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Things your neighbours do which are reasonable but irritate the bejesus out of you

292 replies

nibdedibble · 03/12/2019 11:30

Mine trundle their bins out at 11pm. Under my bedroom window. Wakes me up every week.

He has a banjo which he plays badly. He's playing it now. At least he practices?

Not the crimes of the century but I do want to give them the stink eye.

OP posts:
timeforawine · 03/12/2019 12:35

Just a couple of owls and foxes for neighbours

This is lovely to hear but i have owl's nearby and they can be noisy bastards too :-D
I get woken frequently in summer when the windows are open because the owls are having a conversation.
The foxes make a racket too when they screech

happinessischocolate · 03/12/2019 12:36

They have a swimming pool, so when the weathers fab and I'm trying to enjoy the sun all I can hear is the people next door having a fantastic time in their pool 😎

imoverworkedandunderpaid · 03/12/2019 12:37

Drive past their house about 100 yds and do a 3 point turn in front of our house - beeping the horn 3 or 4 times whilst they do this?!! Then drive back up the road to their house to park. Absolutely batshit Confused

MzHz · 03/12/2019 12:38

I dream of being on my own
In a house in a field in a wood
Just a couple of owls and foxes for neighbours

I live next to a wood. the owls are deafening! the foxes shriek, The Rooks do an awful lot of rooking, the crows and jays join in. Pheasants can be noisy, especially when they fall out with the magpies... The deer eat your garden, squirrels find their way into your lounge, bats fly round it on occasion... its mayhem out here, MAYHEM I tell you Grin

In the spirit of the thread though... We DO also have bonkers neighbours behind us... They think that all deliveries (including our removal van when we moved in) need to be parked at the end of the lane and all items brought up by hand.

I laughed when they told me. then realised they were not joking Shock

Singsongbird · 03/12/2019 12:38

Playing the bagpipes.... in their garden

timeforawine · 03/12/2019 12:41

@OverthinkingThis Are you my neighbour??? Yours sound exactly like mine with your house set up the same, we're in semi with an excitable toddler, guy next door lives alone and also says he doesn't hear her (unlikely!)

userxx · 03/12/2019 12:41

@Helpel This pisses me off so much. One of my twatish neighbours planted a silver birch. Its friggin huge and leans into my garden which is now covered in its leaves.

BikeRunSki · 03/12/2019 12:44

Blue flashing lights round the top of their porch. All flipping day and night into my bedroom window. From start of Dec to middle of Jan every year. They’ve moved now, so looking forward to getting some sleep this winter!

NaiceHamPlease · 03/12/2019 12:44

Upstairs flat neighbours used to shag vigorously on the sofa directly above my sofa twice a week, always at 7.30pm for a swift 10 mins. Really poor sound proofing all round but never ever heard once them in the bedroom... Used to put me right off Eastenders. Did give them a standing ovation at the end though.

areyouafraidofthedark · 03/12/2019 12:49

Mines the neighbours son. Has all his friends hang around the front garden messing with their mopeds, smoking weed and just generally being loud. But they are polite if I ask them to quieten down but still annoying lol.

BuzzShitbagBobbly · 03/12/2019 12:53

Drive past their house about 100 yds and do a 3 point turn in front of our house - beeping the horn 3 or 4 times whilst they do this?!!

Another neighbour has a regular lift/pickup every week. And every week the driver arrives at the same time on the same day and beeps. Then beeps again a few seconds later, barely giving the person in the house time to stand up, even if they weren't already expecting them!

TheNoodlesIncident · 03/12/2019 12:58

My neighbours are all lovely but:

Neighbour A puts out food like bread crusts on their lawn. Our gardens immediately look like a coastal village when the trawlers come home with their catch. Gulls do huge poos over my windows; a) where I can't reach to clean it off myself and b) when the window cleaners won't be back for three and half weeks, since they've just been.

Neighbour B thinks he can prune trees properly. He is not correct, and has incorrectly pruned one of my trees. He also thinks some of his trees are species X, when they are species Y. I did not correct him on this as they are lovely neighbours and keep their trees pruned to stop them encroaching our garden, but...

Neighbour C has a garden maintenance company and often parks their vans and equipment right outside our house. But he also takes the trouble to keep the green parts of our street nicely maintained, which is great.

Also, Neighbour A (my favourite lovely neighbour) used to have a garden maintenance company who were utterly crap. They would turn up and strim the shrubs to death, even though it was the wrong time of year and would result in no flowers on shrubs at flowering time. This annoyed me on Neighbour A's behalf.

I know I am unreasonable and they are not doing anything wrong also Neighbour A claims they cannot hear DS practising his brass instrument bless them

imoverworkedandunderpaid · 03/12/2019 12:59


I can't stand people who beep when picking up / dropping off.

Our neighbour is on his own though, so I have no idea why he's doing it. But every single time he comes home, regardless of time, sometimes past midnight, he does the exact same thing!

Bohemienne · 03/12/2019 13:00

Put their Christmas decs up on Remembrance Sunday.

Scream at the TV when football is on.

Smoke weed in the back garden.

Neighbour on the other side is genuinely unreasonable though (constantly chucks his cigarette butts in our garden, parks across our dropped kerb etc.) so these don't bother me as much as they otherwise would.

CanoeDoYouThinkYouAre · 03/12/2019 13:01

We've had some right dickhead neighbours in the past but we've been really lucky where we are with the exception of the woman across the road and two doors down.

She drives into her driveway (instead of reversing in like everyone else does and indeed the Highway Code actually recommends) and god help you if you get stuck waiting for her to reverse out.

It's actually painful to watch. DH once missed a train because he had to wait so long for her.

She gets out of the drive ok but really struggles with the turning part of it and ends up blocking the road.

It's a cul de sac so there's only one way out and the most infuriating thing is that the driveway is wide enough for her to drive in, turn the car around and drive out.

Oh, and this enormous vehicle that is soooo difficult to go backwards in?
A fucking Fiat 500!

Bohemienne · 03/12/2019 13:01

Even he doesn't play the bagpipes in his back garden though! Wow.

BuzzShitbagBobbly · 03/12/2019 13:01

Some cars beep when they are locked, which seems like the worst idea ever. Lights flash fine. But beeping? Nah.

safariboot · 03/12/2019 13:02

Building work at reasonable times, because both sides have form for doing it at very unreasonable times (like 1-o-fucking-clock am), so it sets us on edge for the rest of the day now.

SuperlativeScrubs · 03/12/2019 13:03

Oh no! I am the resident Banjo player - also learning... I hope my new neighbours don't mind Blush

trevthecat · 03/12/2019 13:03

Two different neighbours across from me hoover their gardens weekly. Another waters his drive (it's like wet look flags)
I don't know why it irritates me so much but I find myself watching getting annoyed!

Mishfit0819 · 03/12/2019 13:05

One of our neighbours from further down the street leaves her parking space at her end and drives the 200yards down the back lane... then just stops in the middle of the road! We're the end terrace so she stops just outside our back garden.

She doesn't pick anyone up, sometimes on her phone but usually just stares into space. She's not letting another car out or stopping at a junction, in fact it would be dangerous if it was a busier road as she's stopping on a slightly blind corner. Her car is defrosted. She does this EVERY time she leaves, sometimes on the way back too. Sometimes her other half is in the car too.

I just don't understand why?!?!?! Bugs me everytime I see her. Answers on a postcard Grin

paddingtonbearsmarmalade · 03/12/2019 13:06

We have a couple next door (thankfully we’re an end terrace so only one set of neighbours to contend with), wife lovely, husband bitter twat. We did a huge favour for him not long after they moved in & it caused so much hassle for us we eventually rescinded the offer and withdrew the help. Anyway reasonable things that still drive me mad:

  • we have a shared bit at the end of our garden. We have an obscenely large shed (inherited from the previous owner) that at some point we’ll get rid of. He has built a weird extended shed thing next to ours. It’s only on their side of the garden, they have permission from their landlord, and there’s a small gap between the two sheds but it fills me with rage every time I see the monstrosity that is their shed [s]even though ours is objectively uglier[/s]
  • their dog is utterly gorgeous and daft but he can get a bit barky which is annoying when I work from home. However what is more annoying is hearing the husband yell at the dog to shut up. And also I’ve only ever seen her walk the dog and never him.
  • my DP and I were bringing in a new sofa, carrying it ourselves across the road from the van and into the house. Husband watched us struggling with the weight & we had to put it down before we got it through the door. No comment, no hello, no offer of help. (I know he’s not obliged to help and we’d have declined but it would have been neighbourly to ask!)
  • I think they have a chest of drawers or something that leans against our shared wall. For some reason it’s unbelievably loud whenever they open or close those drawers. Hmm

Blush I feel better now

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RaininSummer · 03/12/2019 13:08

Sunbathes in front garden on a lilo in his budgie smugglers.

MrsFeatherDuster · 03/12/2019 13:11

Lovely neighbours (semi detached), a very kind couple who are approaching retirement and are up standing members of the community. Every Saturday morning they get intimate, nothing wrong with that but she is very loud and vocal with her encouragement. Some of her vocabulary would make a sailor blush. I try to time by vacuuming to drown them out. DH maintains that he can't hear them.

WhispersOfWickedness · 03/12/2019 13:11

We have the usual yappy dogs in the neighbourhood too, but next door has some sort of bulldog looking dog that does a sort of low growl that sounds like a man heavy breathing in the hedge. It's a bit unnerving.

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