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New Year Honours - Professor Stock, OBE

189 replies

DangerFrog · 30/12/2020 23:46

Just spotted this in the New Year Honours list:

Officers of the Order of the British Empire (OBE)
Professor Kathleen Mary Linn Stock. Professor of Philosophy, University of Sussex. For services to Higher Education. (Lewes, East Sussex)

Excellent to see her getting some positive recognition!

OP posts:
GCAcademic · 31/12/2020 12:38

Is this then an indication that the government thinks that freedom of speech in academia is an important issue? Any chance they will actually do something about it beyond awarding well-deserved honours to Dr Stock? (Congratulations, by the way!) And no, I have no idea what they can do.

It was important enough to them to be in their election manifesto. But they need to do a lot more than they have done so far.

RealityNotEssentialism · 31/12/2020 12:39

So happy about this. I work in academia and it’s awful at the moment with the woke mob jumping to get anyone they can reprimanded and excluded. The academic woke contingent are all furious at this of course. They are nearly all mediocre non-entities that are bitter that their career in academia isn’t going particularly well. Some of them are 7 years out of PhD and still doing crappy fixed term contracts so I can imagine that a lot of their anger is motivated by jealousy. Hilariously, they are accusing prof Stock of being an imperialist because she didn’t turn the award down. Didn’t hear this sort of shit when Ruth Hunt got one. Let them whine - losers.

BernardBlackMissesLangCleg · 31/12/2020 12:53

What lovely news! Congratulations to professor Stock, very well deserved

PlantMam · 31/12/2020 12:58

Not a big fan of the honours system, but since it exists and there is no likelihood of that changing, I’m glad Doc Stock got one!

Poke in the eye for Rachel-Veronica-Ivy McKinnon and cronies (who will no doubt spin this to say it means KS is in support of slavery or some similar nonsense).

talesofginza · 31/12/2020 13:00

Really heartening news to end the year - congratulations to Dr Stock!

NotTerfNorCis · 31/12/2020 13:01

Wow brilliant!

SunsetBeetch · 31/12/2020 13:42

Ooh ouch! Grin

HecatesCats · 31/12/2020 14:51
Mollyollydolly · 31/12/2020 15:01

Sally Hines isn't happy. Honestly it's made my day Kathleen getting this award.

GCAcademic · 31/12/2020 15:13

Sally Hines is probably the thickest person to ever have become an academic. She should get some sort of award for that, it's really quite an achievement.

ThatIsNotMyUsername · 31/12/2020 15:34

I don’t know how she even got a job as an academic (maybe on the back of her dads name perhaps?). I can’t say I’ve ever read a tweet of hers that sounds insightful or intelligent.

QueenoftheAir · 31/12/2020 15:34

It's fabulous news, and also suggests something about government policy perhaps ...?

EmbarrassingAdmissions · 31/12/2020 15:35

Well done to Prof. Stock.

carlaCox · 31/12/2020 15:37

Love that tweet. What a brilliant woman Prof Stock is.

TartrazineCustard · 31/12/2020 15:39

Marvellous news. Flowers

WarOnWomen · 31/12/2020 15:40


Sally Hines isn't happy. Honestly it's made my day Kathleen getting this award.

What's not to be happy about? Grin

What is she saying btw?
RoyalCorgi · 31/12/2020 15:41

Sally Hines isn't happy.

It would take a heart of stone not to laugh.

Siablue · 31/12/2020 15:57

It is well deserved and the severity of the backlash shows how much she deserves it. One of the people I saw who was outraged by it was a professor at the same university as her.

I am sure that all those wittering on about imperialism would have no such concerns were they to be offered an honour by the Queen and are seething that she has got one and not them.

Siablue · 31/12/2020 15:59

How do you nominate someone for an OBE? Could we do this for some of our brilliant women of the year?

ChattyLion · 31/12/2020 16:11

Congratulations! Star

Mollyollydolly · 31/12/2020 16:12

Sally's tweet. A classic of the genre. The replies are good.

ChattyLion · 31/12/2020 16:19

There’s nothing stopping anyone else identifying as having been given an OBE..


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ErrolTheDragon · 31/12/2020 16:20

Did Hines really not notice that Stock was citing example after example of other women being censored, not a personal whinge?

donquixotedelamancha · 31/12/2020 16:27

Did Hines really not notice that Stock was citing example after example of other women being censored, not a personal whinge?

I think reading and comprehending a thread of that length is probably a little much to ask of Sally Hines.

Even if she got someone to help she still wouldn't have a fucking clue what constitutes genuine irony.

Sally Hines isn't happy. It would take a heart of stone not to laugh

I knew it was worth writing that letter to Santa.

HecatesCats · 31/12/2020 16:47


There’s nothing stopping anyone else identifying as having been given an OBE..

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