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The Handmaid's Tale Vol 2

987 replies

PacificDogwod · 20/06/2017 16:22

I go to work and this is what happens: the previous thread fills up when I have pertinent things to say! ShockWink

Hope nobody minds, I've taken the opportunity to start a new one before the Offspring demand food and the likes...

One of the masterful strikes of strategic genius of the new regime is the division and envy between everybody and everybody: men vs women, women in different roles vs other women, high ranking vs low ranking.
No solidarity is allowed - even the partnered Handmaids were half companion and have guard. Never knowing who might be an Eye and who to trust must be soul destroying.

I think Serena is quite a tragic figure - in the book and in the TV series. She must feel so betrayed by the ideals she fought for and that she is now kind of forced to uphold because otherwise what would her life be?? Admitting that she supporting a world view that while giving her some kind of social status by dint of her husband's role, considers her without value as she cannot have children would render everything she stands for invalid, and herself by extension.

The author who wrote a book about women being able to electrocute men by touch thereby causing a power change over (sorry, I cannot remember either name Blush) was talking on Radio Scotland today. She said the idea for her book came from when she wondered why so many mechanisms in society seem to go back to the fact that 'more men can throw a woman across a room than the other way around'. It's a depressing thought that physical strength underpins so much.

OP posts:
Orlantina · 25/06/2017 21:13

Everything is a test for her.

Why is the Commander's wife so keen for her to become pregnant?

colouringinagain · 25/06/2017 21:14

What have I missed?!

Orlantina · 25/06/2017 21:16

The Commander's wife has suggested that Nick tries to make her pregnant.

If she doesn't become pregnant, her time will have run out and she'll be off to the colonies.

Not much of a choice.

7Days · 25/06/2017 21:19

The bit of poetry june remembered is Atwoods own, afair.

colouringinagain · 25/06/2017 21:20


Thanks v much orlantina

Orlantina · 25/06/2017 21:21

Divide and rule.

The other handmaiden now has 'decent' life and doesn't want to make trouble. "People are nice to her"

You can analyse that so much,

snoopyokay · 25/06/2017 21:23

It's so visual even at the cafe there are girls playing outside in red coats like the handmaids!

Orlantina · 25/06/2017 21:27

What a contrast...

7Days · 25/06/2017 21:32

Why doesnt the wife have sex with nuck hetself? If the commander is sterile. It would be a gift from God

Orlantina · 25/06/2017 21:33

That was an interesting moment. You can't be sick every month.

7Days · 25/06/2017 21:35

She seemed nice.

FastAbsorbingCake · 25/06/2017 21:36

Oh that bit tore me up. A wife that is stuck and trying a little to help.

FastAbsorbingCake · 25/06/2017 21:37

I'm surprised that wives are allowed to smoke.

Orlantina · 25/06/2017 21:39

He finds the whole thing 'so impersonal'?

I wonder if he even thinks how she finds it.

Orlantina · 25/06/2017 21:40

Biological destiny?

shipfaced · 25/06/2017 21:44

FFS Dd just appeared and started talking, I missed what the commander said to her before she started to cry. Can you tell me?

Orlantina · 25/06/2017 21:46

I missed what the commander said to her before she started to cry

He was discussing what they did to other Handmaiden who was mutilated.

And biological destiny. They had no choice. Love isn't important.

Orlantina · 25/06/2017 21:48

And they wanted to make this world better.

'better never means better for everyone, it always means worse for some

shipfaced · 25/06/2017 21:50

Which other handmaiden? The previous one to her? Or her old shopping partner?

AdalindSchade · 25/06/2017 21:50

The wife doesn't have sex with the commander so she couldn't have sex with nick to conceive. Anyway it's her who is believed to be sterile so it would be highly dangerous for her.

The wife wants a baby for the status (and probably for all the normal reasons that women want babies)

Orlantina · 25/06/2017 21:50

Or her old shopping partner

That one.

AdalindSchade · 25/06/2017 21:51

Offglen I think (FGM)


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snoopyokay · 25/06/2017 21:51

Did anyone see the gun in Nick's room? I thought OfFred was looking at it!

shipfaced · 25/06/2017 21:52

Thx. It does require a lot of attention!

7Days · 25/06/2017 21:55

Why not? The wives are barren. Its not like they need their health or anything

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