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Things your neighbours do which are reasonable but irritate the bejesus out of you

292 replies

nibdedibble · 03/12/2019 11:30

Mine trundle their bins out at 11pm. Under my bedroom window. Wakes me up every week.

He has a banjo which he plays badly. He's playing it now. At least he practices?

Not the crimes of the century but I do want to give them the stink eye.

OP posts:
Dollymixture22 · 04/12/2019 20:55

User 🤣😂

However for a 92 year old neighbour I would sweep them Up for her😂

stayathomegardener · 04/12/2019 20:59

Breathing but then there's a back story. Smile

Whattodoabout · 04/12/2019 21:00

Honestly, we don’t know what the noise coming from their house is but it sounds a bit like a bed squeaking whilst having sex mixed with a dying dog. I’d love to ask them what on Earth it is but don’t have the guts. It happens on and off all day and night so unless they’re nymphomaniacs it can’t be sex. It’s two older women who live together with a dog. I don’t know what it is but it’s really annoying.

Loki1983 · 04/12/2019 21:02

@JasminaPashmina 😬 I may be your neighbour!

viccat · 04/12/2019 21:09

Has a friend pick her up for church on Sundays and the friend honks the car horn as a signal that she's outside waiting.

Disneycrazy · 04/12/2019 21:11

Mine watches when we turn the lights out at night, when we get up in the morning, specific times of when we go out and come in.. if I’m out for more than 2 hours as soon as she sees us coming home she’s out the front door to make sure we’re ok as it’s worried her... oh she has a house but lives in the upstairs bedroom, she flashes a light into our windows to attempt to get our attention, we can’t go in the garden or she’s hanging out the window shouting across the road to us in an attempt to have a conversation... ( she lives opposite us) it’s very bizarre but she does it to our other neighbours too.

crazycatgal · 04/12/2019 22:57

I live in a flat and the neighbour across the hall never shuts his door like a normal person. He opens the door wide, then just lets go of the door so that it slams shut behind him every time.

He always makes the place stink of weed and then goes out to his car and drives it.

Hadenoughofitall441 · 04/12/2019 22:58

The way they park 🤦🏼‍♀️

nakedavengeragain · 04/12/2019 23:13

Years ago lived in a London flat where the downstairs neighbours kitchen was under my bedroom.

He used to work nights and would come home and cook his 'evening meal' at 6.30am. He was quiet as a mouse but the smell of onions and garlic wafting up through the floorboards at that time in the morning was hideous.

It particularly made a corner cupboard smell. It was affectionately called the 'garlic cupboard'

cortex10 · 04/12/2019 23:15

Power washes his patio and drive and washes all of the family cars every Sunday morning
Plants geraniums and marigolds in the front garden exactly 9 inches apart in rows
Has a 6 foot tall inflatable Santa in the front garden at Christmas

mybabyisteething · 04/12/2019 23:42


My previous neighbour was lovely - i never even heard her baby! She had to leave because landlord sold the house.

New neighbours are LOUD.

manicmij · 05/12/2019 00:19

Lights fire pit nearly every night to relax by when he has a fag. Stinks our house out even if windows shut and he does this to his own too. Even his 22 year old DD has told him off for stinking up her bedroom. 4 doors along kids 10/12 year olds and friends screaming in garden all weekend, school holidays etc. Do these adults not hear them or are they too busy texting, listening to music or just too lazy to tell the kids to shut up.

Tara336 · 05/12/2019 06:23

Ours mows her lawn the minute we decide to sit in the garden and relax. She doesn’t mow it once though she does it exactly three times! With a 15 minute break between each mow!

She also spends hours with her hedge trimmer at front hacking away at her shrubs, it should not take that long to do but she makes a fucking noisy meal of it! Don’t get me onto her getting on her hands and knees to pick up individual pebbles on her garden and rearrange them!

Does all this yet when the leaves fall off her mutilated shrubs she just lets them blow everywhere for all the neighbours to clear up. She gives me the rage

HandsOffMyRights · 05/12/2019 06:41

Motorbike 6am each day.....

justilou1 · 05/12/2019 07:19

@cjpark & @Whatsforu are the yfronts and socks all white too? (Maybe they’ve joined a cult?)

Aglet · 05/12/2019 07:29

Loud music is anti- social and punishable by law. Contact your local council. Yappy dogs + super soaker = peace.

VerbenaGirl · 05/12/2019 08:29

Early evening sessions with a personal trainer in their garden. Part of me admires their motivation and positive approach to good health, part of me is screaming out “REALLY? REALLY!”

dottydaily · 05/12/2019 08:34

Call over to my place when they have had a few drinks...Angry

Igneococcus · 05/12/2019 08:46

My neighbour wears a a high visability vest to mow his lawn. There is no way a vehicle could hit him while he is doing this unless it would crash through several fences and gardens first. It amuses rather than irritates me.

CoolcoolcoolcoolcoolNoDoubt · 05/12/2019 10:35

One side - asked if he could put a few bits in our skip (that wasn't full but we weren't finished with it) and proceeded to completely fill it.

Other side - young adult son used to scream and swear at video games until the early hours when his parents weren't there. We replaced a fence panel that had been missing since before we bought the house and within two days they'd got a dog (??) and once it starts barking, it doesn't stop. Recently got a third vehicle which is now constantly outside our house and we have to park elsewhere.

That feels good to vent! But I do wish we were on slightly better terms with both of them.

Most of the houses on our road aren't very well maintained, and whilst we haven't gone nuts with projects, everyone has been very nosy about the cost of the work we've had done, noise, skips etc. That's annoyed us as well.

Merryweather80 · 05/12/2019 12:22

Deal drugs, smoke drugs outside my bedroom window, dogs barking and fighting day and night, constant yelling and screaming obscenities at each other and their children, playing music and partying day and night. Feral kids yelling in the garden. Leaving the gate open to bang in the wind.
They are fantastic 😡 I can't wait to move.

Gil9 · 05/12/2019 17:32

Thinks it.s ok to play house music from 4.30pm until 6am at mega watts then complain LOUDLY if anyone dares make a noise in the street while they are sleeping the day away. Scum.


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crosser62 · 05/12/2019 17:41

Next door but one.
Lady of about 68, has lived here all her life. Never married, it was mum and dads house til they died.

Has a barking dog, shouts at it to shut up, let’s it bark and bark and bark.

But most annoying and completely reasonable... she walks to the garden gate, then surveys the entire street up and down with an air of ownership and entitlement. She puts her bins out surveying the street.

What the feck is she looking at?

It’s like people driving up the road can only do so on her invitation....

It just really winds me up.
I’m a crazy lady!

TheVanguardSix · 05/12/2019 17:44

Breathing but then there's a back story

Grin Grin Grin

FaFoutis · 05/12/2019 17:50

My neighbours chopped down all the trees and replaced the grass with plastic grass. At weekends they spend hours jetwashing the 'grass'.
Soulless wankers.

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