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Woolly Hugs is a charity established by a group of Mumsnet users. They knit / crochet handmade blankets and other items for families experiencing difficult times.

Woolly hugs

MN Blanket Making Thread continued.......

329 replies

RatherBeOnThePiste · 12/06/2011 12:49

There is irony in me starting this second thread for you lovely Blanket Makers, as I'm the least crafty person, but I'm doing it to help Pidj Smile

OP posts:
KnottyLocks · 13/06/2011 11:04

A raffle could certainly raise quite a bit. I wonder if there is such a thing that can be done online without the need for tickets? Like a sponsorship form, maybe to include giftaid.

I like the idea of a raffle style thing because anyone who has a pound or two has a chance.

Off to have a look.

KnottyLocks · 13/06/2011 11:12

Found a site that runs online raffles but their fee is 20%.

I'm still thinking...

KnottyLocks · 13/06/2011 11:27

Winston's Wish has a Facebook and Twitter link. I'm reading through the JustGiving stuff to see if we could raffle or raise funds through them.

mistlethrush · 13/06/2011 11:28

I've found the same raffle site as you Knotty!

KnottyLocks · 13/06/2011 11:30

Think we'll skip over that one for the mo. I'm sure we can get by without having to give away 20% of the money raised.

purplepidjin · 13/06/2011 11:43

Ebay, with the money to a justgiving account?

Or, a sticky thread where your name is added once you've donated through justgiving and then the winner is picked by a random number generator?

KnottyLocks · 13/06/2011 11:48

That's the sort of thing I was thinking, Pidj.

I've reported myself to MNHQ.

KnottyLocks · 13/06/2011 11:50

If we had a sticky thread, like they do with the surveys, linked to our blanket paypal, we'd have a list of contributors and we could do the draw ourselves. Or could we?

The ideas are charging around my brain like Hex Bugs.

What's that coming over the hill, is it an idea?

KnottyLocks · 13/06/2011 11:58

Ahem....Can I just mention the Star, if anyone influential happens to be reading this?

KnottyLocks · 13/06/2011 11:59

KnottyLocks · 13/06/2011 12:19

Ooooo, Rebecca has replied. She'll run my message past the team.

mistlethrush · 13/06/2011 12:28

Knotty - you never know, one of them might have a good idea at how to run it. Or even decide that they could run it themselves [hint, hint]

I know that if you do a normal raffle for eg a choir you have to get a license to do it. But I don't think that its too difficult. Don't know whether local authorities would be able to get their heads (and red tape) around an on-line one though.

purplepidjin · 13/06/2011 12:39

If I had the time and energy to do it, I would:

Set up a justgiving/whatever page.
Make an excel spreadsheet of everyone who contributed.
For every £1 donated I would put that name on the list so if you gave a fiver, you'd get your name put in 5 times.
Run the thread for a week or so with lots of publicity - facebook, twitter, charity website, encourage MNers to do the same.
Use a random number generator to pick the number of the winner.

Sounds so simple...

purplepidjin · 13/06/2011 12:40

Star for RebeccaMumsNet Grin

KnottyLocks · 13/06/2011 12:47

Pidj, that's what was buzzing around my brain. The difficulty arises when we have to consider the Gaming Commission. I'm just reading through all their stuff about raffles now. It's not so simple.

However, if a larger organisation such as say Mumsnet, happened to have a license (Which are cheap Wink) maybe we could find a way.

JustGiving tends to deal with sponsorship. Perhaps we may need to think about getting sponsors to get a blanket made Grin

purplepidjin · 13/06/2011 13:42

I've already got the blanket in kit form just need to find a way to flog it off for a squillion quid!

KnottyLocks · 13/06/2011 13:48

I know we've got a pre-made blanket as such. There's a fair bit of legal stuff tied up with raffles on the scale we're talking about yet I think that a raffle could raise more money than an auction as more people could contribute.

RatherBeOnThePiste · 13/06/2011 13:55

passes Wine
you are having a busy morning in here!

OP posts:
purplepidjin · 13/06/2011 13:57

Raffle gives everyone an equal chance, but auction might make more money? I think that depends on how much support MNTowers can provide. An auction has the potential to go stratospheric if MNHQ are able pull in some celebrity and media contacts to really kick start the money. If MNHQ isn't able to do that, then a raffle among MNers is by far the fairest option. Most people will be able to find a quid down the back of the sofa.

Well, we did say we'd reach for the moon Wink

KnottyLocks · 13/06/2011 14:04

I've been having a little lookie here. It's an option if our chosed charity is registered.

hello Piste Grin

I'm reaching beyond the moon here.

purplepidjin · 13/06/2011 14:10

I'm curious to see exactly how much good we get get out of three very shitty situations...

KnottyLocks · 13/06/2011 14:11

Chosen not chosed. Duffer.


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purplepidjin · 13/06/2011 14:12

eBay was my first thought, glad they have provision for it Smile

KnottyLocks · 13/06/2011 14:13

We have seen a great deal of good already. Smile

AIBU to want more? AIDNBU, methinks.

mistlethrush · 13/06/2011 14:24

Auction - how much do you think someone would be prepared to pay - if it was in support of a charity they really supported and there was lots of interest?


Raffle - how many people do you think would be enticed into putting in £1 or £2 for a chance to win - but also to be part of giving to a well-known charity?

I just think that its much more likely we could get say 500 - 1000 people (if everyone publicised it) buying tickets than say one person spending £1,000 - but perhaps I'm overestimating the number of people that we might be able to get interested?

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