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The Handmaid's Tale Vol 2

987 replies

PacificDogwod · 20/06/2017 16:22

I go to work and this is what happens: the previous thread fills up when I have pertinent things to say! ShockWink

Hope nobody minds, I've taken the opportunity to start a new one before the Offspring demand food and the likes...

One of the masterful strikes of strategic genius of the new regime is the division and envy between everybody and everybody: men vs women, women in different roles vs other women, high ranking vs low ranking.
No solidarity is allowed - even the partnered Handmaids were half companion and have guard. Never knowing who might be an Eye and who to trust must be soul destroying.

I think Serena is quite a tragic figure - in the book and in the TV series. She must feel so betrayed by the ideals she fought for and that she is now kind of forced to uphold because otherwise what would her life be?? Admitting that she supporting a world view that while giving her some kind of social status by dint of her husband's role, considers her without value as she cannot have children would render everything she stands for invalid, and herself by extension.

The author who wrote a book about women being able to electrocute men by touch thereby causing a power change over (sorry, I cannot remember either name Blush) was talking on Radio Scotland today. She said the idea for her book came from when she wondered why so many mechanisms in society seem to go back to the fact that 'more men can throw a woman across a room than the other way around'. It's a depressing thought that physical strength underpins so much.

OP posts:
InigoTaran · 24/07/2017 18:26

Also, this book has been mentioned before, but Naomi Alderman's book The Power, is really worth reading! ( apparently it's also going to be made into a TV series...)

nigelsbigface · 24/07/2017 18:56

I've read The Power.Loved it!

Willowkins · 24/07/2017 19:17

Just watched the recording. I love this series. I wondered too at the role of the wives. They do seem complicit because as much as they may hate the situation, being a wife is better than being a Martha, which seems the main alternative. So they are protecting their position. I also thought that Naomi Putnam only wanted Janine's baby because of the prestige it afforded her and not because she was desperate to be a mother. It really made me wonder what we would do in that situation. Finally, really made me uncomfortable to see Janine alive and completely vulnerable. What will happen to her?

CoolCarrie · 24/07/2017 19:42

IndigoTaran, that is a great idea!

EvilTwins · 24/07/2017 20:10

When Serena & Naomi were out with the baby, was the woman who wanted to look into the prom a Martha or an econowife?

I'm sure the thing with children belonging to their fathers went on much later than the 17th century orlantina. Late 19th century I think.

InigoTaran · 24/07/2017 20:11

I've sent MN a message about it, let's see if we can make it happen ( i.e., if you would love to get Margaret Atwood to do a webchat with us, contact MN - all I did was report my post...)

EvilTwins · 24/07/2017 20:19

That would be SO cool!

WickedGirl · 24/07/2017 20:42

There are no winners in this are there?

Gowgirl · 24/07/2017 20:43

Ok ive just read a presumably bad translation of the story of o sans the last chapterfree novel my ass and there is no comparision.

InigoTaran · 24/07/2017 20:58

Oh do we need a new thread yet?

CruCru · 24/07/2017 21:19
BeyondDrinksAndKnowsThings · 24/07/2017 22:10

Thanks cru!

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