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New Emmerdale thread, no spoilers please

980 replies

ellenanora5 · 19/04/2018 21:51

How long will Joe and Robert play the one upmanship game, its tedious beyond belief.

Has Lisa gone for good and if she has I wouldn't blame her.

Will Chas and Paddy last as long as this thread, I'd be very surprised.

Moses is adorable


OP posts:
JaneJeffer · 27/04/2018 20:05

The Spencers need to go. They'd give the cast of Mrs. Brown a run for their money. Brutal.

Frillyhorseyknickers · 27/04/2018 22:12

Amelia worst child actress in the world.

MinorRSole · 28/04/2018 00:31

Has Kyle gone to the Emmerdale home for disappearing and abandoned waifs?

Presumably where (Johnny?) Vanessas kid has been since he was born too

TheJunctionBaby · 28/04/2018 11:16

I too am disappointed in moira. She didn't appear either shocked or sickened at what was a vile attack and set in motion by someone she loves, then covered up with lies by her husband yet again. She was just like 'oh well, let me get you a drink. Just don't do it again' Hmm

kikashi · 29/04/2018 10:14

But now that Moira is a murderer ( and is being covered for) she can't really claim the moral high ground about anything any more.

ellenanora5 · 30/04/2018 17:44

I just knew that Daz was going to say he'd slept with Ali.

Just as an aside, does anyone watch top of the shop on bbc2, the guy who runs the farm shop is the image of Dad.

Please can they get rid of Joe, he's utterly useless.

OP posts:
ellenanora5 · 30/04/2018 17:45

Daz not Dad Grin

OP posts:
kikashi · 30/04/2018 18:29

It was just so predictable wasn't it ellenora Not really sure why they brought Daz in - the things he said about Liv were repugnant. I hate Bernice having to pair with him and the over eager look in Kerry's (his RL patner) eyes everytime they have a scene together - deadwood.

Come on Emmerdale - perk up. They need Harriet to take her minbus out with all the dross and not return.

JaneJeffer · 30/04/2018 20:12

Can they take Lachlan as co-pilot to swerve them in the right direction?

Eastie77 · 30/04/2018 21:19

Harriet and the minibusGrin Would be great if she could hire a 12 seater and drive the following of the edge of a cliff: Pryia, Marlon, Jessie, Paddy, Debbie, Nicola, Jimmy, Nicola's dad, Joe, Brenda and Bob (poor twins will be orphans but never mind, the 24 hour invisible childminder can adopt them).

Knowing our luck even if they did introduce that storyline God would move in mysterious ways and Harriet would be thrown clear of the wreckage, emerging unscathed.

kikashi · 30/04/2018 21:19
Eastie77 · 30/04/2018 21:37

Oh and agree that Moira's behaviour last week was ludicrous. A member of her family has been left scarred for life at the hands of her dead daughter's drug dealer. Her reaction: buy a drink and give a pat on the back to the person who orchestrated the attackConfused.

kikashi · 01/05/2018 07:52

Well, she is a Dingle now. (I think that is along the lines of what she said)

mogloveseggs · 01/05/2018 12:25

Just watching the episode with amelia in church. I dont think that the actress is too bad but i do think the writing for her in this storyline is awful. Its far too controlled language.

JaneJeffer · 01/05/2018 14:52

I just don't get why they want to tell this story. We've already been through this with Cain being Zak's son not Shadrach's and Adam being James' not John's.

I can't understand why they keep doing the same things over and over with different characters. It's getting very tiresome.

bonfireheart · 01/05/2018 19:40

See I think I'm in a minority and don't actually mind Joe Tate - but him being in love with Debbie has put me right off him. Honestly does she ever smile?

PaulHollywoodsSexGut · 01/05/2018 19:57

You’re not alone @bonfireheart

I’d bonk him.

TheJunctionBaby · 02/05/2018 14:19

Key acting all pips over daz's Revelations was ridiculous. Acting disgusted and saying she can't keep it a secret.... Errrrm didn't she not long ago have a one night stand with Ross, get pregnant and try to have an abortion all without breathing a word to her precious Dan?? I hate how the script writers get amnesia

mogloveseggs · 02/05/2018 15:49

Joe’s ok. Debbie needs go though.

TheJunctionBaby · 02/05/2018 18:18

Oh dear, that was meant to say 'kerry acting all pious' Blush

DeathCap · 02/05/2018 19:34

That Musty is very annoying with all the dippy hippy crapHmm

MadamGrumps · 02/05/2018 19:46

Kerry got pregnant with Ross? I wasn't watching for a bit and missed that.

I'm surprised her and dan haven't had one yet though they've been together ages


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HettySunshine · 02/05/2018 19:56

Is Liv's teacher going to start grooming her? Please no. Surely not at the same time as the Bails/Charity/Tracey storyline!

JaneJeffer · 02/05/2018 20:15

I don't think so Hetty, it's just about the alcohol.

My favourite part tonight was Aaron saying "girl's things" and the look Robert gave him. He can't cope with periods at all Grin

kikashi · 02/05/2018 20:45

Tracey made some pretty big leaps about Meghan just from Graham congratulating her in the corridor. Why did Meghan confess so easily? I suppose now we will have the Graham/Frank/Meghan triangle dragged out.

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