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Things your neighbours do which are reasonable but irritate the bejesus out of you

292 replies

nibdedibble · 03/12/2019 11:30

Mine trundle their bins out at 11pm. Under my bedroom window. Wakes me up every week.

He has a banjo which he plays badly. He's playing it now. At least he practices?

Not the crimes of the century but I do want to give them the stink eye.

OP posts:
gamerchick · 03/12/2019 13:13

There's a SORNed car in the streets pathetic 4 spaces visiter parking and has been there for over a year. We have a drive so have no idea why it's irritating me. I'm tempted to say it's been abandoned so it gets taken away. Despite knowing it belongs to someone in the street.

TheCraicDealer · 03/12/2019 13:17

We're in a new build semi and the neighbours on the other side are lovely but they have a very relaxed attitude to gardening. The lawn is allowed to grow way too long in the summer (any time of the year, actually) before they eventually get round to cutting it. Because there's no obvious separation between our front gardens it looks weird even when ours is starting to look unkempt. They've also never weeded the flowerbeds, so even when the lawn is cut it still looks messy because of all the weeds. The inside of the house is immaculate, so it's not a case of them being messy by nature.

We discussed it once and I said I wasn't much of a gardener and she said "oh god, neither am I", and I had to stop myself from saying "well yes we know that" Grin

They're great though, wouldn't change them for all the Flymo's in the world!

Straycatstrut · 03/12/2019 13:18

Have their front garden looking like Santas grotto all lit up with moving light structures & all sorts, so my kids now want to compete!
I've got them both a string of lights for their room from Aldi and that's shut them up... for now! Grin

LittleLongDog · 03/12/2019 13:21

Park a moving van (theirs for work) out front when there is also parking to the side. We all have sea views but not when there’s a big tall van parked in front of them!

RIBlue · 03/12/2019 13:21

My neighbour very admirably goes to the gym 6am-7:30am, his dog obviously isn’t a fan of exercise though and just barks steadily until he’s home. Dog doesn’t bark when owner goes out during the day!

I’m starting to be up and about at this time anyway so it’s not a massive problem except my dog gets concerned about his doggy neighbour and so follows me around getting under my feet because he wants me to come with him so he can point at the shared wall and whine. As if I didn’t know where the noise was coming from!!

countdowntochristmas · 03/12/2019 13:26

My NDN leaves the bins in front of the drive every time they go out , then when he drives home will beep the horn and his wife runs out moving them so he can drive in .

PotteringAlong · 03/12/2019 13:28

Never ever hang their pants on the line. Where are they? Do they not wear them? Are they so racy that they cannot have their underwear drying with the rest of the washing? Why?

00100001 · 03/12/2019 13:29

One side are a lovely little family who are very sweet. But NEVER open their front room curtains Confused

Other neighbour are nice enough, but she likes to tell me every few months that my DH never actually goes to work. To which I nod and smile and reply "well, they keep paying him, and let him keep the company branded car, and the tablet, mobile and laptop, so I don't mind!"

longtompot · 03/12/2019 13:30

One side mows, strims or leaf blows several times a week for man many hours.

The other side plays the same playlist over and over during the summer, if they are doing something in the garden. If we are trying to have a bbq, we have to get our music on just so we can enjoy it.

Bluebutterfly90 · 03/12/2019 13:33

Park in my space. Not sure if people will be with me on this one, but hear me out.
We all have a designated parking space, and I dont have a car. So 90 percent of the time I'm absolutely fine with my neighbour parking there (they have 2 cars)- but regularly I have friends or family round who DO have cars and need somewhere to park it. Then I have to send DP round to ask neighbour to move the second car from our space. It's just awkward and it makes us feel like we're causing them hassle when it's our space.
We are planning on getting a car in the next year or two so hopefully that will all be put to bed, but still.
It's not unreasonable of them to use our space, but it's not unreasonable of us to need it sometimes too, I feel.

Southmouth · 03/12/2019 13:34

My next door neighbours park their 2 cars outside my house every single day, despite them having a driveway to park in. Which means it makes it difficult for us to get in and out of our drive.

Another neighbour hangs her washing out on the line and will leave it out there for a week at a time even if it’s raining, WHY? She always does this.

LittleLongDog · 03/12/2019 13:37

@PotteringAlong 😂 this is me! I can never bring myself to hang knickers and bras outside to dry, I always dry them on the bathroom towel rail/radiator. I’ve only just recently been ok with pegging out socks! 😂

No idea why: I guess partly because I don’t want my neighbours to have to look at underwear hanging about and partly because I don’t want them to see my underwear specifically!

I’m ok with swimwear and sports bras. 🤷🏻‍♀️

rhubarbcrumbles · 03/12/2019 13:40

They have the most irritating nasal voice and laugh. Our house is quite quiet as I tend not to have the radio or tv on much and we can hear one of them every time. We can't hear the other people in their house or their television so the one we can must have a voice like a foghorn.

Tiredmum100 · 03/12/2019 13:41

@skittlesandbeer my next door neighbour does the same. Smokes weed right by the fence so if the kitchen window the house stinks of it or it goes down the side entrance onto the front street, doesnt matter time of day, 8 am or 10 pm. The dc are always asking "mum, what's that smell" "umm herbal cigarette boys" 😳

Blankiefan · 03/12/2019 13:43

Parks his massive commercial (but unbranded) van in front of my house not his. He didn't move it for 4 weeks once!!

Witsendagain · 03/12/2019 13:43

Two yappy dogs who live in their living room which is right above our only bedroom and bark constantly when the owners are out (most days 8am until 4pm and at least 4 evening a week until 11pm). They then turn their TV on super loud when they get in. The daughter is a keen (rather than talented) piano player and singer and practices for hours and hours and hours at a time, usually the same song on repeat!
Finally we share a garden and drive and if we open our door they go inside and close their door, if they hear us coming up the drive they hide inside, if we are in the garden they hide inside, if we come out when they are outside they go in... it's like being a leper! Is it really so hard to say hi, then carry on with whatever your doing?

HelpIcantfindaname · 03/12/2019 13:57

Today.....getting their roof repaired while I'm in bed trying to recover from flu! I NEEEED sleep.

AcrossthePond55 · 03/12/2019 13:59

We live out in the country. Our neighbours always build their burn piles as close to the back of their property. This makes the pile as far from their house as possible, but close to ours! To make matters worse they don't seem to understand that burn piles should be DRY! DRY DRY DRY! They burn half wet piles that smoke horribly then (illegally) burn garbage in the pile. And the prevailing wind blows it right to the back of our house.

The idiot actually let a pile get out of control and burnt down our kiwi arbor, our gazebo, and 7 trees. It came within 5 feet of our back (wooden) porch. Then he wanted to 'come over and clean it up for us, let's not involve insurance'. Nope. We got a whole new landscaped back garden (close to an acre). He got a citation, a fine, and a HUGE increase in his property insurance.

TheRobinIsBobbingAlong · 03/12/2019 14:00

Elderly neighbours opposite are regularly visited by their daughter who insists on beeping her car horn when she leaves as a sort of goodbye. They're out on the step waving, so they know she's going, and she waves out the car window too, so not sure why she has to beep. Annoys me though.

PuppyMonkey · 03/12/2019 14:01

My neighbours are kind of sweet in many ways but they have a rather sinister mean side, eg when the neighbours’ kids played football and the balls inevitably went over the hedge, they would never throw back it let the kids in to get them and would save them all up then burst the balls instead.Crown Sad DP discovered a stash when he was watering their plants while away once.

They have also recently put an official looking “no parking” sign on the wall outside their house. There’s no dropped kerb at the spot and people wouldn’t be blocking them in if they parked there. There’s no legal reason why people shouldn’t park there. Neighbours just don’t like people parking outside their house.

Fortunately lots of people ignore it and still park there.Grin

pippistrelle · 03/12/2019 14:02

Put bottles in their recycling bin. They come out their back door (security light comes on - tiny grrr), and drop the bottle over a gate into their recycling bin. Just open the bloody gate and place it gently. Also, let me tell you, I am seriously judging the amount they drink.

Somanysocks · 03/12/2019 14:03

mishfit she's probably doing the ' have i locked the front door, turned off the taps, switched off the lights etc' thing.


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TemporaryName123 · 03/12/2019 14:06

Leaves their kitchen lights on full blast all night - which shine directly I through our bedroom windows and landing window - and let their dog out at 3am, slamming door closed when dog comes in!

wanderings · 03/12/2019 14:13

Our neighbouring house is usually let to students. For two years it was an all-male group, one of whom had a booming voice which sounded like he was addressing a crowded room; not conducive to relaxing in our garden. At night we could hear him on his mobile. They'd often play ball games in their garden, sending the balls our way. They'd do big man-yells when watching football on TV; and they'd block our satellite dish with their open windows. We had to get the dish moved.

In their second year, they got cocky, and lost all concept of a civilised hour: they'd return home late at night noisily, drunkenly, slamming doors, or having twenty people round late into the night. One night it was so bad that we complained to their landlord and the university simultaneously, listing two years' worth of disturbances - it stopped then. We expected them to have a big party just before they moved out as a final gesture of defiance, but this didn't happen - although they did move a lot of furniture out at 2am.

AlexaAmbidextra · 03/12/2019 14:17

Washes his car for hours on end three times a week. It hardly ever moves. He washes it more than he drives it. I wouldn’t mind if he did it by hand but he uses a fucking pressure washer so we have the noise of that droning on for ages. When it wakes me up at 8am on a Sunday morning I could cheerfully march over, rip the pressure washer out of his hands and stuff it up his arse.

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