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Got 4 stone to lose and 6 months to do it, are you with me???

135 replies

clpsmum · 27/12/2010 12:31

Want to lose four stone in time for the first of three weddings we have this year. Would love help, advice, moral support from anyone who wants to join me thanks xxx

OP posts:
ihavenewsockson · 28/12/2010 11:04

a friend of mine does zumba and swears by it. She says you need the hand weights though, to really feel it.

gorionine · 28/12/2010 11:12

I would love to join the thread. I need to loose5 to 5 stones. The only problem is I usually do really bad "under pressure" (if I feel people expect me to loose weight IYSWIM) A bit of company would be nice though if I am not expected to report to often on how much weight I have actually lostSmile

I have started the 30 days shred 3 days ago. It is reallly good and I can definitely feel that my muscles have been working harder than usual. I will carry on doing the level 1 until I feel it is too easy for me (or when I do not hurt any more the mmorning afterGrin) and then go on level two. I have not yet decided on a new eating plan as this is the sore bit with me I confort eat a lot. I am hopping that when I I feel fitter (even if I do not look it) I will need less comfort.

Has anyone tried gymophobics? sounds interesting but maybe too good to be true?

gorionine · 28/12/2010 11:14

Forgot my starting weight 14.10 stones.

maxybrown · 28/12/2010 11:16

Me too please! We have got a lab puppy and so he will need lots of exercise - here's hoping!!

I am determined to lose all the weight I gained after I had DS 3 years ago. Not sure on exact weight but over 13stone anyway - would like to lose 3 stone - or at least 2 for summer. So does DH so that helps. Our prob is we both love the same foods and can both be lazy so a new start for both of us with our doggy.

So, can it be done??!!

I am going to cut out crap (dh will need to drop the bread big time and cheese) and eat smaller portions. Walk the dog as much as he can take and I have a little video here - sounds silly, but when I worked at school we used to DPA everyday (daily phyical activity) and I have the dvd of that - very easy, and basically dancing. Oh and am going to get a skipping rope for the back garden (and another piece of rope to hold boobs down)

latristessedurera · 28/12/2010 13:58

Can I join too? Smile

I've got about 6 stone to lose (starting weight of around 16st 7lbs, size 20 Blush) but would like to have lost 2-3 stone by the time I go to a wedding at the beginning of June.

I've got PND too and now weigh more than I did before I gave birth 18 months ago Sad. I need to get rid of the extra weight if I want to start feeling human again.

I'm going to go back to Slimming World and do lots of walking, swimming and aqua aerobics. I bought the shred dvd a couple of months ago but haven't used it yet so will have to dig that out too.

LadyintheRadiator · 28/12/2010 14:02

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pebbles77 · 28/12/2010 14:15

Can I please join?

I'll weigh myself on 1 Jan when i'll start (i say this as i'm tucking into even more chocolate) but am guess i'm about 14 stone and want to lose 3 1/2.

I'm going to mainly be doing weight watchers but my biggest problem is alchol, bread and pasta so i'm going to give up all 3 until i've lost my first 1 stone.

Also going to get back into the gym thing.

My aim is holiday end of May - I think doing it all by then will be too much but at least most of it.

Good luck everyone we can do it.

Hope you've all had a good Christmas.

caffeineaddict · 28/12/2010 14:25

And me, please. Building up to stepping on scales. Definitely much to shift. Plan is to cut out crap and eat less.

MollieO · 28/12/2010 14:26

Me too. 4 stone. I'm going to do the Pig 2 Twig diet. Worked before but then I gave up. Basically low carb with a bit of tweaking. It is a mix of South Beach and Atkins but not so hardcore.

pebbles77 · 28/12/2010 14:28

oooo MollieO never heard of Pig 2 Twig diet before - love the name. Is there a website cos would love to learn more?

MollieO · 28/12/2010 14:37

Should add that it is this is the only diet I've ever done which worked and which I wasn't hungry. No counting calories or points either.

MollieO · 28/12/2010 14:38

There is a website I think. There is a book and a separate recipe book on Amazon. Written by India Knight.

MollieO · 28/12/2010 14:39

Sorry it is rather than com.

maxybrown · 28/12/2010 15:25

awww ladyinradiator - you'd have been welcome to walk him with me if we were nearer Grin

I look back of pics when I was pregnant with DS and I look a million times better then than I do now BlushSad

I want to lose mine before end of July - I don;t want to be stick thin, when I met DH I was a size 14 going into a 12 and I was quite happy with that tbh. I am a size 18 now and also very very short so now cannot get trousers to fit as petite sizes only go up to a 16. This is the first time I have felt like I really WANT to do something about it too, so that's good i guess. Alsso we have gotten into the habit of having fll fat milk all of the time so want to change that - again not a massive thing, but will make some difference. Figure if I can make lots of little differences this will help

maxybrown · 28/12/2010 15:32

Hmm, pig2twig sounds interesting! Think I may get the books and have a read - that might be easier for DH. I have the benefit of him dong it with me and needing to lose a similar amount. But my willpower will be much better than his and he is rubbish at eating reguarly. I know he would struggle with points or counting calories though so this may helo him have some structure if some sort!

mmmmmchocolate · 28/12/2010 15:52

Thanks for the recommendation clpsmum re the slimfast but my main problem is that I eat large portions and don't have the time to plan/cook 3 healthy meals for myself (though I seem to be able to do it for my children Hmm ) so it's nice and quick and easy for me. It is very hard to get into as it's so restrictive but once I am into it it works well. I really hope I can stick to it I'm still wearing my maternity jeans Blush as I can't bring myself to buy a bigger size and 'accept' the size I am.
I've seen that zumba advertised but I don't thing I have the coordination to do it Grin

activate · 28/12/2010 15:57

I'll join - but I'm down today so I say that and think I'll fail - but I'll join

I think I have 4 stone to go

see you in Jan (marking my place)

twinterror · 28/12/2010 16:08

Me too. Want to lose
2 stone by hols in May

FromFirstToLast · 28/12/2010 16:33

Marking my place, also need to lose 2 - 2.5 stone for hols in june.

ProfYaffle · 28/12/2010 16:47

Count me in (again). I've not weighed myself for yonks but I think I've got about 3 stone to lose.

My idea is to abandon the rules/regulations, I've lost weight on WW and SW in the past but my rebellious streak makes it unbearable!

The plan I've devised for myself is going to be:
*Meats based around meat and veg
*Small amount of low GI carbs
*Exercise consisting of doing school run on foot plus Shred DVD
*Alcohol limited to small amount of wine only (am a demon for cider) and only at weekend
*1 food treat at weekend

I've really got to make this work. I know what to do, have been thin and healthy in the past, but have really struggled to do it again in recent years and I'm not really sure why.

activate · 28/12/2010 17:11

ProfYaffle - you sound like me - I don't know why I can't do it - but I'm so fed up of the tight feeling in my clothes (clothes that are 2 sizes bigger than I used to be)

Maybe I'm doomed to be overweight

BoffinMum · 28/12/2010 17:18

I think I'll have a go as well.
I have got 4 stone to lose, a Wii fit and a personal trainer coming once a week. I do have to have some time back in hospital in Jan though, but will work around that.


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TheSecondComing · 28/12/2010 17:23

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Makingchanges · 28/12/2010 17:42

Hi guys, me too.

I'm 12 1/2 and want to be 10 stone so 2.5 by summer would be good. Have a problem with bread and chocolate and eat when I'm stressed - as I'm currently training to be a teacher, thats all the time at the minute.

I'll start 1st Jan too - once the rubbish is out of the house

maxybrown · 28/12/2010 18:02

OK I weighed myself and weigh 13 and half stone Shock so def want to aim for 3 stone. DH just said he wants to lose 5 stone ShockShock but I told him that is ridiculous seeing as he wasn't fat when we met and he has put on about 2 stone since then. So that's it then! 3 stone in 6 months - is that realistic?

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