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I was told this top was "ageing", is it true?

310 replies

WatercolourFlower · 02/02/2018 20:42

I was shopping with my friend today and was having a look at the new stuff in Joules, as they ususally do lovely patterns.
I saw this top and immediately loved it (what a gorgeous and delicate pattern!). I said this to my friend...and she immediately said how ageing it would be. Here's the link to the top, in the cream botanicals print

Is my friend right? I'm not ususally affected by stuff like this and wear what I want, but a man recently said I looked much older than I was and now I'm overthinking things. For the record, I'm 20 years old.

Any advice much appreciated 😊

OP posts:
Gemini69 · 02/02/2018 21:27

it's very Joules... I love it.... Grin

Mummaofboys · 02/02/2018 21:27

I’m in my 30s and it’s a bit too old for me,I’m sure my 90 year old Nan would like it, the dog patten one I would wear with a pair of skinny jeans though.

halfwitpicker · 02/02/2018 21:28

Who is joules actually targeted at though?

WatercolourFlower · 02/02/2018 21:29

Thank you for your advice..,I do feel put off from buying it now, but I'm glad I've got second opinions..the problem now is to get myself out of my style rut. I need to change my hairstyle and I need to change (mostly) what I wear. What you've all said has made me realise that I do need to follow fashion a bit more

OP posts:
Oohyoudevilyou · 02/02/2018 21:29

Mary Berry wears Joules. That is all.

WatercolourFlower · 02/02/2018 21:31

I will stick to my pinafore wearing though...they still seem to feature quite a litmus on the websites suggested for me to look at

OP posts:
OuchBollocks · 02/02/2018 21:32

You don't need to do anything differently if you're happy how you are, but if you fancy breaking out of your box then do get a new haircut and maybe a slightly more dramatic colour, wear your jeans a bit tighter or with huge flares, your skirts a bit tighter and shorter or pouffed out while you're young and can pull it off easily :)

Time40 · 02/02/2018 21:33

Old? Frumpy? Some people think that top is old and frumpy? Really? I think it's lovely, and it would be great for a young person. It's very pretty.

And at 20, you're not going to look old in anything, OP.

Flamingo84 · 02/02/2018 21:34

You seem to prefer quite classic styles and there’s nothing wrong with liking that in your 20s. I would suggest picking a colour or style that is the current height of fashion and mixing it with your existing pieces. E.g the denim dress you shared would look great with a mustard top underneath or a pair of brown suede over the knee boots.

Accessories can also completely lift an outfit. Think about a leather studded/fringed bag to make it a bit edgier.

I quite liked the top in your OP, with a pair of distressed/ripped skinny jeans I think it would look really cute.

Don’t change your sense of style, just add a twist to it.

OutyMcOutface · 02/02/2018 21:34

Not at all. It looks like it could be made for a five year old!

PookyHook · 02/02/2018 21:35

I'd wear it, I'm 32. I love floral prints. I wear floral dresses most of the time, I don't care if people think I look frumpy in them.

WatercolourFlower · 02/02/2018 21:36

Yes, I find I do prefer classic styles. But now I'm worried that wearing these classic styles is making me look older...I will ask my hairdresser next time I go about a new hairstyle. I felt whenever I grew my hair that it didn't suit me, that it just hung there if you see what I mean. Maybe I'll give it another go, I'll see what my stylist says

OP posts:
SD1978 · 02/02/2018 21:39

I think at 20 you can wear a print like this ‘ironically’ as long as you pretty it right up with young accessories. And then it just looks like an old top on anyone 35+.

OutyMcOutface · 02/02/2018 21:40

It would look great with this:

I was told this top was "ageing", is it true?
calzone · 02/02/2018 21:41

Joules is pretty grim I think.

I wouldn’t wear it.

NameChanger22 · 02/02/2018 21:41

I agree, granny chic can look really good if you're under 25. Wearing twin sets when you are past 30 is not cool or ironic and will make you look much older than you are.

WatercolourFlower · 02/02/2018 21:45

I really like Olive clothing as a company, but I've never ordered from them because of their 'one size' sizing system that is on many of their products. I love that pinafore, maybe I'll give it a try. They do them in lots of other nice colours as well.
I like this pinafore as well, personally wouldn't wear it with that jumper but maybe that's where I'm going wrong

OP posts:
WatercolourFlower · 02/02/2018 21:45
OP posts:
Mummybo88 · 02/02/2018 21:49

I like that pinafore, but you have to style them right. With a plain top, it just becomes plain. What sort of top would you normally have paired it with?

LyingWitchInTheWardrobe2726 · 02/02/2018 21:49

If you click on the 'heart' print in the same range, that's worn by a woman who looks about 20ish. It's not frumpy on her but it's fitted and looks good. She's wearing it with jeans. It would look different with an A-line skirt but I'm guessing you wouldn't wear it with that?

The flowers make clothes look more suitable for older women, I agree about that.

WatercolourFlower · 02/02/2018 21:49

Striped top, or a shirt

OP posts:
theftbyfinding · 02/02/2018 21:50

I quite like it, for curtains in the spare bedroom. It is a bit nothing mind you.


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OakIsBetterTho · 02/02/2018 21:51

I have it and love it, I'm 23 🤷🏼‍♀️ It's all about how you dress it imo.

MyBumpIsOnlyPudding · 02/02/2018 21:52

@WatercolourFlower I like the Urban outfitters pinafore 😍 I have a burgundy one like it but at 5'2 I look about 12 in it...

cansu · 02/02/2018 21:52

I bought a similar one in the winter and it does look v frumpy. I regret it tbh. I am also quite attracted to these fabrics but am learning they do look a bit shit on me.

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