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Harry and Meghan Resigning (Act 6 Scene 2) Is Everyone Okay?

999 replies

TheMustressMhor · 17/01/2020 00:06

This is Thread Eight in a series which I did not imagine would last more than one.

Meghan's friends are now writing on social media that she has been fortunate to "escape the clutches" of the Royal Family.

We, who care enough for the Queen that we are appalled by Meghan's blatant disrespect for the Crown (and the family which embraced her) are still reeling as we go from revelation to revelation. This bizarre and unprecedented situation has unfolded over a period of just eight days.

We are now beginning to see what Meghan's likely agenda was. It seems that abandoning the UK was her plan even prior to the wedding - a wedding which cost the British people £20,000,000.

Not many people actually begrudged paying that £20,000,000. But some were prescient enough to say that the marriage would not last and that Meghan would abandon this country once she had a child.

She has. She has fulfilled those prognostications amply.

It was just rather...quicker than perhaps we had imagined...…. and a good deal more brutal. Cries of "racism" have abounded - cries which are simply not justified.

What will happen next? Meghan has gone to Canada, a country which does not seem particularly keen to foot the huge bill for security which her presence requires. She is dropping in on charities for disadvantaged women, almost unannounced, without the backing or knowledge of Buckingham Palace. It is cringeworthy and embarrassing in the extreme.

Prince Harry seems to be lost in the maelstrom of public opinion. What will happen next? Will Meghan announce a second pregnancy?

And is the RF okay?

OP posts:
CurlyWurlyTwirly · 17/01/2020 09:04

Really interesting point made by @LizzieBananas

No US citizen can hold the title without the permission of Congress. Meghan is fine as technically it’s Harry’s title but Archie couldn’t have been made Earl of Dumbarton and keep his US citizenship. Clearly they mean for him to use his citizenship

Will Meghan be allowed to keep her title if she lives full time in the US?

yolofish · 17/01/2020 09:05

I'm really disappointed that no one has asked me if I am OK.

But, because I'm nice like that, I will rise above and ask if you all are OK?

GlitchStitch · 17/01/2020 09:06

The difference is you can vote the President out when you've had enough. Not sure how that's worse than being stuck with someone until they die, regardless of their behaviour. I think we've been lucky with our current Queen, her service and her long reign. But now imagine if Andrew had been her first born child!

SingingLily · 17/01/2020 09:06

Morning, Yolo, I'm OK. Hope you are too. And everyone else, of course.

SpanishLady · 17/01/2020 09:08

Stinkyeddie - how do you know everyone in the RF is stunted, that they are not close and thick?

What's the criteria by which you are judging intelligence for example?

If just be inference then well I would have to disagree as logical inference would be they are close as in the goldfish bowl together

Lamar - I never said I was here for the psychology observation if your comment was directed in any way at me - I said I thought it was why people were invested enough to fill 8 or so threads

peridito · 17/01/2020 09:10

Some interesting posts in the early parts of this thread and at last some balance and not just a few lone voices like @Mummy195

YY to @RonaldMcDonald

The feelings of anger towards people who reject “duty” and put their happiness first. The protective feelings we have towards an institution rather than questioning whether it is in fact an oppressive and archaic institution to be part of. The way we define privilege and judge those who we think should want it.

^If you don’t want or like it, it isn’t a privilege - it’s a problem
If when born you know your job is to stand around like a wax work until death you’d maybe feel very differently^

^It is him in his circumstances, she in her’s, they in their’s
It has funk all to do with what you think you’d do^

^He has served his country, is happy to continue to do so in a different way. One which may have more impact and allow those born into that circumstance to have a life they can bear
Seems brilliant^

GlitchStitch · 17/01/2020 09:15

Regarding their advisors, I was often struck by how young those around them seem to be. I think the Queen should have assigned them an advisor, someone older and very experienced and not given them a choice in the matter.

TheMustressMhor · 17/01/2020 09:16

This is Thread Eight.

OP posts:
StartupRepair · 17/01/2020 09:16

While in the hospital waiting room, I picked up an old magazine with a big feature on the queen and DoE's marriage. He was someone who really struggled in the early years with feeling constrained by the courtiers, looked down on by various family members and not able to enjoy the freedoms he had had previously. He didn't bolt after 20 months.. He knuckled down and dedicated himself to making the best of it and bringing change where he could. While there were many gaffes and occasionally dreadful behaviour, he stayed around and did not say his soul was stifled, even though Buckingham Palace in the 50s must have been stultifying.

JulietJanuary · 17/01/2020 09:20

We have had dreadful monarchs. Prince Regent later George IV was widely ridiculed.

SpanishLady · 17/01/2020 09:22

For me I call BS on the "don't want/like it, it's not a privilege' - it's not a prison sentence.

People born into an abusive or religious family or whatever example -you like - don't have to stay in it or that life. Maybe not easy to change but not impossible.

I think it's like Princess Margaret - fell in love, didn't have a role etc but when she could marry him , create something for herself outside the royal family she didn't because she didn't want to give up the title etc that comes with the RF -

(Rights and wrongs of making her have to choose etc is for another thread)

SpanishLady · 17/01/2020 09:23

Not to say a religious family is a bad thing!!! I meant crazy nutty family

Junie70 · 17/01/2020 09:24

I think this is the start of their divorce.

Canada is neutral ground on which to raise Archie, she will decamp to LA and commute. HM will quietly pay for protection for PH & Archie, and MM when she has her son. PC will quietly provide an income from the DoC. I think that behind closed doors this week, the RF have been giving PH support and loyalty. MM pulled the trigger, and this is all massive damage limitation. She's already working her PR for solo engagements in North America. She may get a shock though when HM removes her Sussex title, as I believe she will but PH will keep his HRH.

Letting the staff go at Frogmore was the key sign for me. This won't be made public for a while though for PH's sake - the media will be brutal. This is a snowstorm to cover a volcano. IMO anyway.

IrmaFayLear · 17/01/2020 09:25

There is a bit of a "duty is for old people" thing going around, as if putting up with anything uncomfortable or even boring is not being true to yourself and - let us not forget - simply surviving instead of thriving.

Putting up with abuse/violence/intolerable behaviour is now thank goodness no longer acceptable. But heaven help us if having to open a few community centres in return for massive privilege is regarded as too onerous to bear and that H&M should be applauded and congratulated for breaking free and putting themselves first . After all, probably the dreary people they were supposed to be visiting somewhere "up north" were knuckle-dragging Brexit-voting racists and don't deserve any royal patronage.

GlitchStitch · 17/01/2020 09:25

We have had dreadful monarchs

Exactly. That's why I don't understand the view that a democratically elected President is worse than a dreadful monarch we are stuck with!

JulietJanuary · 17/01/2020 09:26

On balance I'd rather meet Princess Anne than Cherie Blair.

JulietJanuary · 17/01/2020 09:27

Glitch for me its that political distaste that can occur when political lines get entrenched.

GlitchStitch · 17/01/2020 09:28

Having said that I'm less of a staunch republican than I used to be. I like the Queen, Charles and Camilla, and the Cambridges. I like seeing them dressed up, the weddings etc. A president would certainly be more dull.

Oldbutstillgotit · 17/01/2020 09:29

@ yolofish thanks for asking . Was beginning to feel a bit vulnerable . My back is a lot better so I should manage to pop out for lunch . 🍷

SingingLily · 17/01/2020 09:29

Letting the staff go at Frogmore was the key sign for me.

And treating those staff properly and generously will be crucial too. They will have seen and heard just about everything.

H&M's decision to go their own way is like a stone causing a ripple in a pond except ripples go on, getting bigger and stronger.

IrmaFayLear · 17/01/2020 09:31

History would be very boring without dreadful monarchs! I'm sure we had far worse royal families in the past. But even when there was no Daily Mail to let us in on the gossip certain monarchs and royal houses were unpopular: wild extravagances, war mongering, debauched behaviour... it all filtered down.

Picoloangel · 17/01/2020 09:32

I haven’t been so invested in anything since Wagatha.

I can well understand that they might want a private life out of the public eye but it’s clear that they basically want Beyoncésque global power packaged as something more wholesome and well-intentioned and expecting us to foot their bills.They have turned into the Blairs.

I think they should have to repay the Frogmore costs and foot their security bills.
Their titles should go too. The sheer hypocrisy of saying that she hated the soul crushing life of a royal whilst still using her title on her uninvited visits in Toronto is galling.

H touting for voiceover work is one of the most cringeworthy things I have ever seen.

I am no advocate for the RF but I really believe M to be a v controlling person who has had a plan all along. I genuinely feel sorry for H his life is going to get a whole lot worse I fear.


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JulietJanuary · 17/01/2020 09:32

Yolofish I hope you are both ok and thriving.

And the rest of you posters.

And I mean that most sincerely, folks! (that's an ancient popular culture reference to a Canadian-British celeb by the way.)

GlitchStitch · 17/01/2020 09:33

Glitch for me its that political distaste that can occur when political lines get entrenched.

That's a really good point.

I did comment on another thread that despite always considering myself a republican all of this was making me feel very protective of the Queen, which surprised me. I don't think she, or Philip, deserved any of this shit at their ages.

IrmaFayLear · 17/01/2020 09:34

How do they ensure staff keep schtum? Surely no amount of official secrets acts and handsome pay offs can compare to what some newspapers will be offering for some really juicy royal tittle-tattle. There must be loads of staff who are loaded with interesting inside knowledge of the goings on.

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