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The litter tray

Paws, Ollie, Captain V and all the rest

999 replies

Papergirl1968 · 05/03/2020 12:34

New thread!
I’ve found two so much more hard work (and expensive) than one, Queen

OP posts:
nettie434 · 04/05/2020 07:53

That is a true friend - they can have a patch each Grin

swampytiggaa · 04/05/2020 07:59

I know! I’ve just got to not kill it and keep it away from the stupids until it’s a bit more established 🙂

TheLongRider · 04/05/2020 09:53

Top tip - plant the little plants into a slightly bigger pot to give them some growing room. Put a wire hanging basket holder upside down over the top of the plant pot. The stalks can grow through and the cats can't chomp the plants down to the roots. You can do the same thing with chicken wire. My own plant survived the winter with that method.

Paws, Ollie, Captain V and all the rest
YesItsMeIDontCare · 04/05/2020 10:33

My Leroy's catnip patches have survived quite happily with hardly any intervention and are now back to full leafy little bushes.

It's pretty much the only thing I don't kill.

Supersimkin2 · 04/05/2020 13:01

Beeeyotiful Long.

The emergency catnip mouse at Lana Towers vanished in the night. Must send off for some seedlings.

YesItsMeIDontCare · 04/05/2020 13:58

Are you any good at sewing Super? I bought a bag of catnip and made pouches out of random bits of old clothes. My sewing is actually atrocious but good enough for catnip pouches.

Supersimkin2 · 04/05/2020 14:26

I have stitched many a mouse. Might have a go tonight :)

ClientQ · 04/05/2020 19:34

The bench is being delivered tonight. Wonder how long ollie will ignore it for and sit outside wailing that he can't possibly get in Grin

Supersimkin2 · 04/05/2020 21:56
ClientQ · 05/05/2020 11:11

The bench is in place. He peered outside in horror before jumping down around it BUT has come back in using it. That's got to be better for his legs?

Fluffycloudland77 · 05/05/2020 11:21

You’d think so wouldn’t you?. I see next doors little tortie jumping off a 6ft fence and feel really sorry for her.

ClientQ · 05/05/2020 11:29

There's me worrying about a ground floor window GrinGrin

TheLongRider · 05/05/2020 11:31

Super- it's a Tortie, say no more!

Client - I hope the bench is in a patch of sunlight. You'll never get him back in the house.

nettie434 · 05/05/2020 11:34

I wonder if you will get a chance to sit on your new bench ClientQ or if Ollie and Paws insist it has to be available at all times for jumping in through the window.

I did love your comment about your sewing being atrocious YesitsmeIdontcare. I am imagining your cat tutting over uneven stitches and poor finishing but deciding that it will do.

Fluffycloudland77 · 05/05/2020 11:37

It’s an old tortie though. Asbo had a cat flap in the gate.

Papergirl1968 · 05/05/2020 11:52

Ollie is rightly very spoilt!
Love that video of the orchestra-crashing cat, Lana, especially the way he marches about with his tail in the air, until someone tries to pick him up and then he goes to bite!

OP posts:
ClientQ · 05/05/2020 11:57

Mama bought orchids (love orchids uk has an offer on)
Ollie thinks he is more BEAUTIFUL

Paws, Ollie, Captain V and all the rest
Papergirl1968 · 05/05/2020 13:22

Of course he is! No question about it Wink

OP posts:
ClientQ · 05/05/2020 13:31

The bench has caused DRAMA. He can jump in, but not out

Paws, Ollie, Captain V and all the rest
Paws, Ollie, Captain V and all the rest
Supersimkin2 · 05/05/2020 13:42

Grin Beautiful and confident.

YetAnotherSpartacus · 05/05/2020 13:48

Oh Ollie! Such a little drama cat.

I loved the video of the orchestra Lana!

Defiantly41 · 05/05/2020 14:13

Fab capture of his expressions @ClientQ

Has someone made a new thread yet?


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YetAnotherSpartacus · 05/05/2020 14:18

I dream of being the OP in such a thread, but I'm too shy and can never think of a snappy title in time :). Plus, I don't actually have a cat.

Papergirl1968 · 05/05/2020 14:53

Yes, Queen has. All welcome, cat slaves or not!

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