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Stephen King retweets JKR

593 replies

ScrimpshawTheSecond · 28/06/2020 18:43


A Dworkin quote.

Stephen King retweets JKR
OP posts:
NotAssigned · 28/06/2020 23:38

The latter, I'm sure.

FannyCann · 28/06/2020 23:39

...except for relationship purposes, I assume.

Obviously. Let alone if they seek to buy a baby from...oh I don't know...who could gestate a baby for me...let me think....???

NotAssigned · 28/06/2020 23:39

Oops I meant the former! I'm sure it will be because of the TWAW

minsmum · 28/06/2020 23:40

Well he is a disappointment

ScrimpshawTheSecond · 28/06/2020 23:41
  • Leave it JK, he's not worth it!
OP posts:
PurpleCrowbarWhereIsLangCleg · 28/06/2020 23:44

I suspect he will be quite surprised by the howling mob coming his way, though.

Just a nice clear 'JRK is a fellow writer I respect, & whilst I disagree with her on this topic, I think she should be able to speak without being abused or called names' would have been fine.

Quick re-tweet followed by craven mantra chanting is lazy, & will just piss everyone off.

It's still all sunlight, even if he's a disappointing wuss.

OnlyTheLangoftheTitBerg · 28/06/2020 23:52

Not quite in the same league, but David Baddiel has retweeted JKR’s tweet this evening.

littlbrowndog · 28/06/2020 23:52

Yeah he should off said TWAW are women , I am too afraid to say anything else and I will let my friend JKR take all the heat as I am too afraid to

There we go

You will never be able to bow low enough King because now our scorn sees you

PurpleCrowbarWhereIsLangCleg · 28/06/2020 23:57

We probably aren't going to threaten to rape him for it, though.

But yes, I'm definitely feeling quite scornful.

MilleniumHallsWalledGarden · 29/06/2020 00:18

Gah, so disappointed in SK the cowardly knob. However, if David Baddiel stands strong that'll do for me.

Smallsteps88 · 29/06/2020 00:18

Is it at all possible SK just agreed with the AD quote without realising what JKR was referring to? Could he have completely missed the whole hoohaa surrounding JKR and be oblivious to it all?

FirstClassFlightHome · 29/06/2020 00:21

Good one Mr King! Thank you so much!

GreenJumpers · 29/06/2020 00:39

FUCKING Stephen King! FFS!! Jesus fucking Christ how fucking disappointing.

pombear · 29/06/2020 00:44

^This to me resonates right now. You try to speak. You see a glimmer of light.


It's claustrophobic in its nature. I'm so sorry for JK that she stood up and flagged SK's apparent support. It's shit.

FirstClassFlightHome · 29/06/2020 01:02


Good one Mr King! Thank you so much!

Sorry, when I posted earlier, I thought he was supporting JKR's position. It seems that he isn't. Shame.
SerenityNowwwww · 29/06/2020 01:11

Another weasel. What is he scared of? What a weakling. Or he has some idiot managing his twitter account for him.

Flightofthecondor · 29/06/2020 01:16

Well done indeed.
“Yes. Trans women are women.” Stephen King

Gibbonsgibbonsgibbons · 29/06/2020 01:29


NotBadConsidering · 29/06/2020 02:16

Well he is the master of fantastical fiction I suppose.

2BthatUnnoticed · 29/06/2020 02:16

I seem to be missing something - why are people so annoyed at SK?

His retweet of JKR is still there, he hasn’t deleted it or recanted it, that I can see?

Yes he said TWAW, but that is accepted now as a largely meaningless white lie. He has likely had many private messages threatening suicide and thinks “TWAW“ is a kindness to those people. Not saying I agree (I don’t), but his retweet of JKR carries much more weight imo.

DeRigueurMortis · 29/06/2020 02:32

I seem to be missing something - why are people so annoyed at SK?

He "seagulled" her: soared in from on high squawking in support, waited for her to offer him thanks and then flew away and shat on her.

NotBadConsidering · 29/06/2020 03:01

He also did it as a reply to a tweet that said this:

You should address the TERF tweet. By telling us constant readers if you believe trans women are women.

He felt the need to justify his position because some nobody on Twitter didn’t like his support for Rowling. Craven.


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lionheart · 29/06/2020 03:01

He did.

TehBewilderness · 29/06/2020 03:03

He only lasted two hours before he posted TWAW and showed the twitterverse who he is.

CalubVeim · 29/06/2020 03:45

Why are we even doing this

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