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Dishy Rishi is only 5ft5 !!

455 replies

newcarcoming · 03/03/2021 23:36

He's dinky!!

He looks so much taller!!

OP posts:
MorrisZapp · 04/03/2021 09:57

I have an uncle with size four feet.

Wondermule · 04/03/2021 09:57


Definitely not Tom Cruise. I don't fancy Stephen Merchant either but I'd go for him over Tom.

Eeeek 😂 just wondering whether people would rather a tall ugly man over a short handsome one (obviously tall and handsome is preference for most, but I was wondering if height is so important it overrides everything else)
AndThenTheDayBecomesTheNight · 04/03/2021 09:58


sorry, pressed send too soon.
ime most women who insist on taller men aren't very secure in their femininity. They feel that they need a tall partner to make them feel more dainty/womanly etc.
Its why you often see beautiful, tall gazelle like women with men of their own height or even a tad shorter.

AnaisNun · 04/03/2021 09:58


Not any more. My (female) cousin is a police officer and she’s incredibly petite- 5 foot nothing.

C8H10N4O2 · 04/03/2021 09:59

Conservative HQ have spent a lot of time and effort promoting "dishy rishi" and his image and brand. So has Sunak with his eye on No 10. The photographs are carefully controlled as part of that image - you won't see many pictures of Sunak standing in a line with other people.

If someone puts time and effort into promoting an image at odds with reality people will comment.

ChelseeDagger · 04/03/2021 10:02

There is a definite correlation between shorter man/slim woman, taller man/plump woman couples.

honestly, now that I have mentioned it just observe the ones you know. Once you see it, you can't unsee it!

WitchesBritchesPumpkinPants · 04/03/2021 10:02


God, some people are so fucking rude about short men.

My DS is short for his age and is not likely to be a tall adult. He’s a lovely, kind young man. I’ve reassured him that most people will see past his height. Maybe I ought to have to revised ‘most’ down to ‘some’ Sad


My best friend, who is the most amazing human on the planet, is married to a very short man (about 5ft) (he's also a complete twat) So please don't worry about DS. I'm sure DS will find someone who adores him!!

@newcarcoming. Where did you get that info from? Doesn't seem right when you compare him to those around him?!

I don't find him remotely attractive personally, greasy looking & I couldn't listen to him for 5 minutes. Nooooooo.
CovidKingfisher · 04/03/2021 10:03

Eeeek 😂 just wondering whether people would rather a tall ugly man over a short handsome one (obviously tall and handsome is preference for most, but I was wondering if height is so important it overrides everything else)

Ahhh not nice, Stephen Merchant isn't ugly. Not my cup of tea but I'm sure plenty of women fancy him.

namitynamechange · 04/03/2021 10:04


sorry, pressed send too soon.
ime most women who insist on taller men aren't very secure in their femininity. They feel that they need a tall partner to make them feel more dainty/womanly etc.
Its why you often see beautiful, tall gazelle like women with men of their own height or even a tad shorter.

I think there is something in that. Height isnt an issue for me, but if I am 100% honest it would bother me if a man had thinner thighs than me.* Completely my own issue and insecurities though, not at all a reflection on them. Thats why I agree, its OK to have preferences but not to say "never marry a short man."

*Which TBH Rishi Sunak might because he looks so tall for his height, sohe must be quite slim. I doubt very much if he would care about whether I or anyone else on this thread fancies him though.
Roadtohades · 04/03/2021 10:05


Ffs what a nasty thread. My sons aren't especially tall although they may grow for a bit. I'd be really upset for them if women were mocking their height and saying 'ugh, never marry a short man'

That's really such a regressive, reductive , stereotypical and utter shallow thing to come out with. It's like saying never marry a redhead. Or never marry a black man. It's a vile attitude.

It's ok to have a preference. It's not ok to mock people for something they cannot change. How deeply depressing.

Absolutely agree - some truly disgusting posts on this thread.
ProfessorPootle · 04/03/2021 10:08

Dishy?! Hardly Confused

DH and I are both part of the 3m excluded so he's not my favourite person to start with but putting that aside still can't see any redeeming qualities.

FedNlanders · 04/03/2021 10:08

My husband is over a foot taller than him.

newcarcoming · 04/03/2021 10:09


I saw this photo yesterday shared by someone else. But the other men in the photo must be very tall.

Dishy Rishi is only 5ft5 !!
OP posts:
chillibeansauce · 04/03/2021 10:10

I thought he looked about 6"1 until I saw this pic. The power of a well cut suit !

Dishy Rishi is only 5ft5 !!
SchadenfreudePersonified · 04/03/2021 10:10

My DH is 5'5". I', 5'3"

I never think of him as short. And he's he's lovely, inside and out.

Not all short men have "little man syndrome".

chillibeansauce · 04/03/2021 10:10


The whole premise of the OP is pretty racist isn’t it?

No ?
Twixmas · 04/03/2021 10:11

When I was online dating there were PLENTY of very nice and attractive men who liked a bigger lady. I've had some terrific shorter partners. Its such bullshit to believe everyone's out for some one who looks like a model. My ex husband was tall dark and handsome, my current partner is shorter and older and I couldn't love him more.

I think Rishi is quite dishy whatever his height. I like the awkward energy, he seems like he'd be fun to know. Blush

whatswithtodaytoday · 04/03/2021 10:11

Ew to finding him dishy - he's a Tory, regardless of whether he has an attractive face.

But FFS, whyyyyy are women so set on tall men? I have a lovely friend who is 5' 5'' and has really struggled to find someone because women just aren't interested. He's incredibly intelligent, has a good job, mortgage, well travelled, very funny, yet he's discounted because of his height. Ridiculous.

YouokHun · 04/03/2021 10:11

I have met Rishi and know people that know him quite well. I don’t share his politics but I have to say he’s a really nice man, no arrogance, very well mannered. Oh, and I’m 5’ 7” and I’m pretty sure he was my height or a bit taller than me!

CandyLeBonBon · 04/03/2021 10:12


Well, most men given the choice probably wouldn't want one.

Men prize beauty above all else. A gross generalisation but history and science agrees with it.

beautiful, feminine women tend to be less bothered about a man's height as they don't require the juxtaposition of his height to add to their sense of femininity.

Well you can take your assumptions and give them a long hard look. Thankfully my children recognise the value in people for more than just their looks and if you have internalised the values you've just voiced on here, and you have children, then that might be something you'd like to address. Looks have a part to play in sexual attraction but my children are neither shallow enough nor sexist enough to follow that hackneyed trope so think on.
UsedUpUsername · 04/03/2021 10:14

Wow, had no idea he was so short. The camera adds five inches 😂

ReefTeeth · 04/03/2021 10:15


I'm tall and I wouldn't consider a short partner. Probably from all the dickhead males growing up who pointed out, consistently and rudely, how tall I was.

My retort was always I'd rather be tall then short like you, which turns out, so would they.

There are a lot of women shorter than me who wouldn't have a problem dating someone 5 ft 5 who would be taller than them.

And it's not my feminity I feel insecure about with short men. It's actually that they feel too feminine for my liking 🤷


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lljkk · 04/03/2021 10:16

omg, how did I not know this.

I think Rishi is cute. Politics aside he has charm. Google says he's 5'7". I'm taller but not enough to mind... van Tam is attractive too. I'm almost old enough to be Rishi's mum so that's enough perving from me.

Pics of RS with Johnson (no more than 5'9") indicate about 3" height difference (Tinternet seems to believe Johnson does not wear lifts), except there's a lectern snapshot when RS looks taller than BJ (stool I think?). Patel needs a stool, too.

Wroxie · 04/03/2021 10:17

I don't know what's more cringeworthy - his simpering, suck-up, put-on posh-boy way of speaking and his nasty, idiotic, destructive politics; or you lot who call him 'dishy rishi' and giggle about how short he is. The tories saw you coming a thousand miles away.

I wonder how you'll look back on this idiocy in a few short years when you're hanging on to your homes by a thread and scrabbling around for your next meal thanks to the active destruction and looting of the country by people like Sunak (I mean, this is mumsnet, some of you will be the ones who hoovered up all the wealth and will be laughing at the rest, but the vast majority of you who voted for this lot are basically sheep who voted for the wolf).

ExcusesAndAccusations · 04/03/2021 10:17

Regardless of what his height says about his personality (bugger all) this is an intriguing thing to find out. I never guessed because he’s so slim. He must eat practically nothing or run marathons.

Presumably with his money he can get all his suits properly tailored.

Dishy Rishi is only 5ft5 !!
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