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New Emmerdale thread, no spoilers please

980 replies

ellenanora5 · 19/04/2018 21:51

How long will Joe and Robert play the one upmanship game, its tedious beyond belief.

Has Lisa gone for good and if she has I wouldn't blame her.

Will Chas and Paddy last as long as this thread, I'd be very surprised.

Moses is adorable


OP posts:
ellenanora5 · 02/05/2018 23:25

Agree kikashi, why do they all jump to conclusions, why didn't Megan open the door and say "who the hell are you talking to you two timing shit, I'm not putting up with this again" but no she has to go off and tell someone that "he's at it again".

She then sleeps with Graham (the lovely Graham) who she knows fancies her just for revenge and crumbles as soon as Tracey mentions Graham.

Kerry has told mouth almighty Bernice that Daz slept with Ali so I'll give it till the day of the funeral before Dan finds out.

I'm not feeling sorry for Charity at all, this whole story has changed from a few years ago and she's not selling it as an actress, I don't think she believes in the storyline so can't deliver it, and bloody hell how annoying is Vanessa.

OP posts:
Frillyhorseyknickers · 03/05/2018 19:44

I’ve started to warm to joe, and then he just jumps off of a cliff - what’s all that about?

The Liv story is annoying me, I’m so fed up of Aaron being a mopey bastard.

JaneJeffer · 03/05/2018 19:47

Aww poor Aaron Sad

PaulHollywoodsSexGut · 03/05/2018 20:06

They’ve definitely given Meghan “sex hair” since last week

Jojoanna · 03/05/2018 20:14

I’ve started to like Joe too !

HettySunshine · 03/05/2018 20:17

Does Liv have a big secret that we don't know that's at the route of her drinking or is it because of her asexuality/ rob/Seb/Rebecca/her Dad / gabby etc etc etc

JaneJeffer · 03/05/2018 20:34

It was really good tonight and no Spencers!

Jojoanna · 03/05/2018 20:36

Yep! Good episode

PrincessScarlett · 03/05/2018 21:31

I think Liv's secret and reason for drinking is Gordon related. Not necessarily that she was abused too as that might be a step too far but maybe some sort of guilt about what happened to Aaron.

Joe looks such much better without the quiffy hair.

Frillyhorseyknickers · 04/05/2018 19:30

I don’t think belle is a convincing enough actress to pull off such a complex MH problem.

I really am starting to warm to Joe but I wish he’d stop being so arrogant.

ellenanora5 · 05/05/2018 19:12

So are Joe and Debbie going to be back together now, they're not a convincing couple at all.

Was Liv drinking in the young offenders, I don't remember that, I was glad she had a go at Aaron though, everything she said was true.

I wonder has Lisa left for good, I hope not.

OP posts:
HettySunshine · 06/05/2018 06:42

I think Lisa will come now that Belle is ill.

Do you think Gerry has clicked that Lachlan caused the crash?

southeastdweller · 06/05/2018 07:43

Of course Joe and Debbie are going to be back together again. More stories can happen at Home Farm when her and Sarah move in there and for some reason the writers love heavily featuring Debbie.

The crap acid attack story returns next week

QueenOfIce · 06/05/2018 08:52

Lord not more Belle drama, when is she leaving she's a terrible actress!

ChinkChink · 06/05/2018 11:31

Belle's like Debbie - the actors playing them are clearly concentrating on remembering their lines and they forget to alter their facial expression.

Speaking of expressions, then there's Tracy. Whose reaction to everything is a wide-open mouthed stare. Shut yer gob luv.

kikashi · 06/05/2018 17:48

Tracey is like a young Vera Duckworth. You are right ChinkChink she gets in to "character" by having her gob open all the time.

Frillyhorseyknickers · 07/05/2018 20:28

Sooooo... what is Gerry going to do with that VM?! Eeeeeeee

bonfireheart · 07/05/2018 21:53

Confronting Lachlan won't go well I would imagine. I like Gerry but I like Lachlan too and don't want him to leave. Although he seems to be handling losing his family, his home, everything pretty ok so far.

bonfireheart · 07/05/2018 21:54

I can only see it going a few ways, Lachlan kills Gerry or goes to prison.

Frillyhorseyknickers · 08/05/2018 09:36

Yeah I think Lachlan is twisted enough to kill Gerry in order to keep his secret. I’ll go against the grain, I’ve never liked his character and I really like Gerry so I hope it doesn’t go that way!

QueenOfIce · 08/05/2018 09:56

I wonder if Debbie is planning on a horrible revenge with Joe. I hope not I'm starting to quite like him!

MurielsBottom · 08/05/2018 10:14

I agree frilly the storyline can only be kill Jerry or Lachlan is found out. I think he is being lined up as the next evil villain though and the story writers could take it to the extremes with him. It would be a shame to lose the comedy that Jerry brings.
I am amazed that Lachlan has taken so well to losing his family and home.

I can't fathom the Lisa story though, why is she leaving when belle is so poorly. The MH story annoyed me a bit. My experience is that 24 hours away is not a cure.


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Chakotay · 08/05/2018 11:14

I think I am going to stop watching, it is really crap lately. I gave up Coronation St, it got so shite, I have watched most of my life and I am nearly 50. I am still watching Classic Corrie, it is soo much better.

PaulHollywoodsSexGut · 08/05/2018 12:26

I haven’t watched it in aaaaages. It’s just so BLAH at the moment.

I think it’s too soon to be rehashing the Belle/Voices storyline

Evangeline3 · 08/05/2018 12:52

So Belle is acutely unwell, hearing voices, smashing up barns, goes to a mental health hospital for a day, supposedly given the same medications she was on anyway and then discharged? Hmm And she's magically better. What's all that about?

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