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Corrie Thread - No spoilers please!

999 replies

ajandjjmum · 26/02/2020 10:59

Just seen that my post was 999, so though I should open a new one. Not meaning to tread on anyone's toes - except Gary/Ryan/Geoff etc.

OP posts:
Deadringer · 28/02/2020 10:14

Claudia is the last woman on earth who would go live at a retirement village, especially with a drip like Ken. It's not long since she was buying businesses and expanding her hairdressing empire. It's ridiculous.

NCTDN · 28/02/2020 10:44

@Deadringer I absolutely agree!

EachandEveryone · 28/02/2020 11:07

If it was in Florida I could totally see her doing that.

I dont want her to go out of it having read how her and Maureen Lipman love sharing a flat in Salford.

eggandonion · 28/02/2020 14:13

I am hoping it will be an amazing gated community type of place rather than a twilight home. Lots of potential relationships as opposed to old dears having hip replacements.
Claudia and Audrey don't seem to be building hairdressing empires just now.

Itstheprinciple · 28/02/2020 20:04

Nooooo Geoff!

Honeyroar · 28/02/2020 20:10

I can’t warm to Claudia.

Is Geoff going to kill the hens?

What’s going on with Shona? It only seems a minute since David was camped out at the hospital.

MonkeyToesOfDoom · 28/02/2020 20:15

I think Shona told David to bugger off and not go back. So he's decided to not go back.

Honeyroar · 28/02/2020 20:16

Oh she was unconscious last time I saw her!

Urgh the Geoff storyline!

Lnix · 28/02/2020 20:22

Charlotte! 😓

eggandonion · 28/02/2020 20:22

Bethany can't afford to go and intern in London, and Daniel and Bertie can't either. Money seems a very fluid concept in Coronation Street.

Neverending2020 · 28/02/2020 20:34

Agree - do wonder how they pay their bills! Cheney..Daniel..Peter..

eggandonion · 28/02/2020 20:40

Now Steve and Tracey can't afford the house. And Geoff is a nightmare.

Redshoeblueshoe · 28/02/2020 20:45

I thought Steve owned the flat, so they wouldn't need a big mortgage.
All I can say about Geoff is Bring back Phelan Sad

Roussette · 28/02/2020 20:47

Just joining in...

And imagining how Geoff managed to kill a chicken, disembowel it, pluck it, and get it in the oven all cooked with brown skin whilst Yasmin popped upstairs for a quick nap!

HeartyGreenSalad · 28/02/2020 20:49

So Geoff caught , killed , drained , plucked & roasted a chicken within that time ?
I predict that Charlotte will be ‘ found ‘
Another layer to his abuse

Heartburn888 · 28/02/2020 20:56


Oh I hope so, I really hope so! It’s so sad to see the Geoff and yasmeens storyline, it’s unbearable to watch at times but it even worse that some people live this in real life every day 😢 I’m hoping alya is going to come to her grans rescue and catch Geoff in the act.

Heartburn888 · 28/02/2020 20:58

Or I think yasmeen will end up killing him in self defence and be sentenced for his murder, like the Whitney and Leo storyline in eastenders

Beebumble2 · 28/02/2020 21:30

Where does Peter and Carla’s income come from? Neither seem to have a job. How can they get a mortgage?

Redshoeblueshoe · 28/02/2020 21:43

I thought that Peter and Carla decided they didn't want the house, but Peter didn't want Tracy to rip off Ken, that's why they deliberately let Tracy see their offer, which was above the asking price

Bunnylady54 · 28/02/2020 22:34

I really can’t bear the scenes with Geoff & Yasmeen. I keep asking myself why she doesn’t leave but I know in these relationships, it doesn’t work like that. But making her eat her own pet! Twisted!

Wannabangbang · 28/02/2020 22:51

Tonight's episode, however much I applaud corrie for showing abuse doesn't always have to be physical just went too far and maybe should have been shown after 9. My kids don't watch it but still much to early for such stomach churning plot, nearly puked up my evening snacks. Poor Yasmine, i just want to grab her away from him, within the tv. Brilliant actor as he plays the disturbing part really well

Honeyroar · 28/02/2020 23:01

He does, his whole profile looked evil somehow when he came back from the pub.


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maxbabi · 28/02/2020 23:21

I wonder how many women reading mn and watching corrie are going through a similar thing.
If so please reach out and tell someone. You are worth more.
Women's aid is a good resource.
It's like a car crash you can't watch but you can't not watch.

Optimist1 · 28/02/2020 23:25

You're right, Redshoeblueshoe - letting Tracey see the bid in the flower shop scenario was staged.

Geoff and Yasmeen scenes were very disturbing. Did anyone else notice that very large knife that the camera lingered on once or twice? A hint of things to come?

Redshoeblueshoe · 28/02/2020 23:34

Optimist I didn't see the knife but . . . . We can guess where it might lead.
I just wish more of the street knew what was going on.
Peter thinks she's an alcoholic
No one is noticing

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