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Corrie Thread - No spoilers please!

999 replies

ajandjjmum · 26/02/2020 10:59

Just seen that my post was 999, so though I should open a new one. Not meaning to tread on anyone's toes - except Gary/Ryan/Geoff etc.

OP posts:
TheSquitz · 02/03/2020 21:42

I was getting fed up of Bethany's limited range of facial expressions.

Redshoeblueshoe · 02/03/2020 22:47

Amy was there, she looked more grown up than usual

EachandEveryone · 02/03/2020 22:54

It was a lovely wedding venue and the cakes looked lovely.

Poetryinaction · 02/03/2020 23:24

I thought both Bethany and Sarah looked stunning, with great hair.

Poetryinaction · 02/03/2020 23:24

Amy and Tracey have the same facial expressions.

eggandonion · 02/03/2020 23:43

Blanche, Deirdre, Tracey and Amy - brilliant genes! Was it an afternoon tea wedding? I must persuade my dds that afternoon tea weddings are the way forward, and also have a word with my ds's girlfriend. I'm sure she'd love my opinion on little cakes!
Bethany has been on some journey since she arrived from Italy, with being bullied, horrid paedo ring, Daniel and his grief and goodness knows what. I feel sorry for Daniel and Bertie.

BettyBooJustDoinTheDoo · 03/03/2020 00:44

I hated the way Daniel just dumped Sinead’s belongings in black bin bags and left them, I don’t care that he texted Beth it was so disrespectful to her memory, black bin bags left in the door step in the rain ffs! he should have called Beth up and asked her to look after her possessions for him, or asked her what she would like to keep, and the rest could have gone to charity, Kirk said exactly what I was thinking.

ellenanora5 · 03/03/2020 01:43

Ah but he left a note on the bags BettyBoo so you's not his fault!!

He's a complete and utter drip, can't stand him since he arrived on the street, and Bethany needs to run a million miles away, feck sake she's willing to live in a bedsit with some random friend of Daniels, isn't a bedsit one room, so four of them including a baby in one room, christ on a bike could the dumbwit writers not at least have made it a two bed flat.

Clawdy · 03/03/2020 08:28

Ah, I wondered where they were going to live, must have missed that! How on earth could they pay rent in London with neither of them in paid jobs? Interns are usually paid very little, if anything.

Deadringer · 03/03/2020 09:52

Must be a very good friend to put up a mate, his baby and his girlfriend, in a bedsit. And yet i am pretty sure Daniel didn't have any friends when he arrived in Corrie, he was a loner who had never had a girlfriend. After living on the street for what, a couple of years he still doesn't have any friends on the street that I can think of. I don't blame Beth, I would be livid at his treatment if Sinead's things.

Deadringer · 03/03/2020 09:53


Rattymare · 03/03/2020 10:30

Did anyone notice the continuity issue when Sarah was sat at the kitchen table applying lipstick on the wedding morning. The lipstick in a gold casing changed to a pencil in a split second.

eggandonion · 03/03/2020 11:28

Oh poor Daniel, heartless parents who abandoned him, wife who died - he's a mess, the poor child! Adam and Sarah need to rescue him and Bertie and look after him, isn't Ken the most horrible parent ever!
I'm sure I read that interns in publishing and all from amazingly well off backgrounds, as they don't earn anything in many places - a very select few publishers pay a living wage.

JuanSheetIsPlenty · 03/03/2020 12:10

The only time I liked Daniel was when he was with Carla. In fact Carla has more chemistry with him than she has with peter.

Spam88 · 03/03/2020 15:52

I can't believe no one has mentioned the best moment of the episode - David dancing his way on to the dance floor 😂

eggandonion · 03/03/2020 17:02

Oh Poor David, I hope Shona remembers how much she loves her little family soon. Maybe a visit from David the dog would speed recovery.

Roussette · 03/03/2020 17:42

He's a complete and utter drip, can't stand him since he arrived on the street.

I agree. In his first couple of episodes he was such a poor poor actor, I never thought he'd stay. To be fair, he's got a lot better than he was

eggandonion · 03/03/2020 17:45

Most of the actors are pretty poor, but you sort of get used to them!

Deadringer · 03/03/2020 17:59

I think Daniel has improved a lot since he stopped acting like Ken Jr, he was great when he first got with Sinead and was happy. (Though God knows she was a drip). Shona will start remembering David once her lips return to normal.

TheSquitz · 03/03/2020 18:29

Spam88 I missed that! Will have a look later 😂

nildesparandum · 03/03/2020 20:20

My granddaughter worked as an intern in London for a finance company and got no wages at all. She did get a good position when she qualified though
She certainly did not come from a wealthy family, but worked her way through university and also had the full loan which she is now re-
I know this is just a soap and not real life.It would be the perfect world if soaps were real.

eggandonion · 03/03/2020 20:27

My son was also a finance intern but he was paid minimum wage; my daughter was an architecture intern and got 'expenses' which was below minimum wage. But they were both in their third years of degrees so almost qualified. Did Bethany even do A Levels? The competition for a publishing internship must be massive.
But I suppose she's like her mum, who is a top fashion business expert.
I wish soap life was real, constant eating in a caff and nipping to the pub or bistro or Speed Dahl... I get fed up cooking.


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sneakythecat49 · 03/03/2020 21:15

Just watched on catch up and kept my eyes peeled for the continuity error with Sarah's makeup!

PennyRoyal · 04/03/2020 19:34

Have I missed where Adam & Sarah are living now they're married?

eggandonion · 04/03/2020 19:38

I'm just confusing myself thinking that Daniel is Adam's uncle, and Bethany is Sarah's daughter, so are they step brother and sister now? And what would that make Bertie? Kirk is kind.

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