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Harry and Meghan Resigning (Act 6 Scene 2) Is Everyone Okay?

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TheMustressMhor · 17/01/2020 00:06

This is Thread Eight in a series which I did not imagine would last more than one.

Meghan's friends are now writing on social media that she has been fortunate to "escape the clutches" of the Royal Family.

We, who care enough for the Queen that we are appalled by Meghan's blatant disrespect for the Crown (and the family which embraced her) are still reeling as we go from revelation to revelation. This bizarre and unprecedented situation has unfolded over a period of just eight days.

We are now beginning to see what Meghan's likely agenda was. It seems that abandoning the UK was her plan even prior to the wedding - a wedding which cost the British people £20,000,000.

Not many people actually begrudged paying that £20,000,000. But some were prescient enough to say that the marriage would not last and that Meghan would abandon this country once she had a child.

She has. She has fulfilled those prognostications amply.

It was just rather...quicker than perhaps we had imagined...…. and a good deal more brutal. Cries of "racism" have abounded - cries which are simply not justified.

What will happen next? Meghan has gone to Canada, a country which does not seem particularly keen to foot the huge bill for security which her presence requires. She is dropping in on charities for disadvantaged women, almost unannounced, without the backing or knowledge of Buckingham Palace. It is cringeworthy and embarrassing in the extreme.

Prince Harry seems to be lost in the maelstrom of public opinion. What will happen next? Will Meghan announce a second pregnancy?

And is the RF okay?

OP posts:
Snugglepiggy · 17/01/2020 08:04

Why are so many of us so fascinated in MM and her motivations and how she has behaved ? - myself included.I had no strong opinions of thoughts about her before that interview in SA and now realised that it's probably triggered something very personal.Compounded since by her appearances in Canada House and in the last few days at the refuge etc.
I suspect a lot of us have at least one friend in our lives so far who we have let in to our lives and trusted and then they've either dumped us fairly fast for others ,or had victim mentality,or made snide little digs or been patronising,or made us realise they were never that good a 'friend' after all.Apparently the breakdown of female friendship can be more painful than the end of a relationship.
It sounds ridiculous when none of us know the woman but then then she doesn't know us personally and we feel somewhat betrayed to be lumped together as racist and toxic when most of us watched her wedding with nothing but good will.It feels like she has passive /aggressively sticking two fingers up to us . She intends to move away from the constraints of being a senior royal,but with more money than any of us can ever dream of.Lets face it - if H+M do stay together tacky as it is they will profit in some way as a brand - and that infuriates us.Or if they divorce she will still be much wealthier and with more privileges .Whilst many of us are left slogging it out putting up jobs we can't or won't change,and family dynamics that are tricky and doing our 'duty'.That is why Kate gets a big thumbs up recently.I suddenly felt ridiculously proud that a gritty northern city merited a visit because it felt personal and local and that matters more than MM and her global crusades.So many projects here from sex trafficked or groomed girls to overworked undervalued carers etc.
Henry James said the best revenge was living well. MM intends to do that in North America by liberating her soul and looking after number one it would seem.Or does she really love Harry and is helping him escape?Truth is we don't know.
Either way it could have been done so much better.For that I feel it's understable they have faced so much criticism. But the best revenge is living well so I'm giving the whole matter of H+M a massive shove to the side and cracking on with that.Neither of them deserve to take up so much head space when I've got real friends,real community and real life to get on with.

LaMarschallin · 17/01/2020 08:06

I really enjoyed the idea, suggested by a PP, that Kate should be sprinkled with more "cute" pictures of the queen.

Afaik (not very f), a royal family order is only bestowed once per monarch.

I don't think it's like a member of staff at Macdonald's being given 4 gold stars instead of 2 for good service.

Or, more relatable, posting 🤣🤣🤣 instead of 🤣 to show how 1) genuinely funny or 2) (sarcastically) so stupid that you have pee running down both legs you've found someone's post.

I bet Kate hates having to ruin the look of a gown by wearing a couple of silk offcuts and a picture of her MiL, however well-meant the gift.

Anyway. I'm up here on my moral high ground judging everyone here.

Not here for the gossip. The very thought!

Not here to obsessively read every post then try jumping in a la King Canute (Cnut?)*, shouting:

"Stoppit! Stoppit! Do not post anymore about this because I deem it to be boring/over-invested.... glug gulp....".
As the tide washes over them.

Just here for the interesting psychological study of people.**

*Yes, I know the story was that he was trying to prove he couldn't stop the tide to those who believed he could.

**And for the gossip, obvs.

diddl · 17/01/2020 08:12

I had a thought that Harry might not go & if Archie was with him I think it would be a possibility.

But I doubt he'd leave his son.

And I doubt now that she'll let Harry travel anywhere with Archie & without her.

I wonder what will happen if they can't stay in Canada?

Maybe some form of residency has already been sorted out-hence the visit to Canada hous?

Meghan must have some idea as she has already lived & worked there.

Does having millions behind you & being "self supporting" make a difference?

Mummy195 · 17/01/2020 08:14

Easy to google it.

But now another chancer from Italy has also tried to squat on the brand name.
See further down the article about the Malta man

The media is speculating that H&M will take Royal Sussex with them, but I believe that their statement that they will work with HM means that RS would remain under her, even though that brand name is them.

Also Frim Fram is described as mostly inactive, does not have MM name, therefore could also have been moved to Delaware by the named Meyer and Genow. It could be in the future of H&M. No one knows.

The press is just trying hard to add up sums, they are in the dark as much as we are. Quite like the speculation that H was trying to get a job for MM when he talked to the head of Disney. When it was also revealed that the proceeds of the voiceover will be going to the Elephant charity. It could have nothing to do with their future, could be that they were doing their usual fundraising, albeit rather pushing for it, and putting their own twist on things as they usually do. Nothing wrong with that.

NotEverythingIsBlackandWhite · 17/01/2020 08:19

Six week holiday... tough life huh?
As was pointed out to me on a previous thread, this was after her maternity leave. Anyway it hasn't just been 6 weeks has it? She hasn't returned to work, has she?

I wonder how photographers knew where she would be yet again? Poor woman can't get any privacy hmm
This is the annoying part. The fact that she uses the press when she wants to. I suppose she is like Princess Diana in that respect. I wonder if that is the appeal to Harry, that he sees some traits in Meghan that he saw in his mum (sadly, not nessarily positive traits).

I really liked Diana, and was probably blind to her negative traits at the time, but, in hindsight, she did use people and the press so was manipulative and attention-seeking. Harry adored his mum and so could have sought out a replacement for the personality traits he was accustomed to.

I would like the press to give H&M no coverage whatsoever after the details of the split have been thrashed out. Without publicity they would not survive let alone thrive. I believe they both need intensive therapy.

Stinkyeddie · 17/01/2020 08:24

As a republican I'm fascinated by all this.

Not only H&Ms actions but the public response.

The idea thst the royal family are in ANY way "close" is absurd. They are all emotionally and psychologically stunted and most of them have IQs lower than a frog.


Stinkyeddie · 17/01/2020 08:25

And once Phil dies and his past gets more scrutiny Andrews antics will look pale by comparison.

Lordfrontpaw · 17/01/2020 08:25

I suppose a few mums go on maternity then resign before they go back to work. Still - he wasn’t on paternity was he? I think they were getting their ducks in a row and ‘planning’ (haha - maybe they needed a longer break).

Planeplane · 17/01/2020 08:28

The feelings of anger towards people who reject “duty” and put their happiness first

I'm amazed that anyone doesn't really feel at least a flash of anger at it. The whole Africa interview is, for me, the pivotal moment on with their popularity, or lack of, turns. The waffle about thriving not surviving imo is a real 'let them eat cake' moment. The fact that these obscenely privileged people (I know Meghan has come from a normal background but as is so often the case, she's clearly forgotten how normal people live) feel comfortable pontificating about how we should be living our lives, with no comprehension of the multitude of barriers stopping us all from thriving shows an offensive disconnect from the ordinary life of those people who fund their lifestyle. The reason our RF have been popular over the years is because of that 'never explain, never complain' attitude and not because that's how we should all be but because that's the only way a monarchy can survive. We see the Queen working hard and hear that she watches Corrie, or we see W and K at a community centre in Bradford and we can entertain the idea that they're a bit like us really. It doesn't work when they're complaining about having to meet the racist, stifling British public.

Lordfrontpaw · 17/01/2020 08:31

She wants the Hollywood star lifestyle (and she was never going to be Hollywood royalty).

Neither have the talent for this - they aren’t great actors or thinkers - they haven’t held high elected office or have anything new to say.

They are like Jedward really. We all know who they are but they don’t actually have anything to bring to the table.

AutumnCrow · 17/01/2020 08:31

I think there is a level on which MM feels she has been humiliated by the RF and the UK. She thought the 'breath of fresh air' dynamic would be ubiquitous and timeless, and instead she ran up against more senior royals, the private secretary system, their lack of enthusiasm for many of her ideas and actions, and the country's (arguably bewildering) deference to this institution.

It's her feelings of humiliation that are causing the current behaviour - the burning of bridges, the bitterness, the game playing with the press, the lashing out. PH simply sees a hurt wife.

Such a mess.

Planeplane · 17/01/2020 08:31

To add...this is why the RF can't use SM in the way that H and M want to. If they had just not done any engagements for that 6 weeks and kept things quiet then it would have died down much more quickly. The minute you loudly announce that you're having a much needed and deserved 6 week gets people's backs up!

Cora1942 · 17/01/2020 08:34

They are entitled to leave , Harry was born a prince he didnt choose the life. Megan has been treated badly by the press, but not by the British people.
But the rude way they have conducted their exit has losed my respect.
They need to loose all titles, and disappear, no more articles, no joining RF at official events in the future. The next time I want to see them is Charlotte's or George's wedding as family guests.

Lordfrontpaw · 17/01/2020 08:40

They need to look at who is advising them and saying ‘yeah, great idea’. They just keep wrong footing when they should be keeping a low profile - and maybe issuing an apology to the Queen for doing the dirty in public (didn’t Harry actually think that was a bad idea - he knows the drill for gods sake!). How exactly did they think it would play out? It’s like royal reality tv.

I remember someone interviewed about Michael Jackson and he said ‘no one ever tells him ‘no’ and that’s why he is like that’

crispysausagerolls · 17/01/2020 08:42

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Lordfrontpaw · 17/01/2020 08:44

I wonder what her mum says? I thought she came across as rather calm and pleasant. Of course I’ve never met her so who knows...

I think she couldn’t hack the very close family (maybe not in an emotional sense but definitely in ‘The Firm’ sense) as she isn’t close to her family.

NotEverythingIsBlackandWhite · 17/01/2020 08:46

Also Frim Fram is described as mostly inactive, does not have MM name, therefore could also have been moved to Delaware by the named Meyer and Genow. It could be in the future of H&M. No one knows.
Frim Fram Inc California may have been mostly inactive but only because Meghan stopped writing her blog, The Tig, prior to marrying Harry. The income from that used to go through Frim Fram inc.

Clearly for her company's name to be registered as a corporation in Delaware and then for the Californian company to be "Merged out" and transferred to the Delaware company, it is planned for her company to become active again. You do not incorprate your company in another State if it won't be used.

Quite like the speculation that H was trying to get a job for MM when he talked to the head of Disney. When it was also revealed that the proceeds of the voiceover will be going to the Elephant charity. It could have nothing to do with their future, could be that they were doing their usual fundraising, albeit rather pushing for it, and putting their own twist on things as they usually do. Nothing wrong with that.
I think it was more than speculation. Harry was cringeworthy and put the Disney boss in a very awkward position but it worked. She landed the voiceover. (Doesn't really fit with her being a feminist, that her husband manipulated Disney into giving her that role). The only reason the money has to go to charity is that, as a royal, Meghan is not allowed to earn income. It also gives her the opportunity to demonstrate voiceover skills with the potential for future income from it when H&M leave the RF if she is good at it.

Incidentally does anyone know if Meghan has really done any voiceover work in the past?

JulietJanuary · 17/01/2020 08:47

Snugglepiggy, your post rings true for me.

Well put. X

NotEverythingIsBlackandWhite · 17/01/2020 08:49

They are like Jedward really. We all know who they are but they don’t actually have anything to bring to the table.
Jedward were very likeable too though as well as annoying. Grin

CurlyWurlyTwirly · 17/01/2020 08:50

Really good post @Snugglepiggy

neither of them deserve to take up so much head space when I've got real friends,real community and real life to get on with

SingingLily · 17/01/2020 08:51

They need to look at who is advising them

When I read the article that Harry reads the BTL comments in the Mail Online till the small wee hours of the morning (never a good idea), it went on to say that he would ring his press officer and other advisors immediately to demand that they "do something". They would invariably advise him to step away from the comments, stop reading them, and let them do their job - advice that apparently William took on board.

Harry seemingly is more impulsive than his brother and couldn't follow the advice.

When his and MM's relationship became official, there was a quick churn of key staff.

My interpretation of that is they did get good advice but chose to ignore it while expecting the same advisors to clear up the even bigger mess caused by them ignoring the advice in the first place. Eventually, they found new advisors who were more amenable to the H&M way of doing things.

It's the same strategy they are using with the royal rota. Only speak to the ones likely to agree with you anyway.

BackyardChickens · 17/01/2020 08:52

Is this thread 6 or 7??


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Lordfrontpaw · 17/01/2020 08:52

I think the expression that comes to mind is ‘but what are they for?’

Bless ‘em - I wish them them the best but wish I didn’t have to see their grinning fizzers all over the newspapers (‘don’t photograph me! Don’t photograph me! No, photograph me! Don’t photograph the baby! Don’t photograph the baby!! That’ll be £xxx for a spread of the kids first birthday...’)

LaMarschallin · 17/01/2020 08:55


Is this thread 6 or 7??

More than that, I think.

But this is the most recent thread.

JulietJanuary · 17/01/2020 08:57

Yeah,we might have had President Blair, or as he has been so popular with his political peers, President Keith Vaz. PRESIDENT Cameron probably a definite shoe-in.

Hereditary monarchy is possibly ridiculous but I believe the alternative would be even worse.

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