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How many sausages per person with bangers and mash? Are we a greedy family?

688 replies

sadpapercourtesan · 10/02/2021 17:24

Bangers and mash for dinner tonight (I'm having soup because I'm trying to lose weight) and I was wondering what a normal portion looks like to other people? DH and my 16 and 18yo sons will eat at least 4 sausages each with a big pile of mash/peas/gravy. They would eat more sausages if there were more available! I remember when I was a child we were given 2 sausages each, but then I remember being very hungry as a child and meals often weren't generous enough (cup a soup and two slices of dry bread as dinner for a 9yo, for example).

So - how many sausages?

OP posts:
hartof · 11/02/2021 23:26

3 and a regular size Yorkshire.

Mamanyt · 12/02/2021 00:46

How big are the sausages, and how active are DH and DSs? It makes a huge difference. I reared two LARGE (not fat, both over 6'6") sons. They walked through my front door, started chewing when they came in, and didn't stop till they were down to bare wall studs. THEY WERE LOCUSTS! If your sons are tall and active, by all means, four. If they come in, turn on the computer, and don't move all evening, 2 is probably enough.

Mgi4243765 · 12/02/2021 07:22

3 at my house

steppemum · 12/02/2021 07:28

I often find that the higher quality the banger, the less that are needed.

In the sirit of nudge nudge wink wink, this is the est comment on the thread Grin

Localocal · 12/02/2021 08:14

I have six DS/DSS aged 13 and up and can say that four is about average for them. Four is what I would serve them, and they might take another if it was there. I would have three, younger children 2 or 3.

Theimpossiblegirl · 12/02/2021 08:59

I don't know what you're doing wrong but I can get several meals from one pack of sausages for my family. Sausages and mash, with 2 sausages between us, then casserole, risotto and sandwiches through the week. The meat is just for flavour, we fill up on the rice and veg.
I give you,,,,, The Mumsnet Sausage.

ElizaLaLa · 12/02/2021 09:35

Proper fancying some sausages now I've looked at this thread again.

I'm doing the carnivore diet so might even eat a whole pack 😂

Tessabelle74 · 12/02/2021 09:41

@Theimpossiblegirl don't forget if you boil them you can have sausage soup

Nancylovesthecock · 12/02/2021 10:07

We cook 16 sausages for two adults and a 4 and 7 year old.

Usually kids have 2 each and we have however many we feel like. The rest get fridged and eaten in sandwiches

Theimpossiblegirl · 12/02/2021 10:15

Oh yes, sausage soup. No waste in my house and my children are growing like weeds.

NataliaOsipova · 12/02/2021 10:25

I give you,,,,, The Mumsnet Sausage.


PinkyU · 12/02/2021 10:26

I made currywurst last night, lo’s, aged 11 and 8, had 1 bratwurst each (8 yo ate half), adult dd, dp and I had 2 each along with rice and a side salad.

We buy 2x packs of 6 and use the remaining for sausage pasta the following day.

DishingOutDone · 12/02/2021 11:53


3 and a regular size Yorkshire.

Are we going down the Yorkshire pudding route now? Whole new ball game. I'd probably only go 2 but then I'd be big on batter.

Deadringer · 12/02/2021 11:55

Two sausages and a porportional amount of mash looks like a child's meal to me.

How many sausages per person with bangers and mash? Are we a greedy family?
HeronLanyon · 12/02/2021 11:59

Not enough mash there and where is the lake/reservoir of melted butter ??

PattyPan · 12/02/2021 12:04

@Deadringer well that picture is missing half the meal (the veg)!

DishingOutDone · 12/02/2021 12:07
DishingOutDone · 12/02/2021 12:08

Oops; that's Harry Hill's Chipolata Vs Sausage quiz with Des O'Connor ...

Deadringer · 12/02/2021 12:08

I don't have veg (or gravy) with sausage and mash but i appreciate that others might. Two sausages just isn't enough meat for me though either way.

Sexnotgender · 12/02/2021 12:24


Two sausages and a porportional amount of mash looks like a child's meal to me.

With veg that’s a normal size portion. It just looks weird without half the meal.
HeronLanyon · 12/02/2021 12:44

Interestingly as a vegetarian the bulk of my food is vegetables I would NEVER have any vegetable on the side of veggie sausages and mash (some onion in the gravy yes). It seems a meal in itself to me not two ingredients of a more mixed dish.

HeronLanyon · 12/02/2021 12:45

Hang on I could kind of imagine a pea or two on the side.


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MadameButterface · 12/02/2021 12:50

sausage casserole is called floating cock soup in my house.

Bunbunbunny · 12/02/2021 13:43

3 but only me and my husband so split pack of six. We do like the chicken sausages from Tesco if that's any better Grin

LaBellySausage · 12/02/2021 13:56

@MadameButterface hahahahahaha

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