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Baby Sussex: last chance for a guess?

261 replies

GirlRaisedInTheSouth · 28/04/2019 07:39

I think it will be born tomorrow, it will be a girl and they’ll call her Rosa Elizabeth.

What’s everyone else (who’s interested) thinking?

OP posts:
ChicCroissant · 29/04/2019 22:23

What about twins one of each. Liz and Phil

Brilliant Lllot, no matter what lovely name they pick now I will be slightly disappointed it's not this scenario!

No ideas on name or sex but hoping for a safe delivery very soon.

athousandmiles · 29/04/2019 23:48

Ooh are twins a possibility do we think?

AuldJosey · 30/04/2019 01:41

No, I reckon it's going to be one big bruiser about 10lbs. A boy.

NameChangedNoImagination · 30/04/2019 01:48

It's a boy called Christopher.

GirlRaisedInTheSouth · 30/04/2019 02:06

I don’t think Christopher is posh or interesting enough.

OP posts:
ProudAunty2nine · 30/04/2019 03:55

I just hope it isn't May 2nd thats the birthday of my favourite little royal - Princess Charlotte so any day but that really

LaMarschallin · 30/04/2019 04:06

Suggestions of Rosa are presumably to do with Rosa Parks:
I wouldn't discount twins.
Only need to get your figure back once then (if, that is, they want more than one and less than three).

Camsie30 · 30/04/2019 04:10

A girl called Wallace Diana

lyralalala · 30/04/2019 04:15

I think it’ll be a girl called Matilda. With various family names as middle names.

They said there would be an announcement when she was in labour in the same follow up to the statement as the one where they said there would be a photocall in Windsor a few days after the birth with one tv camera, one photographer and one someone else (reporter maybe?).

PhoenixBuchanan · 30/04/2019 04:59

Errr why was a thread deleted because someone thought the baby would be called Rosa? Because of Rose the turnip toff??Confused

Rose/Rosa was my initial guess. Because it's a solid English aristo name as well as having the Parks connection. However given the rumoured circumstances it does seem a little... unlikely. My other guesses are Matilda and Alexandra. For a boy I have no idea.

GirlRaisedInTheSouth · 30/04/2019 05:41

I’ve just Googled ‘Rose the Turnip Toff’. I think Rose/Rosa is off the cards 😁.

OP posts:
AuldJosey · 30/04/2019 13:05

Yes, I think if a girl was called Rose, there really would be a royal rift between the duchesses!

AuldJosey · 30/04/2019 13:06

Harry's very tall and Meghan doesn't seem to be that tall - maybe 5'5? If it's a big baby, I think a home birth might not go quite to plan.

AuldJosey · 30/04/2019 13:08

Ok, so apparently she's 5'6.

Babyfoal · 30/04/2019 13:09

Girl called Cassandra

Skyejuly · 30/04/2019 13:10

Girl. Amelia

alwaysinleggings · 30/04/2019 13:12

girl - Alexandra Diana

missteddy · 30/04/2019 14:57

If it's a boy I think Edward.
If it's a girl Elizabeth.
Baby better have a nice month being baby Sussex because the real baby Sussex (mineWink) is due next month. Really hoping they don't pick the name I have picked out !

canveyisland · 30/04/2019 15:26

Elective caesarian would be my bet.
They do know the sex.
The name won't be announced for a week or so,
it will be named after a recent cultural figure
e.g. Rosa, Maya, Martin, Jesse
Probably not James.

AuldJosey · 30/04/2019 15:36

How about Luther? After Martin Luther King? Not sure if Luther is a first name or a surname though?
Maybe she might not go with her African heritage (though she is obviously closer to her Mum than her Dad) and might go traditional. Who knows!
And still we wait....... This was like waiting for my own baby's arrival! Never-ending!

AuldJosey · 30/04/2019 15:37

I wonder if that's why they have decided not to disclose anything about the birth - because she is going for a c-section?

funkythighcollector · 30/04/2019 15:39

A boy called Joffrey


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AuldJosey · 30/04/2019 15:40

Joffrey???? Grin

How utterly posh-sounding. Grin

A fine name!

funkythighcollector · 30/04/2019 15:43

I was very disappointed that William and Kate didn’t use it for their first. Or at least pretend to

ineedaknittedhat · 30/04/2019 15:48

It'll be twins. A boy and a girl.

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