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MN Vogue Vol 83

999 replies

DryWhiteagainW · 07/07/2018 21:40

It’s swealtering but we’re not sweaty......still trying to look chic in the heat. Join us for frivolous, friendly fashion chat and holiday prep. Following on from here

OP posts:
VivaVegas · 08/07/2018 21:54

Hi, determined to try and keep up with the new thread.
Things are still sh1t at home, DH seems hell bent on having a full blown mid life crisis, no idea how we can come out of this. Due to be going on holiday in 2 weeks and looks like I might be going alone with the DC.
Have done way too much shopping to try and cheer myself up, all online and typically late at night so a lot has ended up going back as bad choices!
Have kept the following from the Hush sale blue top and another blue top! Really nice tips and a fab colour for me. Fab Boden Top and the Uniqlo jumpsuit someone on here has (sorry can't remember who) which was fab after having tried and returned so many from other places.
And these red shorts. I need a black top to go with them for my holiday ideally with straps wide enough for a bra and cool for the heat, so cotton, has anyone seen anything that would for that bill?

VivaVegas · 08/07/2018 21:58

That Elasticizer is fab Shop and Queen, I use it before I go away and also while I'm away and it makes a big difference. You can buy a small travel size one in M & S think it might be in a set with shampoo and conditioner. Other than the usual waxing I always have gel toes and nails before I go and have been known to have a spray tan as well!

DryWhiteagainW · 08/07/2018 22:20

Well Shop I’m away thurs-Monday, this weekend. I’m having gel nails, I’m gradual tanning. That’s it as far as prep.

OP posts:
FedupNagging · 08/07/2018 22:21

Shop, I take a couple of sachets of the Aussie intensive conditioner on holiday which helps somewhat.

Viva, sorry you're still struggling; keep posting on here, we can be your little happy place. Nice purchases btw although can't open the 2nd.

shopafrolic · 08/07/2018 22:37

Thanks all. I have eyelash tint, waxing, mani and pedi booked. My skin is dry and i’ve Tanned like a patchwork quilt of shades of beige in this weather so not looking forward to bearing all next week. The hair is a worry though. It’s breaking along my parting. I’m going to the salon in tuesday so will have a chat. I wondered about one of those protective sprays. We’ll see.
Viva i’m So sorry that things are so tough. Sounds terribly sad and very draining. We’re all here for hand holds. It was me with the Uniqlo jumpsuit rec. glad it works for you.

shopafrolic · 08/07/2018 22:42

I’m at the stage where I think I still need more clothes when in reality I have what I need. Think i’d better try a dress rehearsal pack tomorrow. Might make me feel less inclined to spend. Those red shorts are lovely.

shopafrolic · 08/07/2018 22:43

Fedup I searched everywhere in boots for sachets the other day. Couldn’t find any!

shopafrolic · 08/07/2018 22:45

QueenC I could see you in this

shopafrolic · 08/07/2018 22:45

That should have linked the turquoise star version!

VivaVegas · 09/07/2018 05:07

Thanks, weird how these things just happen with no warning and just blow everything you thought was a given out of the water.
This is the Hush silk top lovely blue and looks really nice with these Black Uniqlo shorts that i'd forgotten I've also bought 😂
Along with some red saltwater sandals!

VivaVegas · 09/07/2018 05:10

Not having much luck with links!
Hush silk top

DryWhiteagainW · 09/07/2018 08:00

Viva love that top and the shorts....very tempted indeed. So sorry to hear life is tough, sending you love and stay with us x

OP posts:
CarlaJackson · 09/07/2018 08:06


VivaVegas · 09/07/2018 08:16

This is the sort of thing I'm looking for but in black if anyone has seen anything: cotton top

MarshaBradyo · 09/07/2018 09:08

Viva I’m really sorry to hear things are tough, stay here we’ll try to offer day attraction and always support
Really like your links, the last Hush one is lovely I’ll have a look

Stokey happy birthday best month twin, have a lovely day Cake Flowers

MarshaBradyo · 09/07/2018 09:10

Shop For holidays I’m concentrating my efforts on sorting my hair out which is hard with bf’ding dd and my wardrobe. I’m annoyed at what I’m wearing and don’t have enough stuff so going to look today

shopafrolic · 09/07/2018 09:11

J Crew
Michael Kors
Any good?

QueenCyan · 09/07/2018 09:39

viva I’ve pmd you. Love the hush buys-I’m a little bit obsessed with them at the moment
shop I love that dress but don’t get on well with collars

BerniceBobsHerHair · 09/07/2018 09:44

Hello! Have been AWOL as no time really to post or read but wanted to pass by and say hello and a new thread (thanks Dry) is as good a time as any.

Won't be able to fully catch up but
Marsha am glad to read all is well with DD, she sounds very cute from the MU round ups!
Mara well done on new job.
Blair I am really feeling for you in this heat. Not long to go - have you finished work yet? My DS is about the same age as your pregnancy so easy for me to remember what stage you are at Grin
Lib sounds like everything has come together fabulously with your move.
Viva I'm really sorry to hear times are tough Flowers
Shop jealous of your many holidays Envy
Loved the international MU of Yves and Blingy. Impressive also running 8k in this heat!

Love those shoes for you too Stokey.

I have not much fashion news to report as feeling lumpy and dumpy with excess baby weight and the heat isn't really helping. Hope my mojo is back in the autumn. What is everyone else wearing in the heat?

Not sure how much I will get the chance to post but hoping to make it to the next MU so can you keep me in the loop FedUp thanks.

Waves to everyone else.
BerniceBobsHerHair · 09/07/2018 09:59

I'm amused that the front S&B page shows me having posted on this and the 'how to look sexy' thread Grin. Not my very limited views on sexiness but actually about affiliate links.

Viva how about these from Uniqlo:

MarshaBradyo · 09/07/2018 11:19

Bernice hello! I know what you mean I’ve started exercising every day as need to sort

I’m trying on an Isabel Marant long cotton embroidered kaftan - will I regret this head based purchase?

MarshaBradyo · 09/07/2018 11:19

Heat based


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MarshaBradyo · 09/07/2018 11:22

Someone save me?
Or can I

libertyonhertravels · 09/07/2018 11:24

BERNICE I've been wondering where you were and was planning to email soon to hunt you down Grin. Great to have you back here. Sending a huge hug. How is baby DS?

Viva the home situation sounds horrible, I'll just echo everyone else and say we're here and just post as you need. I'm enjoying your links too.

Shop I love the pics on FB of you and DH doing yoga in the garden. Did Olaplex not work on your hair? My new hairdresser here has switched me back to semi permanent colour and banned highlights and my hair is much better for it.

Our new central heating got switched on here today, feels so nice and just in time before the snow we have forecast for later this week.

libertyonhertravels · 09/07/2018 11:26

Hmmmm not sure Marsha - I love kaftans but that one is verging slightly on the edge of nun's nightdress...

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