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What word is my speech delayed daughter saying?

316 replies

Thedarksideofthemoon30 · 13/04/2021 19:15

My dd4 has a speech delay, she’s trying her hardest to tell me about her friend at school but she keeps saying “Sharon” and when I repeat the name she is getting angry because it’s not right! I can’t think what it could be!

Help me lol it’s driving both of us insane!

OP posts:
AllTeaAllShade · 14/04/2021 13:01

oh just seen this was resolved Blush

Thedarksideofthemoon30 · 14/04/2021 14:21

Thank you everyone. She’s such a sweetie pie. She’s absolutely hilarious!

OP posts:
PrincessNutNuts · 14/04/2021 18:27


I think I wasn’t saying it properly lol

I asked on the school Facebook page 😂🙈 bless her she was so happy when I said it this morning! She told her daddy that I hadn’t got my listening ears on and my phone wasn’t working to Google it 😂🙈

This is so sweet. I'm thrilled to bits for her. CakeThanks(early birthday cake and balloons! Smile)
MrsFin · 14/04/2021 18:39

I reckon it's Sarah-Anne.

diddl · 14/04/2021 19:21


I reckon it's Sarah-Anne.

Good grief!
ThursdayLastWeek · 14/04/2021 21:55

In which case OP, she’s not nearly as speech delayed as I thought - I clearly heard Seren on your voice clip!

AbsolutelyPatsy · 15/04/2021 07:25

DD when of a similar age had a Turkish friend called Seren

diddl · 15/04/2021 08:54


In which case OP, she’s not nearly as speech delayed as I thought - I clearly heard Seren on your voice clip!

I think a few did but dismissed it when Op said no it wasn't Seren.
LobotomisedIceSkatingFan · 15/04/2021 09:58


In which case OP, she’s not nearly as speech delayed as I thought - I clearly heard Seren on your voice clip!

Agree. I thought she was saying 'Sarah' in the second clip, but only in the face of the assertion that it definitely wasn't 'Seren': she's actually making the 'n' sound quite clearly. Poor little sausage must've been so frustrated! 😂
ThursdayLastWeek · 15/04/2021 13:58

Yes that’s why I didn’t comment because I could only hear Seren and didn’t think that would be helpful if there were no Serens in the class!

Glad it’s all sorted Smile

My DS is coming in leaps and bounds with his SALT but we still get stuck in not understanding/frustration cycles occasionally.

Thedarksideofthemoon30 · 16/04/2021 07:56

She does have a speech delay, hence why she’s having a speech therapist at school and on zoom. Just because she can say that doesn’t mean she speaks clearly normally.

OP posts:
DIshedUp · 16/04/2021 18:01

I love it that it turned out to her you were saying it wrong Grin

Its reassuring that it does in fact sound like she's saying seren

picklemewalnuts · 16/04/2021 18:12

Just to reassure you, OP. My sons both had significantly delayed speech. The younger one had a fair bit of speech therapy and kept certain problem sounds well into secondary school. He's a clearly spoken young man now, at university, you'd never know!

All that's left are memories of 'docdile nap nap' (crocodile, snap snap), and 'light orange' (his work around for yellow which he pronounced yehyo).

ThursdayLastWeek · 16/04/2021 20:28


She does have a speech delay, hence why she’s having a speech therapist at school and on zoom. Just because she can say that doesn’t mean she speaks clearly normally.

Sorry, I wasnt doubting you - I just meant that, actually, she had pronounced that name perfectly! I meant it in a tone of celebration, apologies if it did not come across that way.

My own DS is delayed and I fully appreciate the frustration.
CornedBeef451 · 21/04/2021 17:36

My DCs think your daughter is lovely!

We were watching the Falcon and the Winter Soldier series and there's a character we didn't recognise. Immediately both DCs shouted, "It's Sharon Mommy!" and fell about giggling.

You'll need to keep the videos and remind her of this when she's older!

DaphneHastings · 21/04/2021 22:29

@Thedarksideofthemoon30 did you solve the mystery?

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