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Things your neighbours do which are reasonable but irritate the bejesus out of you

292 replies

nibdedibble · 03/12/2019 11:30

Mine trundle their bins out at 11pm. Under my bedroom window. Wakes me up every week.

He has a banjo which he plays badly. He's playing it now. At least he practices?

Not the crimes of the century but I do want to give them the stink eye.

OP posts:
Packit · 05/12/2019 17:58

Everyone is BLIND in our road. So many times I have driven down the road and cars have not seen me, pulling out and only missing me because I’ve had to swerve to avoid a crash. So now I come down the road beeping my horn and flashing my lights and I really don’t CARE !!

Neighbour downstairs has her telly on loud all night. She sleeps on the sofa.

Another neighbour has bbqs constantly throughout the summer with noisy chattering and loads of smoke. I hate neighbours.

BertieDrapper · 05/12/2019 18:18

All our surrounding neighbours have 2 plus cars:vans but all our houses only have driveways to fit 2 at most.

When we moved in, next door to the right had two cars.. they can fit them on their drive quite nicely. But they occasionally park one of their cars across the drive.

House to our left was empty. A couple moved in. They have a car, a camper, and a work van. The work van parks on the road in front of their drive.

House opposite have about 3? Cars or vans... they seem to change on a regular occurrence.... one car is parked on the drive, one is parked across it.

House diagonal to us... I've lost count but I've seen a mini, a fiat 500, an old land rover, a massive camper, and a white van. Anyone of these can be parked on the road at any time.

If they all park a car across their drive ways at the same time it makes it very difficult to reverse off our drive... and to see if a car is coming down the road, in either direction.
Drives me batshit !

Surely at least one of them
Should maybe realise they are making things difficult!

Ps we only have one car.

CruCru · 05/12/2019 18:47

Quite a few of these are unreasonable though. Smoking weed, damaging your trees, constantly barking dogs? That stuff is bad.

Cooking food in their kitchens, washing their cars and clearing their throats? Not too awful.

My next door neighbour is in a band and practises singing loudly. It’s never at an antisocial time but it’s irritating after a while.

Pippapotomus · 05/12/2019 21:04

Next door are too popular. They regularly have guests until gone 10pm on a school night. They don't make any noise but all the extra cars make the cul de sac look busy. They don't actually ever block any one in, but there will be 5 or so extra cars dotted about.

Mackerz · 05/12/2019 21:13


Want me to walk DD past your house? She is very direct and dislikes men with no top on. She stops, points and says loudly “ oh look, it’s a gorilla. We should cross over now”, whilst giving out a dirty look.

Mackerz · 05/12/2019 21:14


She has just turned 3, so we can still get away with it Grin

AlexaAmbidextra · 05/12/2019 21:43

Lady of about 68,

Oh well that explains it. Say no more.

Dollymixture22 · 05/12/2019 22:32

My neighbour is shouting now. I’m trying to sleep. Bastard.

He has a two year old. Poor kid

ciwi76 · 06/12/2019 00:07

Yep! Me too! I will hang the children’s underwear out and my DH’s but NEVER mine🤣 The thought would tip me over the edge!

ciwi76 · 06/12/2019 00:14

@PotteringAlong @LittleLongDog Yep! Me too! I hang the children’s underwear out and my DH’s but never mine 🤣 The thought of it would tip me over the edge! 😂

userxx · 06/12/2019 07:39

@Pippapotomus You are being sarcastic aren't you?

Pippapotomus · 06/12/2019 08:39

No. There are houses down on side, all have drives, on the other side there's a green and houses set back, they all have garages and parking at the back. Most peoples visitors use their driveways. But there's so many people visiting constantly they park along the path on the grass side. It ruins my view of the grass. I obviously keep this grievance to myself.

They have 'redeemed' themselves though. The man a few doors up is ridiculous about not having wheelie bins out for any longer than is necessary. He will wait for the collection lorry to appear before bringing his out, then hides them away. Most people are at work all day, but he will walk over to their bin, staring and tutting at it in the evening if it isn't put away as soon as they arrive home. Next door left their bin on the edge of their lawn last week. This week they've added the garden wheelie bin and the 3 recycling crates and have left them. Everytime the bin man goes out, he stares at them. Yesterday next door draped Christmas lights their bin collection.

BearSoFair · 06/12/2019 08:53

I was going to say drag the bins out late too OP! DH can't see why it annoys me so I feel validated now Grin

Not next door, but the house opposite, have a metal security gate in front of their door that they slam and clang every time they come and go (multiple times a day) It sounds like lock-up at a prison!

NotPennysBoat · 06/12/2019 08:55

Mine feeds the pigeons (he sometimes feeds the sparras too). So now they all gather in huge gangs on my roof waiting to swoop. Angry

MzHz · 06/12/2019 11:26

@NotPennysBoat Airhorn... everything is improved with an airhorn...

Ok sure they flutter off and do a lap and land again... but it’s the thought that it could deter them that makes it worthwhile

NB - actually saw this on holiday in Portugal, I wept laughing

Jaxhog · 06/12/2019 11:51

Playing the bagpipes.... in their garden

We've had one of those - in SE England! Fortunately, he was quite good, although not what you want to hear at 8 am on a Sunday morning. Now we just have Mrs. Kertcher, who likes to wash her patio in the middle of the day. Next to my study window. You have to go round to complain, as she can't hear you. She, of course, is wearing ear defenders. Grrr!

Tunnocksmallow · 06/12/2019 13:21

I moved into my previous house when my mum moved out. One of the ‘lovely’ neighbours took it upon herself to contact my mum and complain I wasn’t getting the wheelie bin in as soon as the bin men had emptied it.
I was at work.
I was 27, married with children!
My mum told her she would make sure it was dealt with. Wink

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