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Bring your worries over here, the Night Shift are still here to mind them

999 replies

2018SoFarSoGreat · 20/07/2021 16:56

New thread here, since the Last Thread has ever so slowly filled up. Isn't it amazing how little our worries crept up in the night when the world was actually one big worry?

Pandemic or not, this is the place to just park your worries. We don't ask questions, or try to solve your problems. We just hold them, tenderly, carefully, until you are strong enough to take them back. If they choose not to come back, all the better.

Signing in for the Night Shift, V3!

OP posts:
Guiltymumofkids · 20/07/2021 23:40

This thread is actually making me tearful 😢

NothingIsWrong · 20/07/2021 23:42

I think I've changed too much over the years to remain married to DH. He's done nothing wrong as such. But I'm not who I was 20 years ago and every day is so fraught. I worry a lot about this.

AnneLovesGilbert · 20/07/2021 23:52

This is one of the best things on the whole internet, thank you watchers.

I’ve had an argument with my sister, the first proper one we’ve ever had and it’s making me miserable. She’s on the other side of the world and I miss her so much all the time anyway but now things are horrible between us it’s awful and it’s troubling me even more tonight. I don’t know what to do.

2018SoFarSoGreat · 21/07/2021 00:05

@NothingIsWrong what a hard realization that must be; the what next of it all is a tough one. Why don't you just leave it here for now, and go rest? We'll hold that worry, and you just be you. Sleep, let it drift away into our care. That's the way.

@AnneLovesGilbert ah, that really resonates with me. I'm far away from my (good) sister and adore her and miss her daily. The distance makes it much harder to make up - but you will. For tonight, you don't' have to worry about it. You can let us hold this one for now, and you get some rest. Tomorrow is a new day, and you can make up. Sending you sister love solidarity and Flowers

OP posts:
DramaAlpaca · 21/07/2021 00:07

I'm heading to bed in a minute, so I'll leave you in the safe hands of @2018SoFarSoGreat and take those worries I'm minding upstairs with me.

gogohm · 21/07/2021 00:12

My worries are small compared to some but dog is at the vet after major surgery, he's ok l, just lots of rehab but it's the first time he's ever spent a night at the vets so we are all fretting.

Bearsbearsbears40 · 21/07/2021 00:26

Ah this is a lovely thread. I just have a few work worries to leave at the door - definitely feel I won’t sleep well tonight (or at all between that and the heat) 😕

alsonotmyname · 21/07/2021 00:39

I have so many worries vying for a place in my head, children's health and mental health, work (or lack of it) and friends I seem to be pushing away rather than drawing close - I'm going to pack them all in a worry cloud and float it over for someone to watch if that's ok?

harverina · 21/07/2021 00:46

It think I have come to the thread a bit late tonight but I’ve only just found it.

I lost my mum almost 5 weeks ago and I am so desperately sad. Her death has triggered my health anxiety and I’m worrying about anything and everything all the time. I’m exhausted 😴

2018SoFarSoGreat · 21/07/2021 00:48

@gogohm ah, your poor wee dog. Sorry to hear this - the house just feels empty without him, I bet. You just snuggle up and get some sleep. He'll be back home soon enough and you'll need to save that energy for lots of cuddles.

@Bearsbearsbears40 pile those work worries over here. They shall join all the other worrisome worries and will be quiet, or else. Stern talking to's shall occur! You just get your fan going, lie down and think calm, cool thoughts. That's the way. Good night.

@alsonotmyname isn't it amazing how the worries all join together and gang up on us when it is time to rest? Well never you fear. They shall be wrangled over here for tonight. You just let them go. That's it. Float them over this way and get a peaceful night's sleep. That's the way.

OP posts:
alsonotmyname · 21/07/2021 00:49

So sorry for your loss @harverina Thanks

RainySummerDay · 21/07/2021 01:02

I don't think my husband wants to be with me anymore and is having a hard time realising it to himself. But I can't seem to be the one to pull the plug either, and its hard because it's like waiting for the storm to come. The signs are there but the wind has barely got up yet. I don't want a storm, I want the summer and it's hard to watch the storm brewing regardless of my preferences.

Becca19962014 · 21/07/2021 01:04

I just wrote a whole post and deleted it as too scared to post.

Am exhausted and and ill with no help. The heat is life threatening (EDS Elhers danlos syndrome and dysautonomia means going from hot to air conditioned means I collapse), my GP abandoned my care except to sending me bullying letters about covid vaccine I'm too ill to have (specialist told me but won't talk to GP after they lied to them), diabetes checks when I can no longer afford to check blood sugars and cannot physically get to surgery after being refused treatment for an injury which is now constant, my whole leg being effected with bumps that keep breaking open. My room is 27c now. It's horrendous but what's worse is knowing there's no help at all.i tried complaining but all I got back was asked what I expected anyone to do as its not their fault I can't get into buildings or cars to see anyone, except it is because they wouldn't treat me when I was injured just left it for months on end.

2018SoFarSoGreat · 21/07/2021 01:25

@harverina 💐 and virtual hugs.

Just try to let your body and your heart rest for now. We will hold the pain and sorrow. You are in good hands.

@RainySummerDay I'm so sorry. What a hard position to be in. For now, just go rest. Sleep. Shut your eyes and let us hold that for now. Go on. That's it.

@Becca19962014 oh dear. How horrid and worrying and exhausting. You poor thing. I'll hold all of that for you now, if you can just find a way to settle. Let your poor body rest. Let the pain and worry float away on a cool breeze. Shhhh. That's the way.

OP posts:
Becca19962014 · 21/07/2021 01:39

@2018SoFarSoGreat thankyou. I try but am so tired of all of this, sixteen months of trying is just too hard.

TankFlyBoss · 21/07/2021 01:50

I'm so upset that my colleague has done something mean today. It's been a shit year, I feel tired and stressed and emotional and literally can't stop crying about it

Becca19962014 · 21/07/2021 02:47

Too worried to even try rest.

alexdgr8 · 21/07/2021 04:13

thank you for this.

alexdgr8 · 21/07/2021 04:25


Too worried to even try rest.

i know that feeling.
i put the radio on, LBC, or BBC world service, radio 4 extra, five live,
or if you like music there are lots.
i find it helps, maybe as a distraction.
and i can sometimes get to sleep; i set it to turn off after an hour or two.
i like to hear speech, maybe it's something from infancy, hearing noises off.
anyway i hope you manage to get some rest, and everyone. goodnight.
2018SoFarSoGreat · 21/07/2021 04:56

@alexdgr8 goodnight

Hope everyone is getting some rest.

OP posts:
WhispersOfWickedness · 21/07/2021 07:07

Thank you so so much @2018SoFarSoGreat for minding my worries overnight, I had the best night's sleep in a long time SmileThanks

Bearsbearsbears40 · 21/07/2021 07:34

Thank you - I did manage to sleep somewhat last night. Very much appreciated. 😊


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Mogloveseggs · 21/07/2021 07:57

Thank you for minding my worries and for all the kind words Flowers

Mogloveseggs · 21/07/2021 08:01

Am happy to mind any worries that anyone has today

ABitOfAShitShow · 21/07/2021 08:38

Thanks to those who minded my worries.

I hope all of you having a hard time are feeling a little more peaceful today. Flowers

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