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Dishy Rishi is only 5ft5 !!

455 replies

newcarcoming · 03/03/2021 23:36

He's dinky!!

He looks so much taller!!

OP posts:
Bluesheep8 · 04/03/2021 09:24

There’s a difference between personal preference and you coming on a thread to warn everyone to NEVER MARRY A SHORT MAN.


HairyChin · 04/03/2021 09:26

Bloody hell

Wonder if he has small man syndrome

Oldat40 · 04/03/2021 09:28

Just speaking from personal experience. Marrying a short man was a mistake for me.

RMRM · 04/03/2021 09:30

He's not dishy, he's made some dreadful errors and it would be nice if he just cracked on with the job instead of constantly pumping out slick pr influencer shit designed to get him the top job in the near future.

CovidKingfisher · 04/03/2021 09:31


Just speaking from personal experience. Marrying a short man was a mistake for me.

A mistake because he was short? Why?
RMRM · 04/03/2021 09:32

He made people stand on the stairs for a photo call so no one realises his height.

I don't particularly care what height he is but he obviously has a bit of a thing about it.

Oldat40 · 04/03/2021 09:33

@CovidKingfisher He had an inferioroty complex which added to his arrogance/control issues. He always felt he had to prove himself.

Oldat40 · 04/03/2021 09:35


SaharaSavana · 04/03/2021 09:37

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ChelseeDagger · 04/03/2021 09:37

He's not dishy but that has bugger all to do with his height.

I prefer men on the shorter side but he gets a hard pass from me.

CandyLeBonBon · 04/03/2021 09:37

Ffs what a nasty thread. My sons aren't especially tall although they may grow for a bit. I'd be really upset for them if women were mocking their height and saying 'ugh, never marry a short man'

That's really such a regressive, reductive , stereotypical and utter shallow thing to come out with. It's like saying never marry a redhead. Or never marry a black man. It's a vile attitude.

It's ok to have a preference. It's not ok to mock people for something they cannot change. How deeply depressing.

CandyLeBonBon · 04/03/2021 09:38


Just speaking from personal experience. Marrying a short man was a mistake for me.

FlaviaAlbiaWantsLangClegBack · 04/03/2021 09:39

If you think he's 'dinky' at 5'5" what would you do with the rest of the population that's shorter than that? Put us all in model villages? Grin

SlothMama · 04/03/2021 09:39

He isn't dishy, he's a typical tory refusing to tax the rich!

CandyLeBonBon · 04/03/2021 09:39

[quote Oldat40]@CovidKingfisher He had an inferioroty complex which added to his arrogance/control issues. He always felt he had to prove himself.[/quote]
Probably because arseholes took the puss out of him for being short. His issue wasn't bright it was temperament.

fluffedup · 04/03/2021 09:39

He is dishy. But he sounds like Tony Blair when he speaks which spoils it for me a bit.

ChelseeDagger · 04/03/2021 09:40


Please don't worry about your sons' future.

BilboBercow · 04/03/2021 09:40

If we're talking looks I prefer Raab, even if he is psychopathic.

Wondermule · 04/03/2021 09:41

I generally prefer tall men, but I prefer a well built man, and tall/well built don’t seem to coincide that often.

Most of the ‘strapping, 6 foot’ husbands/sons posters write about are actually beanpoles

Thin arms and chicken legs are a turn off for me

HeronLanyon · 04/03/2021 09:42

I thought he was quite a bit taller.
I think he’s quite good looking.
Not attractive because a Tory.

Oldat40 · 04/03/2021 09:42

@SaharaSavana Well if you had some you'd know that Oxford University have researched SMS and found:

Short man syndromereally does exist, Oxford University academics have found, after a study showed feeling smaller makes people paranoid, distrustful and scared of others. Scientists used virtual reality technology to reduce the height of volunteers travelling on a computer-simulated Tube train by 10in (25cm).

Downthefarm · 04/03/2021 09:43

He is 5 8, nearly 5 9 (1.7m).


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ChelseeDagger · 04/03/2021 09:43

sorry, pressed send too soon.
ime most women who insist on taller men aren't very secure in their femininity. They feel that they need a tall partner to make them feel more dainty/womanly etc.
Its why you often see beautiful, tall gazelle like women with men of their own height or even a tad shorter.

Ylfa · 04/03/2021 09:44

The whole premise of the OP is pretty racist isn’t it?

cyclingmad · 04/03/2021 09:45

I only find that surprising because in pics he appears to be much taller.

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