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Stephen King retweets JKR

593 replies

ScrimpshawTheSecond · 28/06/2020 18:43


A Dworkin quote.

Stephen King retweets JKR
OP posts:
MrsPeacockInTheLibrary · 28/06/2020 19:23

Genuine question as I am taking a break from Twitter - is anyone asking the TRAs/ tracking the replies or seeing if he is being threatened with rape and cancelled etc?

Lamahaha · 28/06/2020 19:26

Where are all the others??

Hope they come out of hiding. It would be great to see a few Booker Prizewinners supporting her.

That Marlon James' quite has left a nasty taste in my mouth. They can't ALL be woke?

(But then again, Booker Prizewinners are not necessarily commercially successful and financially secure enough to come out. It's a prestige prize rather than a lottery ticket.)

Lamahaha · 28/06/2020 19:26

^^ quite = quote

teawamutu · 28/06/2020 19:27


He has pinned the tweet to his page. The lad is not for turning

Awesome. Fingers crossed! I love his books.

I think JK has very cleverly changed the stage. Women's rights Vs trans rights scares people or invokes the 'be kind' kneejerk; freedom of speech is a much easier sell.
thelikelylass · 28/06/2020 19:32

Stephen King you beaut!

ScrimpshawTheSecond · 28/06/2020 19:34

freedom of speech is a much easier sell.

It's also one of the most frightening and wrong-headed things about the TRA movement.

Anyone who knows the value of words and how important it is that we are able to discuss matters openly understands very, very well the problems with the new woke culture.

OP posts:
Oxyiz · 28/06/2020 19:36

Brilliant - I remember him changing his mind last time and how disappointing that was. But he's written about abusive men before now. He can hopefully spot what's going on.

SirSamuelVimesBlackboardMonito · 28/06/2020 19:39

That he's pinned it gives me hope. I admit my first thought was "how long till he retracts Thais one?" Hopefully this one stays

SirSamuelVimesBlackboardMonito · 28/06/2020 19:40

Fucking hell fat thumbs. This one! And the missing full stop. Blush

Lesson learned - don't Mumsnet while breastfeeding a wiggly toddler.

Deliriumoftheendless · 28/06/2020 19:50

They will ignore and write him off. I think he’s already had a ticking off for his lack of diversity (and being rich, old, white) or for not supporting diversity or something.

Newwayofthinking · 28/06/2020 19:59

I ha e started following people who are in support of JKR. Not many celebs yet, any more worthy of a follow?

Fallingirl · 28/06/2020 19:59

Someone’s gotta say it: we now have the King and Queen of literature.

PumbaasCucumbas · 28/06/2020 20:07

It’s an old article but clearly Hilary mantel is a booker prize winner and feminist (and not one to mince her words) it would be nice to know her views on all this now.

ScrimpshawTheSecond · 28/06/2020 20:11

Hm, I don't know, Delirium. He is enormously respected among writers.

OP posts:
maudavery · 28/06/2020 20:13


Al1Langdownthecleghole · 28/06/2020 20:24

Yay! Another one for the good list.

SulisMinerva · 28/06/2020 20:33

I hope he sticks by her. He’s one of my favourite writers too - read so many of his books as a teenager and in my twenties when I was fascinated by the horror/genre. Over the last couple of years, I’ve started re-reading them and discovering newer ones.

irishfeminist · 28/06/2020 20:42

What did Marlon James say?

Deliriumoftheendless · 28/06/2020 20:43


Hm, I don't know, Delirium. He is enormously respected among writers.

Yes, it’ll be the non entities and the bottom feeders and those who go with the crowd that moan, but he’ll get nowt like what JK Rowling got.
Pertella · 28/06/2020 20:44

Hes always been a good guy imo

Stephen King retweets JKR
Apileofballyhoo · 28/06/2020 20:47

Hopefully Philip Pullman is feeling stupid.

HumphreyCobblers · 28/06/2020 20:48

He wrote Rose Madder. He gets the realities of domestic violence.


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Anoualler · 28/06/2020 20:53

JK and King. The tanks are parked on the lawn.

LockdownLump · 28/06/2020 20:57

Pinned tweet. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

Gibbonsgibbonsgibbons · 28/06/2020 20:57


He has pinned the tweet to his page. The lad is not for turning

Boom Grin

So he should he’s “uncancelable”
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