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I was told this top was "ageing", is it true?

310 replies

WatercolourFlower · 02/02/2018 20:42

I was shopping with my friend today and was having a look at the new stuff in Joules, as they ususally do lovely patterns.
I saw this top and immediately loved it (what a gorgeous and delicate pattern!). I said this to my friend...and she immediately said how ageing it would be. Here's the link to the top, in the cream botanicals print

Is my friend right? I'm not ususally affected by stuff like this and wear what I want, but a man recently said I looked much older than I was and now I'm overthinking things. For the record, I'm 20 years old.

Any advice much appreciated 😊

OP posts:
CandyYumYum · 02/02/2018 21:13

The model looks like she's been urged to put something 'nice' on because Great Aunt Maud is coming over for Sunday lunch.

CandyYumYum · 02/02/2018 21:13

Thing is, if you're young, you can make 'frumpy' look 'knowing and ironic'. There are whole genres of style based on that idea.

Norm core isn't it?

Lashalicious · 02/02/2018 21:14

It’s the black tops/dresses with giant tacky florals and muddy colors that look like the 1950s and 1960s old ladies.

Ilovelblue · 02/02/2018 21:14

Last year, I did a style and colour analysis with Colour Me Beautiful. I didn't pay for it myself, it was a sort of gift. I went with a friend and we had a whale of a time. Admittedly, we are a lot older than you but the adviser gave us some good ideas on different styles according to body shape. As it happened, most of my styles seemed to be spot on with what she was recommending but she did give me some different colours I would normally have pooh-poohed. My friend's wardrobe has had a complete revamp since then!

Would you consider doing something like that maybe?

WatercolourFlower · 02/02/2018 21:15

I have been stuck in the same style for haircut has literally been the same as long as I've lived 😂 Once, I grew my didn't look good at all but the thing is it doesn't look good in any hairstyle really, maybe I just haven't found the one

OP posts:
Primarkismyonlyoption · 02/02/2018 21:15

Dreadful top from dreadful shop imo. Looks like a granny nightie fabric.
Thing is as a 20 yr old it is passable. 20 yrs later and actually its ageing

Dancinggoat · 02/02/2018 21:16

I feel all Joules is frumpy but this is extra frumpy. But I think salt rock and fat face are boring so don't listen to me.

Gabilan · 02/02/2018 21:16

I'd wear it, although it's not something I'd immediately want to buy. I'm 45. I would team it with something like skinny jeans and knee high boots, and more attitude than I could muster at 20.

OP a lot of it is down to what you feel comfortable in. As pp have said, this is the age at which you can make fashion mistakes and get away with all kinds of things. So maybe just try a few things which are a bit different, but not way out of your comfort zone. Or team things a bit out of your comfort zone with things that are non-controversial. But I can't really help anyone with advice with what to wear unless I know more about what they look like and what they're comfortable with, and it's not a good idea to say too much about yourself over the internet!

OuchBollocks · 02/02/2018 21:17

There's no way that no hairstyle looks good on you. Maybe get recommendations and find a fab hairdresser, and get a cut that makes you feel good, and go from there?

TalkinPeace · 02/02/2018 21:18

I'm 52
the top in the OP is too old for me

the 21.09 dress is just odd

MyBumpIsOnlyPudding · 02/02/2018 21:19

Surely, if it makes you happy, wear it? I'm 23 and dress differently to most people my age, wearing Boden, Joules etc. I love it! Mix it up with some younger stuff (I get most of my other bits from ASOS) and it'll be fine. Sometimes I worry my outfits are a bit mumsy or old, but I just ask my friends and they tell me what to add or drop haha
Honestly, if it makes you happy and you love it, what's the point of wearing other stuff for other people? I used to wear awful clothes, I used to get all kinds of looks, but I loved it and I loved the clothes I used to wear (even though it makes me cringe now!)
I think it looks better to be wearing something unfashionable or frumpy but be confident than be wearing something really cool but constantly be pulling your skirt down or your top up or whatever

MammaTJ · 02/02/2018 21:19

'The youngsters' all seem to be wearing what I would have considered 'old lady clothes' some time ago. It actually looks good. This one is at least fresh and bright, unlike some of the brown/beige combos I have seen lately.

I was going to say 'if you are under 25, you will get away with it' and then I read the full OP and see you are indeed under 25.

You are far too young to worry about looking old!

GlitterFart · 02/02/2018 21:19

I’m 21 and also feel like I’m a bit ‘safe’ in terms of fashion. I look older too, my whole uni class thought I was 27Confused I have a couple of stripey tops from joules which are frumpy mum uniform according to some of MNBlush and wear with jeans, dungarees, pinafore dresses a lot along with slouchy jumpers and tshirt type dresses. My style probably is boring but you know what, I like it!Grin so if you like the top, go for it! You’ll look lovely in it I’m sure

Tanaqui · 02/02/2018 21:20

THAt jack wills dress is totally fine for 20 - if you like that, how about some of the micro mini skirts around at the moment with a hoodie? Lots of ds’s 18 yr old girlfriends seem to wear that. Or skinny skinny jeans with either a waist length top (so almost showing a strip of skin but not quite) or another hoodie.

Fintress · 02/02/2018 21:21

You could maybe get away with it in the heart print with black skinny jeans and ankle boots. Not the flowery pattern though, it is frumpy.

WatercolourFlower · 02/02/2018 21:21

I was thinking about getting a new hairstylist anyway as she cuts my bob wonky 😬 I dream of looking like Pandora Sykes, but I know I look nothing like her and it's just not working...

OP posts:
WatercolourFlower · 02/02/2018 21:24

@GlitterFart, that seems to describe what I wear as well. Maybe I should grow my hair, and that will make me look a bit younger?

OP posts:
cakeandteajustforme · 02/02/2018 21:24

I think my 25 yr old sister would look fab in that top. I think you're asking the wrong audience - isn't most of Mumsnet 30s/40s? So would be starting to try to avoid looking old and so avoid anything too granny chic. You really don't need to worry about that!

haloreacher · 02/02/2018 21:24

I'm 23 and I love it!

OhWhatFuckeryIsThisNow · 02/02/2018 21:24

I'm almost 60 and I'd swerve Joules as a rule. I asked my 20 year old dd what she thought about it, she said, "Lord, you aren't buying it are you?"

BitOfFun · 02/02/2018 21:25

I think you would look really pretty in it as a 20 year old. It's bloody hard to look frumpy at your age.

clumsyduck · 02/02/2018 21:25

I was expecting it to be horrific ! I'm 30 and this is not my style at all but dependant on how you wear it think it could look nice . I find younger people can wear things that would maybe look frumpy on me but pull it off because they are young iyswim


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NerrSnerr · 02/02/2018 21:25

I'm really surprised so many people are saying no to wear it.

If you like it then wear it. Life is far too short to worry about what other people think about a top that you actually like.

paxillin · 02/02/2018 21:26

Probably great on a funky 20 year old. I'd look like my Aunt Mabel in her 80s.

WildWindsBlowing · 02/02/2018 21:26

Looking at the model again, you are her age. She looks feminine not frumpy or old.

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