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Dishy Rishi is only 5ft5 !!

455 replies

newcarcoming · 03/03/2021 23:36

He's dinky!!

He looks so much taller!!

OP posts:
Didiusfalco · 04/03/2021 07:51

I thought he was 5ft 7”. Still not v.tall though.

Milomonster · 04/03/2021 08:01

Wow thought he was 6’2. He’s cultivated quite a slick image which has gone to shit in my eyes following the coke video yesterday. It’s very cringe.

BernardoTeashop · 04/03/2021 08:01

Dinky? How offensive. Are we going to make fun of peoples weight next?

Port1aCastis · 04/03/2021 08:03

How can he be dishy when he's a tory

EssentialHummus · 04/03/2021 08:05

Never marry a short man.

How come? (I'm not in the market for one, just curious.)

daysdaze · 04/03/2021 08:09


Its a no from me. He's not Dishy in the slightest, he's a Tory ffs. He could be the most aesthetically pleasing man on the whole planet ... unfortunately personality and credibility are big things to me.

Nice prejudice
Bobkitten · 04/03/2021 08:11

God, some people are so fucking rude about short men.

My DS is short for his age and is not likely to be a tall adult. He’s a lovely, kind young man. I’ve reassured him that most people will see past his height. Maybe I ought to have to revised ‘most’ down to ‘some’ Sad

Oldat40 · 04/03/2021 08:25

@EssentialHummus I married one. Now divorced. He definitely had "Short Man Syndrome" as well as many other bad traits. Mind you, I wouldn't ever marry a rich man again either so may be I just don't like men!!! Hmm

HazeyJaneII · 04/03/2021 08:26


God, some people are so fucking rude about short men.

My DS is short for his age and is not likely to be a tall adult. He’s a lovely, kind young man. I’ve reassured him that most people will see past his height. Maybe I ought to have to revised ‘most’ down to ‘some’ Sad

It's depressing isn't it.
Ylfa · 04/03/2021 08:26

5’5 isn’t short! If it’s taller than me it’s not short. Where’s the gavel?

Pipepans · 04/03/2021 08:28

Hadn't even thought about his height, he's a good looking man but far too smarmy, just surprised when he talks with non moving perma hair and perma smile that a twinkling star of light does not bounce off a front tooth, cartoon style! Just needs to add a wink at the end of each sound bite. Ok, I'm really over thinking about Rishi Sunak now...!!!

Bluesheep8 · 04/03/2021 08:29

Never marry a short man.

What a strange thing to say.

Oldat40 · 04/03/2021 08:30

@Bluesheep8 Google "Short Man Syndrome" Grin

Oldraver · 04/03/2021 08:30

My OH is 5'5" and one of seven boys, he only has one taller than him

But nah Rishy does not do it for me

unchienandalusia · 04/03/2021 08:32

He's 5'7. Same as Boris.

PrincessTuna · 04/03/2021 08:32

The whole dishy thing is the type of straw grasping you did at school when you were determined to fancy a teacher and ended up latching onto the only one under 30 despite his chronic case of arseholitus.

IheartJKR · 04/03/2021 08:36


That's 5'10 on Bumble.

randomer · 04/03/2021 08:38

He is "dishy" in comparison to our noble leader I suppose.
I don't think he would spit on you if you were burning.

SaharaSavana · 04/03/2021 08:40

What a nasty thread!. My DS is 5ft 5 and a lovely, compassionate young teen, who is doing great things in our neighbourhood to help the needy. A lot more than any of the vacuous crones on here.

Waxonwaxoff0 · 04/03/2021 08:41


God, some people are so fucking rude about short men.

My DS is short for his age and is not likely to be a tall adult. He’s a lovely, kind young man. I’ve reassured him that most people will see past his height. Maybe I ought to have to revised ‘most’ down to ‘some’ Sad

Rude isn't it. My close friend's DS is the same, he's 9 and the same height as my 7 year old. I was shocked when she told me some of the comments he gets about being "short" even from adults!
Bluesheep8 · 04/03/2021 08:45

@Bluesheep8Google "Short Man Syndrome"

Im familiar with the term. Not every short man has that though.

newcarcoming · 04/03/2021 08:47

To the people I have offended. The thread was purely because he looks so tall on the TV and I just expected him to be say 6ft 2.

I have nothing against shorter men, my husband is 5ft 8.

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NotSorry · 04/03/2021 08:51

He’s 1.7m which is 5’7”

NotSorry · 04/03/2021 08:54

Boris is 1.75m which is 5’9”

Bluesheep8 · 04/03/2021 08:55


Your post wasn't offensive op.

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