worries with someone..and I'll do the same for someone else..lots of love xx

FlappityFlippers1 · 21/07/2021 23:24

I possibly saw my dad for the last time today - he is having an op tomorrow that is very high risk (he has terminal cancer). It’s so risky to do the op, but if they don’t he will really suffer. I’m so scared for tomorrow.

Would appreciate someone taking my worries tonight so I can be rested enough to support my mum (and dad) tomorrow.

Itsbeen84yearss · 21/07/2021 23:25

Can I join in? I have suffered with anxiety for years. The nights are the worst.
Tonight I’m worrying because we’re going away tomorrow and there will be new, unfamiliar surroundings. I’m worried my children won’t be safe or will get lost

Itsbeen84yearss · 21/07/2021 23:26

@FlappityFlippers1 I will take yoursFlowers

OnceUponAMidnightBeery · 21/07/2021 23:29


OnceUpon I have years of experience with work/boss related stress and worry. It always seems worse the night before another shit because you expect something awful, but tomorrow is another day. Leave it with me and I'll feed your worry to Lucifer (not Satan himself, just the cat, 2nd from the right Grin )

Another shit is right!! Thank you @RicherThanYew, it may be weird but that really helps! Cuddles to Lucifer (good worry-eating pusscat, chin scritches from me) and pics always welcome Smile

Really, thank you
LMW1990 · 21/07/2021 23:30

I'm up and have a feeling I will be for a while.

I had a laparoscopy today, treatment for endometriosis and the unadhesion (not a word!) of my ovary from my pelvic wall.

They pumped me full of lovely drugs before I came home. Wearing off now and back on 'normal' pain relief. The trapped wind pain is worse than anything!

I am so uncomfortable! And so tired! Xx


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OnceUponAMidnightBeery · 21/07/2021 23:36

@LMW1990 ah! Now I can take on other people’s pain, usually they have to be physically or mentally close to me, but I’ll try and mind it for you, and hope it helps Flowers

OnceUponAMidnightBeery · 21/07/2021 23:37

Er... that was a bit woo, sorry

LMW1990 · 21/07/2021 23:38

@OnceUponAMidnightBeery thank you lovey. Fresh pain medication taken. Hoping it works sharpish. Dreading tomorrow as I know I'll be sore.... I'm still numb-ish belly button down.

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