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Things your neighbours do which are reasonable but irritate the bejesus out of you

292 replies

nibdedibble · 03/12/2019 11:30

Mine trundle their bins out at 11pm. Under my bedroom window. Wakes me up every week.

He has a banjo which he plays badly. He's playing it now. At least he practices?

Not the crimes of the century but I do want to give them the stink eye.

OP posts:
AngelOfDeathNix · 03/12/2019 14:18

One of our neighbours addresses our Christmas card as Angel and family, despite knowing my husband and kids names, irritates me more than it should, especially as we've been here for 10+ years now!

rhubarbcrumbles · 03/12/2019 14:20

wanderings there doesn't seem to be much that was reasonable that your student neighbours did.

thenightsky · 03/12/2019 14:20

Mine are all lovely. Especially the elderly widow who texts me to ask me over for a drinking session quite regularly. Others are all quiet and considerate and mostly work from home, so we are all happy taking parcels in for each other and all that. I'm feeling very lucky after reading the rest of the thread though.

IreneWinters · 03/12/2019 14:20

Our neighbours directly opposite. They have a security light that is brighter than the sun, shines right in our windows and they often leave it on all night.

They have a beautiful front garden that they spend a lot of time watering and weeding and cutting the grass etc. This irritates me for two reasons. Firstly, they cut down a gorgeous old quince tree so that they could plant their stereotypical, tasteful, boring, suburban front garden. And secondly, they are a young couple with a baby. If they were retired, I wouldn’t mind, but how the heck do they have time? I assume they must be judging my weedy driveway and flowerbed.

They have no blind at their bathroom window. Their toilet is right next to the window. This is not information I wanted to have.

But their worst crime is their Christmas tree. They put it up at the weekend. It was still November. It’s huge. Right in their bay window. It is so tastefully decorated that it gives me the rage. Since they put it up, they haven’t closed their living room curtains, so I can see it at night, all tasteful and huge. And they have they have set the lights to twinkle Angry.

Bastards. Tasteful, house proud bastards.

stickerqueen · 03/12/2019 14:26

I'm keeping my wind chimes they scare the pigeons away from my balcony. The nets keep getting broken so need my wind chimes. I'm not risking breaking my neck again to put up more net.

safariboot · 03/12/2019 14:29

@Mishfit0819 My guess, she's programming Google Maps or waiting for a text message, she needs to drive and stop where she does to get decent phone signal. But that wouldn't really explain doing it on the way back...

@gamerchick if you like, report it as a SORNed vehicle parked on the road, because it's unlawful for it to be. Clue's in the acronym, SORNed needs to be off the road.

ByeGermsByeWorries · 03/12/2019 14:35

After the parents have gone to work early in the morning, their adult son sleeps in and lets his three boys roam the downstairs for hours unattended racing up and down screaming bumping about, squabbling and bawling loudly while he occasionally hollers at them from his bed upstairs which adjoins my room. Other than that his parents are lovely people and the kids only appear every few weeks so I never say anything Blush

FrenchFancie · 03/12/2019 14:37

Park at the bottom of my drive. They have two cars, we have two cars. Both drives have space for two cars, plus our house has a space at the front that’s ours.
They are across the road neighbours and park on either side of our drive (so our slot and the pavement of next door) leaving just about a cars width to get off the drive. Leaving their drive and garage free.
So I have to either reverse in or out into a residential street blind. We live in the kind of place where kids cycle up and down and play out and honest to god most days I inch out slower than a snail for fear of hitting someone. Drives me f-ing bonkers. But we don’t get on for a host of reasons so I don’t comment on the parking (her fuckwit kid bullying mine is usually on the agenda when we do speak!)

TreacherousPissFlap · 03/12/2019 14:38

I sometimes feel I don't really belong on MN because my neighbours are all lovely. We live in a small terrace of 5 and if I'm honest, we're probably the twattiest of the lot -
We have 3 dogs - only bark when someone's at the door, but they still bark
DS is a guitar freak - he's mostly considerate and our thick walls help
I leave for work at 0530 some days - I do it as quietly as possible but it is still an ungodly hour!

ShinyNewNameTime · 03/12/2019 14:39

My neighbours opposite park one their cars outside my house as they can’t get out of their drive if there’s a car opposite (there’s absolutely loads of room and everyone else on the street manages it). Every morning and evening they’re both out there shuffling the cars around so that one car can get out of the drive and then the other car moves back into the precious space opposite their house. It doesn’t actually effect me as I have a drive so don’t need to park on the street. But they have a drive too, parking is incredibly limited in my town and it just irritates the hell out of me every time I see them do it.

Simonsaysitschristmas · 03/12/2019 14:39

Drive on my driveway to access the road, even though their driveway can also access the road. It really grates on me but they’re not actually affecting me by doing it (as they do it when our drive is empty)

ShinyNewNameTime · 03/12/2019 14:40

Do wind chimes scare pigeons?

Thestrangestthing · 03/12/2019 14:42

Won't let me build a fence to split the shared fucking garden. The boudry fence is falling apart and I can't let my kids or the dog out in the massive back garden we have on their own incase they wander off. He knows we will pay for the whole thing to be put up, but nope. Twat!

tomboytown · 03/12/2019 14:42

They park outside of their own house

Which means their visitors park outside of my house

Which means I can’t see clearly when getting in and out of my drive.
They have 2 driveways, they are the only people in the road who dot use their driveway

Tunnocksmallow · 03/12/2019 14:44

Mine has been playing Michael Bublé over and over again...
There’s enough suffering in the world!

HigherFurtherFasterBaby · 03/12/2019 14:48

Lets her DC run around the house till all hours every weekend Angry

We’re in terraced housing. I have 3 of my own and have always ensured they’re quiet past 7pm. New neighbour does not. It’s so loud it keeps me awake and wakes me up, along with my 3.

MinnieMountain · 03/12/2019 14:50

Yappy dogs on both sides.

According to a mutual friend of the yappiest dog owner our cat winds up her dog on purpose. I suppose we're quits.

BillywigSting · 03/12/2019 14:50

On one side, has two dogs and absolutely no control over either of them. One of them a yappy and cantankerous shitzu, the other some kind of thundering great hound with a bark so loud it hurts my ears.

Neither of them bloody shut up.

Other side, the man is some sort of entertainer and practices his caterwaling loudly enough to be heard over the telly in the evening. He also just happens to be going out for a smoke every single time I go outside, whether it's the school run, going to work or putting the bins out he's there. They also have a fish pond that can be heard bubbling away in our garden. And wind chimes. And they park in front of our house instead of on their own drive because it's easier.

I feel that murder would not be wholly unjustified.

PleaseGiveMeAShake · 03/12/2019 14:52

There is about 20 to the family nextdoor (they all live local) not one of them can close the frontdoor quietly.
All day from 3pm onwards is the slam, slam, slam of their door.

Twittlebee · 03/12/2019 14:58

Love this thread - so many of the things other people find irritating are things we like about our neighbours, e.g. we love that our neighbours are BBQers as it is lovely to hear them chatting away and enjoying the summer in their garden. Our other neighbour has two big trees that havent been trimmed for a while, we love it because it provides our garden with some much needed shade in the late afternoon/evening when we eat outside in the summer.

The thing that does irritate us, but more because we want to know what is causing the noise rather than the noise itself annoying us, is that around 7.30pm everynight we here what could possibly be an ice crusher / drill / blender / go off for about 2 minutes.

Oldraver · 03/12/2019 15:07

Kick their yapping dog out in the garden.... and it taps and yaps

SlothRunner · 03/12/2019 15:37

Neighbour A used to constantly shout at little darling Harry. “HARRY NO!”, “HARRY, PUT THAT DOWN!” Luckily I do not have a joining wall with Harry’s house, so it was only an issue when he was outside.

Neighbour B has 3 cars, and his partner has 1. They have space for 2. Who needs 3 cars?!

Neighbour C leave their bins and recycling at the front of the house, and we end up with rubbish blowing about all over the place. They also have about 20 friends over at once, and they park all over the place, with no care for anyone else. Neighbour C NEVER parks their car on the drive. He is a right nosy twat, and come outside the front to smoke as soon as anyone steps foot outside the front door. Hopefully they will move soon as have 3 kids in a tiny 2 bed house.

Neighbour D leaves the dog in the garden all summer while they work shifts, and it can either be barking from 5:30am or until 11pm.

Neighbour E who I share an internal wall with, does not know how to use a door handle


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AdaFromYorkshire · 03/12/2019 15:37

A few doors away: have too many cats, none of which appear to have been trained to use a litter tray.

Diagonally opposite: have too many children who are home-schooled. Nothing against that in principle, but these seem to spend their days running around screaming as loudly as possible, often with other visiting home-schooled children. At least if they went to school there would be some respite.

AlunWynsKnee · 03/12/2019 15:40

The man that lives in the corner of our cul-de-sac and thinks he's in charge of everyone else. Leaves notes on cars not parked to his satisfaction. Puts announcements on the lamp post. His rules don't apply to him though.
Everyone ignores him.

hobbler · 03/12/2019 15:42

Mine has an airlock in their upstairs pipes so anytime they use the loo, sink or shower/bath it sounds like a foghorn is actually in my house. It's so intrusive. His LL won't do anything about it though, so what is he (and me) to do?

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