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Wtf is a "school run dress"?

201 replies

TooTicky · 22/04/2008 13:26

Do you actually change clothes to drop off/pick up at school?
Who are you trying to impress?
Do you have nothing more important to think about?

OP posts:
FluffyMummy123 · 22/04/2008 13:35

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FluffyMummy123 · 22/04/2008 13:35

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FluffyMummy123 · 22/04/2008 13:36

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Cappuccino · 22/04/2008 13:36

there is a woman on my school run who always looks as if she is off out to the theatre at 9.10am

I do think that if you wear make-up for the school run and let it be known that you bake your own biscuits everyone thinks you have life sorted

TooTicky · 22/04/2008 13:36

Dresses are not practical for brambles/stiles/running after children.

OP posts:
TheMadHouse · 22/04/2008 13:36

I live on a different planet - or maby I will once they are both at school

cariboo · 22/04/2008 13:37

No dresses. Jeans & teeshirt.

SheikYerbouti · 22/04/2008 13:37

I have spent the last 4 summers either pregnant or fat, so talk of floaty wispy summer dresses and bikinis makes me

Althgoiugh I have come to terms with the fact that my bikini wearing days are well and truly in the past, due to excessive stretch marks and a stomach that has the look and consistency of cold, congealed porridge.

Anna8888 · 22/04/2008 13:37

There's a mother at my daughter's school who does marathon training and gets a massage every morning before being driven to school by her chauffeur, with her nannies, to collect her twins.

She wears a new fur coat and has a new handbag (often Hermès) nearly every time I see her.

I think that's the kind of life Cod wants

MamaG · 22/04/2008 13:37

I love this thread

I like doing the school run. Mon-Thurs I am in smart office clothes/make up/nice hair/high heels/nice bag etc

Friday I'm in jeans and trainers/borderline messy hair/always make up

Cappuccino · 22/04/2008 13:37

I wear a dress

I do the school run

I had always thoguht that these were separate things

mind you am more likely to be digging in garden than floating

if you coudl get school run false nails without dirt down them would snap them up pronto

MrsMattie · 22/04/2008 13:37

I like reading about 'school run dresses', but they are not relevant to my life ...

TheMadHouse · 22/04/2008 13:38

Ah but then I am as pale as you get and would burn, so large sunhat for me deary.

I would love to just sit (other than MN) and chill, but would prefer a pimms please

MamaG · 22/04/2008 13:38

YES but thats the POINT.

We need a school run dress that:-

(a) isn't trying too hard
(b) will shove on, no faffing ab out with loads of buttons

tis the holy grail, so it is

Cappuccino · 22/04/2008 13:38

anna does the woman have a fur coat in summer?

to cover up her sad empty lack of a school run summer dress?

FluffyMummy123 · 22/04/2008 13:38

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littlelapin · 22/04/2008 13:38

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FluffyMummy123 · 22/04/2008 13:38

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FluffyMummy123 · 22/04/2008 13:39

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Cappuccino · 22/04/2008 13:39

i would like a school run cardi

ffs MamaG you are even further north than I am

we cannot do school run in summer dresses

there would be Obvious Goose bumps

TheMadHouse · 22/04/2008 13:39

Oh and a driver for the school run- maybe the holy grail is not he perfect school run dress, but a driver or the children being able to walk home

NorthernLurker · 22/04/2008 13:39

There's a mum at our school who has a fab belted raincoat and very glossy lipstick. She always looks chic - the rest of us know each others wardrobes off by heart


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FluffyMummy123 · 22/04/2008 13:39

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littlelapin · 22/04/2008 13:39

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

MamaG · 22/04/2008 13:39

and we'd have nip-on cappy

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